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"The extreme left pointed at some books and said: ‘It hurts my feelings.’ The right-wing realised later, being slower, that they could weaponise this: ‘This book hurts MY feelings.’ Soon the only safe books will be books like ‘Cooking With Lettuce’."

Margaret Atwood letting nobody off the hook, in conversation live at the Royal Library in Copenhagen, live-streamed to 45 local library branches in Denmark.

#Books #Atwood

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@marypouy Thanks. Perhaps it will be shared online, that does sound likely.

Did you know that #Ancient #Roman priests had some odd rules?

The Flamines Dialis, priests to Jupiter, could never touch flour, yeast, or leavened bread—the reasons were based on purity.

Roman #bread was made of #wheat, & once ground into flour, it's neither what it was (a seed with germinative power) nor what it must become (#food). Yeast corrupts the dough it's mixed with. Neither was permissible!

Priests could also not have any knots in their attire or name a dog.

#mythology #history

Israel propaganda turning into a comedy

They are posting such images and animations on social media to proof their bombings against Iran were successful!

#Israel #Iran #Propaganda

NEW Congressional Research Service Report

Election Day: Frequently Asked Questions…
by Caitlin Curran. 5 page(s).

This is the 9th published version. See… for previous versions.


On le savait, le macronisme se moque des promesses, des faits, des institutions et même des résultats électoraux. Quand le monarque fait un caprice, même s'il est massivement rejeté, il suffit de l'imposer par 49.3, à coup de grenades ou tout simplement d'ignorer une élection perdue. Parmi les caprices de Macron : le SNU.

Notre article à lire ici :…

Contre Attaque reshared this.

Late night thought while working, has anyone tried to perform a (LFS) Linux From Scratch on mobile? If so what was the results? If not what would be the best way to start or accomplish this?

#latenightthoughts #linux #linixfromscratch #mobilelinux #tinkering #tinker #mobilecode

in reply to Metin Seven 🎨

This is just FUD.

The “Open” entry from the context menu no longer works on #macOS Sequoia but there are at least three solutions:
- Go to System Settings->Security and allow the app (recommended alternative)
- self-sign all your unsigned applications (geeky alternative)
- disable the check from the command-line (insecure alternative).

In all cases, this achieves what #apple intended: the end-user has to somehow manually allow an unsigned app to run in full awareness.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Some Maga men seem to think women don’t have rights – starting with their wives | Rebecca Solnit | The Guardian…

Found 2 new servers and 3 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,787 servers checked. 15,680,550 Total Users with 1,061,082 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #ghost server from United States a #misskey server from Japan

Help others find a home, send them to

#MorningAll & #TZAG G’day Squirrel Fans, hope I find you bright eyed & bushy tailed!

Saturday has arrived at long last, dull, misty but at least it’s not too cold!

Wal & Hazel have found a potential place to live.
It’s a bit of a shell to be honest!

Promised to help a certain Pixy with getting some more of the NMS expedition sorted & maybe Mel might be able to join us too!

Cashew later Peeps, have a fabulously nutty day #Today ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

#WeirdFolks #SquirrelsOfMastodon #TheMammutMoves

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in reply to Maj1 THE Neuro Spicy Squirrel

I swear that could be me and my mornings sitting n sipping and waiting for some sunshine to soak in. 👍☕️

weirdfolks group reshared this.

in reply to Uncle Harvey

@Uncleharvey Morning Harvey 👋😊

I’m glad I’ve got the technique just right then my friend 😊

Have a n excellent day! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

weirdfolks group reshared this.

Mordförsök i Sätra centrum. Två personer hittades skjutna i en lokal i Sätra centrum vid 4-tiden i går eftermiddag. Det ska handla om en frisersalong vid namn Brödernas Barber Shop och de som sköts befann sig inne i lokalen.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Damn, it’s true that everyone implicated in Sean Combs sex parties is coming out for Kamala…

in reply to 🌈Magical Thinking

I never cared much for her English music but some of her numbers she did in Brazil not to bad, none the less, a pop star is not someone I'd go to for political advice, if I wanted political advice which mostly I do not.