Restricciones de movilidad en accesos a municipios afectados por la #DanaValencia
Si te vas a mover pos las carreteras de la zona esto te interesa
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Great examples of wasters. The vessels were damaged during the process of firing.
From the #Roman site at Worb, Switzerland.
Ob display at Historisches Museum Bern.
📷 taken by me
Wishing everyone a great time at Tux-Tage by starting today on the Internet…
#TuxTage #TuxTage2024 #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe
This week in Plasma: moved to KDE infrastructure!…
#KDE #Plasma #KDEPlasma #Linux #FOSS #OpenSource
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À Valence, l’heure est à la solidarité
Trois jours après les crues qui ont frappé de plein fouet l’Espagne [bilan hier à plus de 200 morts] et face à l’urgence de la situation, les habitants des villes alentour sont venus leur prêter main-forte pour tenter de déblayer les rues. Vider les maisons envahies par l’eau, écarter les carcasses de voitures qui bloquent les ruelles, balayer mais surtout apporter des denrées aux personnes bloquées chez elles depuis mardi.
lagreenbox likes this.
En fin lördags tradition: frukost med nybakade frallor. 😊 Önskar en trevlig helg!
Om man inte har några planer än och tycker att kod är någorlunda rolig, så finns det @konstellationens hackathon som aktivitet idag. Här kan man tänka bra energi!
Start kl 10:…
First Thousands of North Korean Soldiers Are Not Far from Ukraine's Border – Address by President #Zelenskyy of #Ukraine, 01.11.2024
North Korea has tested a new ballistic missile. This occurred the day before. Record flight time and sufficient altitude. Yet the world is just watching. Watching as this threat grows.
Full address…
I'm working on something exciting and would love your #feedback if you're up for it. My #project is still a work-in-progress, but it’s already #testable and operates in a unique, #selfhosted way.
I've highlighted some #features below:
- #Decentralized
- No #cookies
- #P2P #encrypted
- No #registration
- No #installing
- #GroupMessaging (coming soon)
- #TextMessaging
- #MultimediaMessaging
- #OfflineMessaging (in #research phase)
- #FileTransfer
- #VideoCalls
- #DataOwnership
- Optional #SelfHosting
- #Screensharing (on desktop browsers)
- #OpenSource
Check it out!
I finally beat #Satisfactory. 197 ingame days or 489h play time have catapulted the game to 4th place on my most-played list.
I loved the atmosphere, the humour and of course the extremely entertaining mix of exploration and automation. I'm glad I didn't get spoiled, so many surprising and unforgettable moments. The soundtrack is now on my coding playlist.
... Time for Factorio 2.0 :O
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
kscreenlocker_greet broke with a recent update of OpenSUSE (November 1). Any advice on how to fix it?
I've attached a literal screen shot of all systemd errors. It seems to be caused by kscreenlocker_greet because of a missing shared object file. The boot 9 hours ago was from a read-only snapshot, and therefore doesn't have it.
I have already tried updating with zypper dup, but that did not help.
Error as text:
PAM unable to dlopen(/usr/lib64/security/ /usr/lib64/security/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
like this
Thanks! I'll try that
EDIT: It did not help, I'll look into it tomorrow
A #zine version of our guide Exposing Fascists: Best Practices is now available in zine form thanks to a friend.
It's Going Down reshared this.
The Last Warm Days | Последние теплые деньки…
#tabbycat #cat #кот #猫 #ねこ #fedicats #catsofpixelfed #pixelfedcats #autumn #autumncat #fallcat #caturday
Databricks is hiring Solutions Architect
🔧 #java #python #scala #solutionsarchitect
🌎 United States
⏰ Full-time
🏢 Databricks
Job details…
#jobalert #jobsearch #hiring
There's a call for participation/talks for Open Source Design at FOSDEM 2025.
Organizers invite you to give a talk about contributing design to Open Source projects.
More info at…
#OpenSource #OSS #FOSS #FLOSS
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Rivian’s chief software officer says in-car buttons are ‘an anomaly’. His basic point is that voice is far better.
We go through these every few years, you'd think we'd have learned by now:
1. Voice isn't enough
Voice is great, and it does have value but it's best when you're alone. There are lots of situations where voice just doesn't work. It's an ADDITIONAL modality, not a REPLACEMENT.
:| well, I WANTED to like Rivian
I would pay extra for a car that was certified to not contain any microphones or cameras in it.
Israel propaganda turning into a comedy
They are posting such images and animations on social media to proof their bombings against Iran were successful!
#Israel #Iran #propaganda
Simon B
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