At least 10 Palestinians were killed early Wednesday in Israeli airstrikes on facilities sheltering displaced people in Gaza City, the Civil Defense Service said.
The agency said five people lost their lives when Israeli forces struck Al-Amal Orphanage.
Five more people, including three children, were killed in a strike targeting the Muscat School in Gaza City, a medical source said.…
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#OER #OERde #academia #AcademicMastodon #AcademiaEdu #hochschuldidaktik #FediLZ #FediCampus #OpenEducation
In der Studie „20 Jahre PISA: Soziale Bildungsungleichheit im Fokus“ der @BertelsmannStiftung beleuchten @kaimaaz und Markus Lörz @dipf_aktuell, wie sich soziale Ungleichheiten in den Lese- und Mathematikkompetenzen zwischen 2000 und 2018 verändert haben.
📚 Zur Studie:…
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@FachportalPaedagogik @DeutscherBildungsserver @leibniz_bildung
If you haven't experienced Mayor Bones presents the Annual Ghost Town Pumpkin Festival, my friends - then god damn, it's time to download this game and get carving.
Happy October.
Take a look at our satellite image of the month of October – a striking view of the Alps from above:…
#Sentinel2 #Copernicus #satelliteimageofthemonth #opendata #opensource #OSGeo
Osmakligt av Dadgostar med Kamala Harris-keps. Nooshi Dadgostar poserade på Instagram med en Kamala Harris-keps. Det är djup osmakligt med tanke på USA:s stöd för folkmordet i Gaza såväl som deras stöd till angreppet på och invasionen av Libanon.
This now part of our daily morning routine. We have a walk, she runs around in the park, then lies on the ground and sometimes roll around in dirt.
#Mellie #Mypuppy #Dogs #France #JuanLesPins
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#KaijaSaariaho 1952 – 2023
...à la fumée (1990)
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#AnssiKarttunen #Cello
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There are reports that there's been a major security incident involving Israeli soldiers on the border with Lebanon.
Israel said on Monday it had sent ground troops into Lebanon, in what it said was a targeted operation against the Lebanese group Hezbollah.
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker is in the Jordanian capital Amman for Israel’s reaction and Imran Khan is in Hasbaiyya in southern Lebanon for Hezbollah’s response.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
Eine Million Vertriebene: "Die Situation im Libanon ist katastrophal"
Die israelischen Angriffe gegen die Hisbollah im Libanon treffen auch Zivilisten. Wer fliehen kann, flieht - auch ins Bürgerkriegsland Syrien. Im Libanon fehlt es an allem für die eine Million Vertriebenen. Von Anna Osius.
posted on 2024.10.02 at 01:29:32 (c=0, p=4)
New book review on ‘The urban life of workers in post-Soviet Russia’ by Christopher Altamura (the University of Kansas) is out in International Sociology, the journal of the International Sociological Association 👉🏽…
#workers #workingclass #inequality #poverty #sociology #Russia
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