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Feuerinferno: Mindestens 66 Tote bei Hotelbrand in türkischem Skigebiet… Der Brand im Skigebiet Kartalkaya hat die Türkei in einen Schockzustand versetzt. Die Zahl der Toten stieg im Laufe des Tages von zehn auf mehr als 60 an. Mehr als 50 Menschen wurden verletzt. Die Ursache des Feuerinfernos in dem elfgeschossigen Hotel ist weiterhin unklar. #news #press

Donald Trump just pardoned and set free a man serving life, with no chance of parole!

Ross Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts, sentenced to life in federal prison for creating, operating ‘Silk Road’ website

More than $200 million in illegal drugs and other illicit goods were bought and sold on the website

Ulbricht was a drug dealer and criminal profiteer who contributed to the deaths of at least six young people.

#AureFreePress #News #press #breaking #breakingnews…

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in reply to Aure Free Press

:coolapk_015: i got a serious question: What if this man starts another drug trafficking website? Can he receive such a verdict again?

Ukraine’s General Staff launches investigation into 156th Brigade #Ukraine

Science doesn't lie, unless it DOES

Research to Ruin: The Worsening Spectre of Academic Fraud

"Universities’ willingness to tolerate sloppy or phony research in order to protect their own reputations is largely to blame for the “replication crisis” currently undermining public confidence in science generally. Very briefly, replication is a cornerstone of the scientific method because it allows the validity of experiments to be independently confirmed, in turn strengthening the underlying hypothesis. But more and more reported results from experiments in the natural, medical and social sciences cannot be replicated by other scientists. The ongoing replication crisis, now well into its second decade, furnishes further indirect evidence that a shocking amount of scientific research is shoddy or outright bogus."…

I'm looking for a venue to post my astrophotography instead of Instagram because I don't want to support misinformation and sites that streamline radicalization. Not sure if mastodon is the place yet. But here's a smart telescope image of the orion nebula (Messier 42).
in reply to GQ Martinez

And another one with the same smart telescope (an inherited Vaonis Stellina) with a mosaic to increase the field of view. Previous image was 15 minutes of exposure time, this one is about an hour and 10 minutes. Mosaic means less integration time at each section, and you can see slightly less detail in the orion nebula even though I imaged it longer. Nebula to the left is barely noticeable.
in reply to GQ Martinez

After a month since those last images, I had a single clear night to try one of my wide field imaging setups (AT60ED scope with ASI2600MC Duo camera) on my Celestron CGX mount. I did a two panel mosaic to get the orion and running man nebulas (one panel) in the same image as the horsehead nebula (second panel). I've been wanting this image for years, but weather and location have prevented it from happening. Not my best image, but excited to finally get these together. #astrophotography

therapist: you have post-traumatic stress disorder

me: post?

Meinungsfreiheit gibt es nicht gefiltert… Redeverbote und Sprachkontrolle: Werkzeuge der geistigen Amputation eines Volkes (Symbolbild:Imago) Hessens Innenminister Roman Poseck (CDU) beklagt, daß sich in den sozialen Medien “ungefiltert Meinungen, darunter auch gezielte Falschnachrichten” sammeln und durch BigTech aus dem Ausland sowie über Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Desinformation betrieben werde. Diese für ihn “unliebsamen”

Jellyfin Server/Web release: 10.10.4

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Trump pardons dark web marketplace creator Ross Ulbricht

Ulbricht operated the anonymous digital marketplace known as Silk Road when law enforcement arrested him. The pardon fulfills a campaign pledge Trump made to Ulbricht's Libertarian supporters.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Susan ✶✶✶✶ reshared this.

On this day in 1981, the production of the Delorean DMC-12 began.

The Delorean was a shit car. Other than futuristic doors, it was uninteresting. It was not a sports car. It was poorly designed, too heavy, and under powered with crap suspension.

If it weren't for Back to the Future and cocaine trafficking, the Delorean DC-12 would be like the Pacer. People might talk about it, if they see one rusted out on the side of the road, or in an old magazine, but no one is scrambling around for a mint condition Pacer.

Why am I talking about cars?

„Ständige weitere Radikalisierung“: Bundestag diskutiert kommende Woche AfD-Verbotsverfahren… Wie die Initiatoren des Gruppenantrags für ein AfD-Verbotsverfahren, darunter Carmen Wegge (SPD), Marco Wanderwitz (CDU), Till Steffen (Grüne), Martina Renner ...
The post „Ständige weitere Radikalisierung“: Bundestag diskutiert kommende Woche AfD-Verbotsverfahren appeared

Osmani and Foreign Diplomats Pay Tribute at Former President Rugova’s Grave #IbrahimRugova #Kosovo #president #PRISTINA #tribuite #VjosaOsmani
T made America poorer, weaker and less secure on day one.

He owns that harm

He can apologize to the Capitol Police for pardoning violent thugs who tormented them on Jan six

He can apologize to diabetic American seniors for taking away the Biden cap on insulin prices

He can apologize to asylum seekers for cancelling CBP1 appointments and leaving them in danger

He can apologize to our many allies who he trolls and insults with unfounded claims on their territory

It becomes clear that he never will be capable of making amends for the harms he made just in his first day in power

You're the light of my world by Husik Ara

via metamorphesque


Rizin hergestellt, Terrorhandbuch besessen Drei Mädchen in Southport getötet: Messerstecher bekennt sich schuldig… Brisante Details zum dreifachen Mord beim Tanzkurs im britischen Southport. Der angeklagte 18jährige Messerstecher plante die Tat akribisch, zeigt keine Reue und galt als gefährlich. Welche Strafe ihm nun droht.
Dieser Beitrag Rizin hergestellt, Terrorhandbuch