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France TV Info
"Maman, tu dois te battre parce qu’on n’a pas le droit d’empoisonner des enfants" : exposée aux pesticides pendant sa grossesse, une fleuriste se bat pour la mémoire de sa fille morte .
L'association Phytovictimes appelle elle à manifester devant le tribunal mercredi 9 octobre 2024 "pour soutenir la famille dans son combat", et pour "interpeller les responsables politiques et le grand public sur cette problématique largement ignorée…
#pesticides #fleuristes #sante

Maintenant que l'extrême-droite, les terroristes et les arnaqueurs sont en train de comprendre que Telegram n'est pas une messagerie chiffrée (ça fait des années qu'on le répète !), ils fuient en masse vers une autre application prétendument chiffrée "SimpleX", financée en partie par Jack Dorsey (ex-Twitter, actuellement chez BlueSky).
Unknown parent

@lordphoenix @qdemouliere @lancson
Et pas activé par défaut pour les communications entre personnes (donc personne ne l'active jamais)
Unknown parent

These are incredible

Wildlife Photographer Of The Year: Tadpoles take the top prize from almost 60,000 entries of world's greatest animal and nature pictures…

I have two observations here:

Firstly, this is a job. To have volunteers doing this is fucking disgusting. Pay them.

Second, what sort of utterly shit airport needs volunteer help to assist people in navigating it? Getting around an airport shouldn’t be this hard. This whole thing should have no need to exist.

Our Galaxy Could Be Falling Into a Colossal 'Basin of Attraction' That's as Old as Time…

Prediction: after #Milton and many storms to follow it, we'll start to hear, "now is not the time to talk about climate change" the way we're currently getting "now is not the time to talk about gun safety" after every mass shooting.

#climateChange #climate #hurricane #hurricaneMilton

reshared this

Close All Big Cat Jails -… "Lions, tigers and other big cats are bred for trophy hunting, cub petting, volun-tourism, and trade...The South African government wants to ban the “lion jails” where almost 8,000 of these majestic creatures are exploited for profit." awful, needs lots of support to ban

Let’s stop pretending that we are going to live comfortably… The climate tipping point has arrived, or may already be in the past. The idea that the future might look anything like our past is absurd; massive change is now going to be demanded of us if human life on earth is to survive, and society with it. Can we make those changes? That is now the question.
Unknown parent

@Cyclist perhaps a ban on advertising holidays overseas? The holiday industry is by definition of extremely limited benefit to the globe.
Unknown parent

@Cyclist We made the decision a few years ago never again to fly for leisure. Not only does that make sense from a climate crisis perspective, it also significantly improves our chances of avoiding pandemic infections. Win-win!

09.10.2019, Halle: Ein Rechtsterrorist scheitert beim Versuch in der Synagoge einen antisemitischen Massenmord anzurichten. Anschließend erschießt er vor dem Gelände die 40-jährige Jana Lange und in einem nahegelegenen Döner-Imbiss den 20-jährigen Kevin Schwarze. #KeinVergessen

I’m terrified that Trump will win. This chart from the 2016 Brexit campaign shows what illegal spending and coordinated foreign interference can do to public opinion. And that was without Elon Musk’s control of the world’s most influential microblogging site.
Given that a Trump White House would ensure a Putin win in Ukraine, a huge Russian spend on the US election is far more cost-effective than the billions spent on the European battlefield.

Ehemaliges Microsoft-Betriebssystem: Eclipse Foundation startet ThreadX Alliance

Die Eclipse Foundation hat die ThreadX Alliance zur Förderung des quelloffenen Echtzeitbetriebssystems gegründet.…

#Betriebssystem #Eclipse #InternetderDinge #Microsoft #OpenSource #news

Huiiiiii schöööön !

- Place files in ~/Templates to access from Create New… context menu
- adjust the brightness of each display in a multi-monitor setup separately
- Clipboard widget reliably shows preview of the image copied to clipboard

#kde #linux
KDE Plasma 6.2 Released, This is What’s New…

Kommentar zum VMware-Debakel: Setzt endlich auf offene Standards!

Fieberhaft suchen Unternehmen nach Alternativen zu vSphere und ESXi, weil sie Broadcoms Preise nicht zahlen wollen. Selbst Schuld, kommentiert Martin Loschwitz.…

#saukontrovers #Broadcom #Kommentar #OpenSource #Virtualisierung #VMware #news