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Andreas Audretsch und der Öffentlich-Rechtliche Rundfunk… Auf einmal bekommt die Gelbhaar-Affäre Tiefe – und Plausibilität. Ich hatte vorhin geschrieben, dass mir die Affäre um Stefan Gelbhaar, den RBB und die fiktive „Anne K.“ nicht rund erscheint. Dass mir das Verhalten des RBB nicht nachvollziehbar erscheint. Da meldet sich ein Leser bei mir und schickt mir einen passenden Rundigkeits-Hinweis. Zu

Posting the "best" #JulesFeiffer cartoons would take me from now to the end of the Internet, so I'm just going to post the four cartoons that have carved their initials into my heart. #NobodyTookItWrong #HitOneForMe #ThatsMonday #NoMoreDealsHarry

Jules Feiffer, a 'smartass' Jew whose work spanned comics and cinema, dies at 95…


“Consider Tesla. Imagine that it pays no corporate or carbon tax in the US but makes 5% of its sales in Britain. The UK Treasury would calculate what Tesla should have paid in the US if British tax law applied there and collect 5% of that amount. Similarly, Britain would step in to tax Elon Musk proportionally to the amount of his wealth that originates from the UK (which, since his fortune is mainly in Tesla stock, can be estimated to be about 5%).”…

Changed camera back to orthographic but with some changes so hopefully this works…

I’ve been thinking about this anonymously produced RPG for practicing anti-authoritarian tactics since I ran into it last week.

It dovetails well with my general sense that acting extremely normal online and off is probably a strong move for most people at this time.

EU regulator backs away from allowing lone pilots to fly airliners – POLITICO #Airlines #Aviation #Europe #industry #PatrickKy #regulatory #safety #Transport

Trump oder wir? Wer ist hier wirklich „strunzdumm“?… Trump liefert, während Europa redet. Während die USA Wahlversprechen umsetzen, diskutieren die Deutschen. Wer ist hier strunzdumm? Eine Abrechnung mit Europas Arroganz und deutscher Ideologie.
Der Beitrag Trump oder wir? Wer ist hier wirklich „strunzdumm“? erschien zuerst auf #news #press

Japan, NATO Agree to Deepen Ties #Europe #JijiPress #NATO

The movie Flow is stunning! What a story. Take your chance while it is still in cinema. Also, it is made with #Blender Here is a presentation about the animations:… #Flow #FlowTheMovie

The animation of Flow

"The animation of Flow" by Silly-Pélissier Léo
Blender Conference 2024
2024-10-23 15:00 at the Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, studio.

#bcon24 #blender #b3d #peertube #foss #opensource

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BREAKING: All federal employees in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility offices will need to be placed on paid administrative leave "effective immediately," per Newsweek.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Once upon a time there was a healthy news media with journalists who safeguarded the truth. Then the billionaires bought all the corporate media and the journalists had a choice, toe the line or be silenced. Most compromised their ideals, however a few branched out to new corporate platforms to continue their work.

But the billionaires were smarter. They owned the new platforms too, and when the time came, once all the renegade journalists had been herded together, they too were silenced.

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Lavrov echoes debunked Kremlin narratives to justify war, undermine NATO #Europe #NATO #Russia #SergeyLavrov #Ukraine #West… - Amulet Seal in the Form of a Bull, c. 3250 BCE. Mesopotamia, Sumerian, Iraq.

The Cleveland Museum of Art

Nächster Angriff auf FPÖ: Jetzt erheben die Universitäten ihre Stimme… Die Kritik an der FPÖ reißt nicht ab. Nun haben die Universitäten gegen die Freiheitlichen Stimmung gemacht. Die Politik der FPÖ gehe ihnen massiv gegen den Strich. #news #press

If you see a painting by Andy Wormhole, do NOT look into the soup can

You will glimpse another universe!!!

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For anybody who needs support to stop spiralling these days, here is my current favourite active meditation practice for lefties. Kristianna Smith aka Mocha Einstein offers "Grieve, Ground, Imagine, Strategize". Gently redirect that anxiety spiral into forward momentum.

Zine format:

Guided video on instagram:

#meditation #imagination #climate #USPol #CovidIsNotOver #Hellscape

What a huge loser you'd have to be to not only not support your own trans daughter but to make it your personal mission to make her unsafe in her own country.