We werken gemiddeld zo'n 43 jaar van ons leven. Maar het werk dat we in die 43 jaar verzetten, leidt niet altijd tot een betere toekomst voor mens en planeet.
Tijdens Future Talks op 12 september gaat Tabo Goudswaard (Sociaal Creatieve Raad) in gesprek met Michiel Zonneveld (journalist ), Olga Mink (Future Of Work Foundation), Najah Aouaki (econoom en stedelijk strateeg), Denise Harleman (Collectief Kapitaal) en Alev Kutluer (De Vlammende Eend)
#politik #8mai #geschichte #zeitenwende #militarismus #nationalismus
Der Tag der Befreiung, wie er auch in der alten Bundesrepublik seit 1985 benannt wurde, heißt in der Regierungsantwort übrigens »Jahrestag der Kapitulation der deutschen Wehrmacht und des Kriegsendes«.
- aus Keine Würdigung deutscher Résistance-Kämpfer geplant nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1185026.…
Kein Wort von Befreiung und diejenigen die sich als Partisan:innen und Widerstandskämpfer:innen dem Widerstand gegen Nazi-Deutschland angeschlossen haben wird jede Ehrung verwehrt. Auch hier die zeitenwendenmäßige Rolle rückwärts. Die AfD grinst sich eins.
(: aNNa :) blume likes this.
Les médias étrangers ne s'y trompent pas "Macron a choisit Barnier pour ses positions qui rassureront l'extrême-droite".
Barnier, who was an unsuccessful candidate in the primary to become the conservative presidential candidate in 2021, is also seen as having views on domestic politics that are more compatible with the far right than some of his peers.
The former European commissioner has in the past called for a moratorium on immigration.
He triggered a media firestorm when he said France should regain its “legal sovereignty” and not be subject to the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.
#ycombinator #computers #windows #linux #mac #support #tech_support #spyware #malware #virus #security #Data_Breach #Data_Leak #Toyota #virus_removal #malware_removal #computer_help #technical_support
Trump team, special counsel returning to court for first time since Supreme Court immunity ruling (CBS News)
Porting systemd to musl Libc-powered Linux
Link: catfox.life/2024/09/05/porting…
Discussion: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4…
After a very long time I finally managed to release Bottle 0.13
Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python, distributed as a single single file module and with no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library.
Don't let the 0.x version number fool you, it has been around for over 15 years now and is stable and production ready.
Stuck on my work provided (apple) laptop due to a powercut. Only just realised part of the screen is hidden due to them not wanting to waste a few mm on a camera 🤦 Thus you can lose system tray icons behind it.
Counting the minutes until the power comes on so I can flee back to my #i3 #linux sanity.
Republicans Seize on False Theories About Immigrant Voting (Alexandra Berzon/New York Times)
Commanders suspend VP for comments on players, Jones, Goodell (John Keim/ESPN)
Miss Koula
in reply to Mother Suspiria • • •Ohsin
in reply to Mother Suspiria • • •Commenting just to attach credit:
Photograph is by Liquid Lindy Photography on Facebook (23 October 2016)
#Cosplay #Halloween #Witchburning
Mother Suspiria
in reply to Ohsin • • •Jennifer
in reply to Mother Suspiria • • •@juliknaut
in reply to Mother Suspiria • • •Es ist sehr aufwendig so viele falten zu nähen.
Entscheidend ist natürlich auch ihre kleider Grösse
Auch der Produktions ort spielt eine rolle bei. Preis.
Mother Suspiria
in reply to @juliknaut • • •Vielen Dank für die Info!
Bill Seitz
in reply to Mother Suspiria • • •youtube.com/watch?v=6iGbxUAM0c…
Mother Suspiria
in reply to Bill Seitz • • •