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Microsoft continua a richiedere specifiche tecniche elevate per i PC che dovranno passare a Windows 11. Buttare via computer non è un opzione ambientalmente sostenibile. Passate invece a Linux! 😇

#UnoTech #UnoLinux #Linux

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to prealpinux

i miei due PC hanno linux, e messo anche a quello di babbo. Solo che quando qualcuno vuole giocare a The sims per dire? lo so lo so non è vitale, per carità. Posso capire che sia una cretinata la mia, però magari è una domanda che si pongono anche altri.

I gruppi del Fediverso: un'alternativa ai gruppi Facebook o ai subreddit, ma soprattutto un modo per conoscere utenti con interessi affini

#gruppi #comunita…

I Gruppi del Fediverso: un modo per incontrare altri utenti Mastodon, Friendica o Pixelfed in base ai loro interessi

Il Fediverso è un luogo fatto soprattutto di interazioni sociali ma rispetto ai social commerciali non è facilissimo trovare utenti che condividano i nostri stessi interessi. Ecco come giocarsi la carta dei “Gruppi”…

#comunità #Fediverso #Friendica #gruppi #Lemmy #Mastodon


Informa Pirata reshared this.

Medical journal editors must resist CDC order and anti-gender ideology | The BMJ

Micexplorers - Stock art pack 02

Publisher: Fernando Salvaterra By purchasing this pack of 4 mouse-sized adventure scenes, you are granted non-exclusive publishing rights over it. Black and white and fullcolour versions available. Coloured by Louie M. Salvaterra, which must be also…

Fantasy Online

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Retrograde Player's Manual

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The Bone Record

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Armorsmith's Handbook (5e)

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~ORUS (Office for Research of Unusual Science/Bureau de Recherche en Sciences Inhabituelles)~

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Encounter At Another Mother

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Democracy in Eastern Europe Faces Another Crisis #GeopoliticalAnalysis #GeopoliticalNews #Geopolitics #Politics

Apple has launched a new app called "Invites" for event planning, featuring custom invitations, RSVP tracking, and shared albums. It seamlessly integrates with iOS, iCloud, Apple Music, Maps, and Weather for a smoother experience…

🤩 Nouvelle vidéo réalisée par @lessoulevements sur la vague d'action #desarmerbollore

Il faut voir ça👀

Et pour plus d'infos... et prévoir la suite de la résistance face à Vincent Bolloré & son empire médiatique, ça se passe par ici 👉

(feat. @Attac @scientifiques_en_rebellion @350 et bien d'autres)

Attac France reshared this.

Stephen Miller Claimed Elon #Musk Was the One Elected in November -… "You’re not going to eliminate the deficit by shutting down #USAID. You will, however, cut off a lot of funding to #Ukraine, with Russia laughing gleefully as it watches"

I want to mark this. 10 years ago we all believed the president was not above the law. 5 years ago we hoped we might still live in a country where the president was not above the law. Today no one even talks about holding the president to account under the law. It's bad!


We're back to predicting that Trump will lose in court some day, even though today he is very definitely doing or has already done an illegal thing. There is, again, not even the hint of a suggestion that he will face any consequences for breaking the law, except by being stopped.
in reply to Evan Urquhart

We keep talking about "if our democracy is to survive" but already we don't live in the system we lived in 10 years ago. It will take a long fight and our active efforts to bring it back.