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M4: The Closest Known Globular Cluster
Credits: T2KA, KPNO 0.9-m Telescope, NOAO, AURA, NSF
#nature #space #astrophotography

OK, what's happened to cause all the Mastodon/Bluesky chatter? Is it the series A funding for Bluesky, or something else? There's been an uptick of followers for me ( as well as general commenting about the two here.
in reply to Hynek Schlawack

I didn't realize the toys were offputting to anyone. Then again in the past I've often heard similar complaints about how many cat photos I boost. I am alive, not just some brand account. Those are the things that I find joy in. If you want a sterilized experience, just follow @Mastodon instead.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

@Gargron @graingert @glyph @offby1 @Mastodon As we’ve said earlier in this thread: I don’t think there’s a way to make people not complain if they’d rather have you work on their pet thing. “had a nap” would trigger them just the same. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
in reply to Hynek Schlawack

@hynek @graingert @glyph @offby1 Yes, that sounds about right. For what it's worth, people have been asking for a stuffed toy for years, and the production was launched in January. It takes a long time to produce and transport custom toys, so any overlap with any current events is purely coincidental.

Qu'est-ce que vous aimez le plus quand vous tenez un stand d'association??
Moi, je regrette certains accessoires incongrus que l' @aprilorg utilisait pour parler de DRM...
 #lelamadechaine #CampagneApril2024
in reply to Alexandre Klein

@TheyCallMeHacked J'ai passé tellement de temps à creuser que les potes essaient de me sevrer @gee @marien @booteille. Mais je continue à être en manque...
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

The release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 set new records for Xbox, and was the biggest launch of the franchise in its history

Disinformazione russa: cosa ci ha insegnato il blackout di Internet del 30 gennaio 2024

L'articolo proviene da #Euractiv Italia ed Ú stato ricondiviso sulla comunità Lemmy @Intelligenza Artificiale
Il 30 gennaio 2024, per un breve periodo, internet Ú andato in down in tutta la Russia: per due ore, dalle 20:00 alle 22:00 ore locali, Ú stato

[Nouvelle BD rendue accessible] Quand l'actu singe Black Mirror

Les épisodes du monde réel de 2018 étaient pas folichons. Je répÚte ça à chaque fois que je ressors un vieil article, mais comme d'hab : ça n'est pas franchement allé en s'arrangeant depuis

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📗 Grise Bouille, Tome VI :
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#a11y #BD #GriseBouille #GAFAM #BlackMirror #CapitalismeDeSurveillance #Google

The Google, Samsung, Qualcomm XR devices are coming in 2025,

not in 2024 if you were holding out hope. The apparent delay of the AI-infused eXtended Reality (XR) headsets manufactured by Samsung comes courtesy of a slide from Sammy’s official earnings release. Qualcomm’s CEO is particularly excited by mixed reality smart glasses being developed by the partnership, and Google is getting the Play Store ready for whatever does arrive.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to Fifi Brindacier

Oui, aussi, mais on ne mange pas les ennemis. Hier soir, on a fait griller le percepteur des impÎts, mais c'était juste pour éclairer un peu la partie de cache-cache nocturne.

On n'a pas réussi à capturer d'écureuil, ils nous bombardaient de noisettes.

Trump Insists He Has Big Lead Over Harris, Setting Stage for 2024 Doubts (Josh Wingrove/Bloomberg)

[EXPOSITION] Pastel dans le Loir-et-Cher

Ma prochaine exposition aura lieu trÚs prochainement, le 9 et 10 novembre 2024 (ouvert de 10h à 12h et de 15h à 18h), dans un village du 41, à Crouy-sur-Cosson. Elle sera collective, plusieurs artistes locaux présenteront leurs réalisations.
Je serais présente le dimanche matin, venez me rencontrer à la maison communale, je serais heureuse de vous montrer mes 5 tableaux.

Allez, histoire de vous mettre l'eau à la bouche, voici l'une des piÚces que je compte emmener.

#art #dessin #mywork #pastel #portrait #montravail #tableau #loiretcher #dpt41 #noiretblanc #silhouette #PastelSec #exposition #salon #salondelastmartin #crouysurcosson

WhatsApp running through android-translation-layer (no container!) on Linux desktop

cross-posted from:

 got a bit of traction yesterday, this is WhatsApp straight from Meta running on Linux desktop using android-translation-layer.

android-translation-layer (ATL) is a Wine-like approach to run Android applications on Linux. Rather than running an Android container like for example Waydroid does this instead implements the Android API. Note that right now it's very much work in progress and almost no app will work yet, but the fact that they have apps like Newpipe and WhatsApp running already is very promising!

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Pregnant women and babies face 'terrifying' threat from xylazine addiction

In parts of the U.S., more than half of pregnant women facing severe addiction are also exposed toxic to the toxic animal tranquilizer xylazine, a threat to them, their fetuses and newborns.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
