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The Harris campaign released a new ad this morning featuring the story of Latorya Beasley, an AL woman whose IVF procedure was canceled days before her appointment. The lack of care made her want to join the fight: “There were no options.” #Velshi…

Humdreds of former GOP lawyers and staff, national security advisers, military, elected Republicans, and business leaders have endorsed Harris-Walz. This coalition is unprecedented in modern politics. And underreported.


The Seven Skins of Esther Wilding by Holly Ringland.
There’s a lot good about this book and it’s exploration of grief, family and trauma but it also really showed the value of writing what you know. I was constantly jerked out of the book in the sections set in #Denmark as much of it felt wrong. In particular the idiom of Danes speaking English was incorrect like adding ‘ja’ to the end of every sentence. It’s a little thing but can ruin an otherwise good #book! @bookstodon

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Ärztin Dr. Göldner: Massive Nebenwirkungen und Todesfälle nach Corona-Injektion

Die deutsche Ärztin Dr. Heidi Göldner wurde zu einer Geldstrafe von 2.500 Euro verurteilt. Sie habe nicht ausreichend über die Corona-Injektion aufgeklärt. Juristisch nicht belangt werden konnte sie hingegen für einen Aushang in ihrer Praxis. Doch wie viele Tote und Impfschäden sind ihr mittlerweile bekannt? Brisantes Interview mit der mutigen Ärztin.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Five stars: Sun Up by Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvoisin (Illustrator) (1949) is a beautiful picture about a day on a farm. It begins and ends with the sun, with the rooster crowing and later settling down for the night.…


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#Project2025 + #Agenda47 will strip away “every public safety measure” blocking gun sales, says Brady President Kris Brown. Trump & gun lobby "could care less" that gun violence is the leading killer of our kids. #InsideProject2025 #Velshi…

in reply to eris

Alt text:

instagram: look at my new boyfriend

twitter: I can't get a boyfriend

reddit: my [21F] boyfriend [53M] boyfriend forbids me from going into the basement and has a sock drawer full of missing women's driver's licenses, AITA for being uncomfortable? the wedding is in three hours

fedi: one of my five girlfriends just hacked into the government and forgave everyone's student loans :3 and bought me a blahaj

Dear Fedis

My English is not very good
Please help me
What exactly is he trying to say?

I found this video on Twitter and many people are upset that he is saying that abused women should stay with their husbands

Has anyone seen the whole interview?
That's not really what he's trying to say, is he?
That would be extremely sick.....

#jdvance #trump #usa #elections #women #womensrights #human #socialmedia #mastodon #fediverse #question #harris #HarrisWalz #democracy

in reply to si_irini

👆 One of the answers to this video....
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

If you ban abortion, you ban healthcare for women. That has always been true. And the people behind the anti-abortion movement -- the people who worked for decades to overturn Roe v. Wade have always known it. #Velshi…

#EnergyTransition: #Biden-#Harris Admin to Invest $7.3B in Rural #CleanEnergy Projects Across 23 States… #USpol #Harris2024

"The 16 selections funded by the president’s Investing in America agenda will build 10-plus gigawatts of #RenewableEnergy in rural areas across the country. These projects will avoid and reduce a minimum of 43.7 million tons of annual greenhouse gas #emissions, equal to removing 10 million or more cars from the road each year."

So Democrat Colin Allred of Texas? He is Rep Allred yes, 6 years in Congress, previously in Obama administration and former pro NFL player. He is running for Senate seat from Texas - to unseat Ted Cancun Cruz


I did NOT have THIS on my magabingo card? Wow...

I’ve read many, many Stephen King horror novels but nothing has frightened me more than reading Trump’s Project 2025 manifesto.

#Project2025 #democracy #voteblue