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Meet Marble Grant

Just a quick little post to let you all know that Dean’s Kickstarter for his marvelous Marble Grant stories has just gone live. There’s a lot of goodies here in addition to the books. You’ll find discounted workshops and a lot of short stories. Take...…


#BBCNews - 'It's like hell': Race to evacuate residents from Ukraine front-line city…

Privately Share Photo Albums?

Oh, just doing a quick cross-compile of the #Linux #kernel for a 32-bit system using a 64-bit virtualised machine on an ARM Mac. Why do you ask? 😉

Last summer, when The Tyee learned about B.C.’s secretive plan to tighten its response to protests in the province, we had questions.

Nearly six months later — and only after filing an #FOI request — we finally received an answer.…


Is Arch Linux Woke? Looks like it: Forum Censors Mentions of "Lunduke", Discord Goes on Lockdown

Following Arch Linux Discord voting to ban "links to X / Twitter" & death threats towards a journalist, all official Arch Linux channels begin mass censorship campaign.

in reply to Lunduke…
in reply to Lunduke

@meatlotion hold on for a second. i position my comment from a perspective of an anarchist who demands some terminology order here, you freaking wankers, otherwise I’m confused what to fight… and here I clearly don’t see tech being woke (understood as questioning), but community behind tech. Tech can’t be WOKE or MAGA or whatever ridiculous 4-letter acronym.. people are. can we be a bit more precise here you freaking out idiots? Name the thing you’re fighting, well… you idiots!

Oh, Lord, they are FoS.
Elon Musk Ally Tells Staff ‘AI-First’ Is the Future of Key Government Agency…


Just got an all-authors email blast from the publisher at Penguin Random House, expressing their support for authorial freedom of expression and explaining what they're doing to push back against censorship, including lawsuits against book bans.

So this is all good stuff, right?

What's alarming is that PRH executives feel they NEED to tell their authors they've got their backs.

in reply to Matt Blaze

@mattblaze “Don’t worry, everything’s fine.” out of the blue is a sure fire way to make someone worry.

Linus Torvalds has officially released the first release candidate for kernel 6.14…
#Linux #kernel #OpenSource #RAS #encryption #virtualizaton #FOSS

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

Betreutes Demonstrieren – Rechte Koalition für Demos gegen Rechts… Das jüngste Kapitel von "Brot und Spiele", von sehr vielen Menschen im Land unter dem Begriff "gelebte Demokratie" als lebens- und unterstützenswert wahrgenommen, fand sich dieser Tage mal wieder laut Autor Uli Gellermann in den "betreuten Demonstrationen". Die Kurzformel gegen "Hass und Hetze" lautet: Compact böse, Campact gut. #news #press

Tan lindo el tetranutra este... 😡😡🤬🤬🤬

Samsung made the S25 Ultra’s battery replacement a little less finicky.

Instead of having to fuss with a pull tab that’s supposed to release the battery from its adhesive, Samsung secured the S25 Ultra’s battery with tape, as shown in this teardown from JerryRigEverything. Now you can simply peel back the tape covering the battery and then lift it out — no isopropyl alcohol required.

FBI agents file lawsuits alleging Justice Department 'retribution' over their work on Jan. 6 cases (NBC News)……

Absolut sehenswerte Doku aus 2023 „Wie #Ikea den Planeten plündert“
Und ich frage mich, was das #FSC -Siegel überhaupt (noch) wert ist. Unglaublich.… #umweltschutz #buylocal #stopbuyingbullshit

Una #lezione problematica:
Roberto Contu racconta come ha affrontato in due classi quarte della secondaria superiore la tematica della #PenaDiMorte e le discussioni che ne sono seguite. Siamo ancora tutti dalla parte di #CesareBeccaria? #scuola #educazione #didattica #ComunitàErmeneutica #ergastolo #GiustiziaRiparativa @Puntopanto

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in reply to nilocram

@Scuola @orporick @Puntopanto @scuola group @Andrea Mariuzzo @Flavia Marzano

Lo scorso anno ho dovuto lavorare a lungo in una terza di un Liceo delle Scienze Umane perché praticamente tutte le studentesse ritenevano che fosse cosa buona torturare i detenuti.