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COP 16 : les peuples autochtones obtiennent un statut renforcé

Les pays réunis à la COP16 biodiversité en Colombie ont adopté en plénière, vendredi 1er novembre, la création d'un groupe permanent destiné à assurer la représentation des peuples autochtones et des communautés locales au sein de la Convention des Nations unies sur la diversité biologique (CDB).

Le 26 octobre, des peuples du Brésil, de Colombie, du Pérou, de Bolivie, d'Équateur, du Venezuela, du Guyana, de Guyane française et du Suriname ont lancé à Cali le "G9 de l'Amazonie autochtone", afin d'avoir "une voix unifiée pour influencer les décisions mondiales".

#COP16 #biodiversité #environnement #Planète #Peuples-Autochtones

This Week in Plasma: spoooooky ooooooooom notifications!

in reply to MyNameIsRichard

But what if the OOM notification daemon gets killed by the OOM killer?
in reply to Björn Tantau

The OOM killer always, invariably starts off with killing the display server. Any side effects such as "the notification daemon loses its connection and closes" or "every single thing that you were working on loses its connection and closes" is incidental.
in reply to rotopenguin

i will never stop wanting to commit severe crime every time i try to see what's using the processor and every single fucking system monitor tool just says it's xorg


in reply to Swedneck

At least Windows has more precise monitoring, it will tell you whether the process is "Windows Telemetry" or "SVCHOST.EXE".

Restricciones de movilidad en accesos a municipios afectados por la #DanaValencia

Si te vas a mover pos las carreteras de la zona esto te interesa

🚨Recien publicado.…

Great examples of wasters. The vessels were damaged during the process of firing.
From the #Roman site at Worb, Switzerland.

Ob display at Historisches Museum Bern.

📷 taken by me

#archaeology #RomanArchaeology

À Valence, l’heure est à la solidarité

Trois jours après les crues qui ont frappé de plein fouet l’Espagne [bilan hier à plus de 200 morts] et face à l’urgence de la situation, les habitants des villes alentour sont venus leur prêter main-forte pour tenter de déblayer les rues. Vider les maisons envahies par l’eau, écarter les carcasses de voitures qui bloquent les ruelles, balayer mais surtout apporter des denrées aux personnes bloquées chez elles depuis mardi.

#Espagne #inondations #climat #solidarité

En fin lördags tradition: frukost med nybakade frallor. 😊 Önskar en trevlig helg!

Om man inte har några planer än och tycker att kod är någorlunda rolig, så finns det @konstellationens hackathon som aktivitet idag. Här kan man tänka bra energi!

Start kl 10:…

First Thousands of North Korean Soldiers Are Not Far from Ukraine's Border – Address by President #Zelenskyy of #Ukraine, 01.11.2024

North Korea has tested a new ballistic missile. This occurred the day before. Record flight time and sufficient altitude. Yet the world is just watching. Watching as this threat grows.

Full address…

China begins work on Kenyan geothermal power plant amid Beijing's renewable energy push

I finally beat #Satisfactory. 197 ingame days or 489h play time have catapulted the game to 4th place on my most-played list.

I loved the atmosphere, the humour and of course the extremely entertaining mix of exploration and automation. I'm glad I didn't get spoiled, so many surprising and unforgettable moments. The soundtrack is now on my coding playlist.

... Time for Factorio 2.0 :O

kscreenlocker_greet broke with a recent update of OpenSUSE (November 1). Any advice on how to fix it?

I've attached a literal screen shot of all systemd errors. It seems to be caused by kscreenlocker_greet because of a missing shared object file. The boot 9 hours ago was from a read-only snapshot, and therefore doesn't have it.

I have already tried updating with zypper dup, but that did not help.

Error as text:

PAM unable to dlopen(/usr/lib64/security/ /usr/lib64/security/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to qaz

Install pam_pkcs11 package, which contains the missing library
in reply to Jure Repinc

Thanks! I'll try that

EDIT: It did not help, I'll look into it tomorrow

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to qaz

Install pam_pkcs11 package, which contains the missing library