The @nytimes profiles our election rumor research team at the @uwcip. I'm very proud of my colleagues and the work our team does.…
Someone Else's Empire: British Illusions and American Hegemony by Tom Stevenson, 2023
Someone’s Else’s Empire coolly reassesses Britain’s relationship with the United States. Elite descriptions of Britain’s position in the world (‘punching above our weight’) are untenable, Tom Stevenson argues. Yet there is a refusal, in most parts of society, to examine the assumptions behind them.
bookstodon group reshared this.
My lemons are a little orange in colour. This photo makes them look even more orangey. We live on the side of a hill, and you can see the solar panels on our roof peaking under the branches.
I'm posting this because the flowers right now are making the entire property smell gorgeous! So sweet! So fresh! The bees seem to think so as well!
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Andrew Pam likes this.
I'm looking for action today from any of the judges who have released Trump on bail. Since he's running for President he'll say, "It's just 'political speech"
But as @glennkirschner2 has explained over and over, because of his pre-trial status in felony convictions, his speech has limits.
We can't just throw up our hands and say, "Well wait until the election!" I want the judges to look at this and have a ruling on this. Because I don't think he'll stop making threats.…
Credits: Babak Tafreshi, TWAN, ESO Ultra HD Expedition
#nature #space #astrophotography
earthling reshared this.
A Second Trump Presidency Could Threaten Already Shrinking Freedoms for Protest and Dissent
Posted into Latest News @latest-news-InsideClimate
source if anyone wants to contribute to make it do anything more
Today the Office of the Director of National Intelligence the FBI & Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released a joint statement on Russian election influence efforts,
“The IC assesses that Russian influence actors manufactured a recent video that falsely depicted individuals claiming to be from Haiti and voting illegally in multiple counties in Georgia."
"The Georgia Secretary of State has already refuted the video’s claims as false."
Hypolite Petovan
in reply to Michael Grass • • •@Michael Grass @Center for an Informed Public Thank you for your work and for setting up a Fediverse account on a Mastodon instance!
However I couldn’t help to notice you also have a presence on Substack which treads a very fine “free speech” line to welcome Nazi-adjacent business. This unfortunately makes all other authors on the platform either suspicious or complicit.
Given the work you are doing and the efforts you’ve taken to inoculate yourselves from potential political backlash, I thought you might want to know the kind of liability associated with Substack.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan • • •@uwcip @mgrass
Hypolite Petovan
in reply to (´ー`)y-~~ • • •@(´ー`)y-~~ Oh, that’s a good one, I didn’t know, thanks!
I’m not particularly attached to the Atlantic, and they aren’t the only outlet to have covered the Nazi problem at Substack.
The Verge also has an article about it, but maybe their janitor’s dad was on the wrong side of the Falkland War?
Ed Zitron also talks about it too, but you’re going to tell me he once lied to someone even though he claims he doesn’t?
What’s your exact point, man? I’m a nobody, and Substack’s Nazi problem is established enough to warrant my original comment to an organization dedicated to information transparency from pretty much anyone.