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Breaking: Direct Amsterdam - London Eurostars will resume from 10 February 2025. The new terminal will be located in one of the passageways under the tracks, it will be able to process up to 650 passengers, compared to the old platform 15 Eurostar terminal which could only process 250 passengers for a 900-seat train.…

Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥 reshared this.

in reply to The Man in Seat 61

If you are coming from the east/north, like from Hamburg and beyond including the Nordic countries, it presumably still is better to take a Eurostar from Brussels? More Eurostars from there and better connections from Hamburg?
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

The Los Angeles Dodgers roared back from a 5-0 deficit late Wednesday to beat the New York Yankees 7-6 and win baseball’s 2024 World Series in five games.…

Zsolt Ero on a generation of cloud users who never experienced certain computing technologies:

"That's when I realized that many users today simply aren't used to saving files manually."…

The first few times we went outside together here in Milwaukee, Sassy was a bit nervous, but then she came to really enjoy going on for walks and hanging out on the deck. Such a bold little old lady (she was almost 19 at that point!)

Now here is something scary... 👻

And some more spooky science for today from NOAA:…

#HappyHalloween! 🎃

in reply to Zack Labe

oh snap. I don't think people realize the role desalination of the seas will play.

If you think #valencia is out of the woods, think again. The cut-off low that pulls humid air from over the meditteranean across the mountains north of Valencia is not done yet. In the coming 2 days the @kachelmannwetter multimodel ensemble predicts up to 177 mm of extra rain in the region of #castellon .

Not only #Spain but the entire #EU will have to have a difficult conversation on how we'll prepare us for #weather #disaster amplified by #ClimateChange

reshared this

TUXEDO OS 4 has been released, based on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS, and featuring KDE Plasma 6.1.5. It's powered by the Linux kernel 6.11 and includes updated apps like Firefox 132 and Thunderbird 128 ESR. Future versions will drop numbers, following its hybrid release model.…

Je me dis qu'on doit pouvoir faire ça en informatique, et notamment en cybersécurité.
Exemples de règles zombies : « changer son mot de passe tous les N mois », « mettre une majuscule, une minuscule, un chiffre, un caractère spécial [sic] » et évidemment « pour sauver la planète, videz votre boite mail »…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

- plateforme no-code
- l'ia qui va remplacer les employés (pas encore cette année, mais l'année prochaine sûr!
- l'attaque cyber qui va prendre le contrôle de toute l'usine
- la maintenance prédictive
- la virtualisation qui va réduire les coûts
in reply to ggdupont

@gdupont Je parlais de règles (qu'on est censé suivre).
Là, ce sont plutôt des prédictions.
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

C'est vrai qu'un formulaire qui dit : "Mot de passe - merci de choisir un mot de passe avec au moins 80 bits d'entropie" c'est tellement plus clair.

Dossieraggio, dipendenti infedeli e mercato nero dei dati. Coinvolte anche figure dell’ACN

@Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)
Il recente scandalo di intercettazioni e dossieraggi a livello nazionale fa pensare un po’ tutti i livelli dell’opinione pubblica, alla sicurezza informatica e all’uso improprio delle tecnologie digitali. L’inchiesta, che coinvolge

in reply to I'm listening

@I'm listening oggi? ACN. Ma il problema non è di oggi.

Il problema è che nessuno vuole controllare i controllori e comunque sarebbe troppo facile dare la colpa ad ACN: quella cagata di ACN esiste da tre anni e già non funzionava quando c'era uno come Baldoni, che di cybersec era un esperto, ma che poi gli hanno strappato di mano (e forse grazie a queste inchieste scopriremo anche perché) per affidarla al commissario Basettoni che per fare CTRL+ALT+DEL ha bisogno di tre mani e un carabiniere che gliele muova...

Il fatto è che sono almeno 15 anni che negli "ambienti giusti" si conosce perfettamente come funziona l'accesso ai sistemi. Nessuno ne parla, perché ha sempre fatto comodo a tutti sapere che c'erano canali di accesso semplificato; e le FdO & affini sapevano che in questo modo avrebbero avuto distrubuire un po' di potere tra i propri uomini.

Quindi, il fatto che finalmente questo scandalo sia emerso sulla stampa è una cosa decisamente buona

BRICS plans ‘multi-currency system’ to challenge US dollar dominance

in reply to Alsephina

The protocol isn't even the issue, banks already use XRP.

It's the fact that USD is propped up by Uncle Sam's globalized monopoly which is kept in tip top shape by geopolitical power.

Everyone trades in USD because it's the de facto currency and it's stable because the government can abuse its power to keep it that way.

No one trusts the value of the Ruble, Yuan, Rupee, or even any other currency except for maybe the Euro. They all exist for internal use, which means its just gets compared in value to USD whenever you have to deal with anything external, which is all the time.

BRICS would only fly if a stable trade medium can rapidly prove its worth with market stress and trade requirement, otherwise everyone will just continue to use USD, hence why the USA doesn't currently view it as much of a threat. And even if you could get countries on board, the US can hold on to a massive noose around everyone's neck by refusing to trade in anything but USD, which would effectively shut you off from trading with a massive portion of US based/owned/partner companies.

in reply to mlg

in reply to Alsephina

I hope this saves the world economy if the US defaults on its debt, which is looking increasingly likely in the coming decades...


Pennsylvania Pressroom: Shapiro Administration Launches New One-Stop Grant Search Tool to Streamline Pennsylvanians’ Access to Government Funding Opportunities . “The new discovery tool allows users to search for, sort, and filter information about grants based on the type of applicant (business, individual, non-profit, public agency, school, etc.), category, application […]…

Ping! Harris and Trump are blowing up your phones with political texts in campaign's last days (Associated Press)……