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As Trump Declares ‘Energy Emergency,’ Environmentalists Stress Worsening ‘Climate Emergency’

Posted into Latest News @latest-news-InsideClimate

Fine-feathered American Robin. Noting the chin-beard feathers and the red chest feathers with a light fringe on the edges.

#birds #birdwatching #birdPhotography #robin #AmericanRobin

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Ein freier Präsident für ein souveränes Land: Wie Donald Trump den Globalismus brüskiert… „Sag mal, wie lange wollt ihr bei dem Scheiß bleiben?“ – Nein, diese Worte entstammen nicht etwa dem deutschen Wahlkampf oder richten sich an die Programmatik der Grünen. Sondern sie sind einem Simultanübersetzer beim Sender „Phoenix“ während der Übertragung der

Going to review some of my favorite photos from 2024 as we move into this new year. It's a really nice way to remember some of these cool little moments.

We'll start with my friend the Prairie Lizard sunning on one of the many large logs in the Log Pile. Going to miss these friends

#lizards #reptiles

in reply to Daniel 🐅🏔

spider close up, spider with prey

Sensitive content

Everything that falls out of their mouths are disingenuous. And yes, I include a lot of the American media in that statement.

Last year I cited ADL data to show that 100% of antisemitic hate is from the Right & 0% from the Left. ADL then censored its own data to hide the fact that antisemitism is largely a right wing issue

So, zero surprise to see ADL now whitewash Musk’s repeated Nazi salutes…

just read the Trump admin's executive orders related to trans ppl & they (unsurprisingly) don't understand anything at all about "biology" & "sex". this video explains why these human facets are multifaceted & variable, rather than immutable & strictly

Trans People and Biological Se...

in reply to Julia Serano

...& since Trump admin borrowed "gender critical" language (re: "adult human female" & "defending women"), here is a deep-dive into why GC/TERFism is inherently anti-feminist (in addition to the fact that they routinely collude with the far-right/fascists)

A “Gender Critical” and “TERF”...

in reply to Julia Serano

...finally, some were confused by Trump admin defining female & male based on "producing large vs small reproductive cells" – that is also a GC/TERF import. this essay explains this esoteric talking point & why biology is far more complicated than

Why Are “Gender Critical” Acti...

This is getting old.

NWS Los Angeles: Significant Fire Weather conditions are ongoing into Thursday with an increase in winds expected (especially Thurs AM) and severely dry conditions. Continue to avoid creating sparks, be aware of your surroundings and report any smoke to authorities.

#CAwx #firewx #wildfires

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

When a Bishop at an inauguration prayer service calls for mercy and compassion and is accused of attacking the president and threatened by his supporters, I think we've reached the end of the notion of civil society. These people are so blinded by hatred and fear and enamoured with power that it calls their very humanity into question.…

in reply to GaySteve🏳️‍🌈

That pack of corrupt trash was bored with her pleas ... None of them care about anything except money and power.

Kurt Braddock, a professor of communication at American University who studies extremism, radicalization and terrorism, said the gesture was a fascist salute and “people shouldn’t doubt what they saw.”…

If anyone wants their own personal copy of Wikipedia on their computer, phone or tablet, a copy that cannot be deleted or edited by anyone else, there's an app called @kiwix that makes this possible:

You can use the same app to install offline copies of lots of wiki-powered sites and many others too. I have a copy of WikiVoyage on my phone so wherever I go there's always some kind of info about it without needing an internet connection.


reshared this

in reply to FediThing 🏳️‍🌈

@kiwix @LaLaOrange

Have a spare laptop with few TB of space on it?

You can quickly torrent the full #wikipedia as a ~100G zim file. Many languages too.

Just add .torrent to the zim filename and open that url in your tor client.

Check the mirror and readme docs.!!

‘Zimit’ folder has other offline websites as zim files.

‘Other’ has other wikis

Text listings:

Or web GUI to same files and #torrents :

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

All my coworkers who voted for Trump-- coworkers who seem to actually think well of me, and who are normally very chatty and gregarious-- won't seem to look me in the eye today. Huh. Weird.

Israel terror attack: US green card holder brutally stabs 4 people before being killed | World News #AbdelazizKaddi #Israel #Kaddi #TelAviv #TerrorAttack

Given the number of new users, hopefully, flocking to the #fediverse from the other places, I’m going to be boosting every #introduction post I see. We all remember how difficult it was to establish a network here.

If this bothers you, you might want to mute the hashtag #introduction (or me) for a while.

:plushtodon: :mastodon: :mastodondance:

I want to give a huge THANK YOU to @marci @mike and @emilynguyen of the @Flipboard and @surf teams for meeting with myself and @beardedtechguy last night.

The conversation was absolutely amazing, filled with laughs and good information talked about with regards to Surf itself.

I'm so honored to be able to participate in the early beta of Surf and to provide feedback to Marci, Mike and Emily that will hopefully help make Surf bigger and better than it already is.

It's so great knowing that when you do give feedback, that feedback is being listened to and often acted upon in the coming days/weeks/months. This is what makes good apps become great apps and I firmly believe that Surf is well on the way to having a very bright and popular future!

THANK YOU again for such a great and wonderful meeting last night!

#Surf #SurfFeeds #DawnPatrol #Apps #Android #iOS #Beta #Tech #AllThingsTech

in reply to Surf

thanks so much for spending the time with us yesterday guys! It was super helpful.

There's a thing I've seen trans men do, where trans women are having a conversation about transmisogyny or women or something and a dude pops in like "As a trans man let's talk about me instead" and I just want every little boy who does that to find a mirror. Really, dude. I know, I know #NotAllMen but golly, when it does happen it REALLY happens.