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「 We want the freedom to not have a billionaire trying to grift our young ones into a wasteful planet-burning technology so that Dorsey can amass more money and more power. We want to go to a conference with clean air in an accessible venue.

If the sponsorship isn't tied to Jack Dorsey giving the talk, well then it should be easy enough, shouldn't it? 」…

#fosdem #opensource #accessibility

Tokyo Lunch Break Vignettes; Jan 22, 2025

Anything can be a photo if you want it to … Some random moments from my lunchtime walk around Marunouchi and Ōtemachi. iPhone straight out of camera.

#photography #streetphotography #japan #shotoniphone #photographersofmastodon #fotografie #tokyolife #japanlife

Gutxi baloratzen ditugu drogak.

Gora ibuprofenoa gure salbatzaile handia.

in reply to txerren 🇵🇸

Hori hala da. Flemoiaren alde ona: aurpegiko zimurrak kentzen dizkizu (alde batekoak behintzat). Alde txarra: jendeak Netoleko otseina zarela uste du.

7:46 AM; The Sun is Rising Over Kyiv on the 1064th Day of the Full-Scale Invasion. St. Nicholas Cathedral in Kyiv from above! #Ukraine #Україна

Longue Marche kurde en France : 26 jours pour la liberté d'Abdullah Öcalan

#Ocalan #Kurdistan #Manifestation

À Lannester, près de Lorient, des militant·es kurdes ont lancé une " Longue Marche " de 26 jours pour réclamer la libération d'Abdullah Öcalan, leader kurde emprisonné depuis 26 ans en Turquie.
Symboliquement, 26 participant·es traverseront 26 villes en France, avant un rassemblement à Strasbourg le 15 février, date marquant l'arrestation d'Öcalan en 1999 à la suite d'une conspiration internationale.
Şahin Polat,...…

Question for the tech crowd: I’m trying to systematize how I follow news from state AGs. They have news release webpages. I can use a paid service to turn these into RSS feeds (the pages themselves don’t offer this), but I’m looking for a good, free, preferably open source way to generate the feeds and get them. I don’t want to self-host. Suggestions?
in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

Since you have already gotten the suggestions, I was wondering if you have also tried contacting them about this? Sometimes they do have RSS feeds which are difficult to find, or not documented, plus they might be more amenable to getting it sorted where we are at this point in terms of reliable distribution of news? 🤔
in reply to Heidi Li Feldman

just adding the main URL to my RSS reader fetch the news posts. The RSS link is often not shown on many websites but it's there.

I just want the Trump voters to suffer as much as their actions are causing us to suffer. is that so much to ask?

Now available! Spagetty is my latest typeface. A friendly, imperfect, slab serif inspired by Ennio Morricone scores, swinging saloon doors, sasaparilla, and 80s cartoons. Two styles, European language support, yee haw.…

ICYMI: My bio gives you the basics. I'm a Progressive political commentator (print, radio, podcasts) who is here to share breaking news, stories that strike me as important/interesting + legit info you can use, along with a few laughs & a healthy dose of snark.

I toot a lot because there's a lot of disinformation out there and I care deeply about getting the truth out to as many people as I can.

Former life: TV/stage writer, actor, director.



“The racism and hatred Trump has in his soul is shocking and saddening. How can 1 man have sooo much pent up hatred!?!"
- Aure

Trump orders all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees placed on paid leave starting Wednesday

The Trump administration also directed government agencies to draw up plans for firing workers in DEI roles
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #socialmedia #Breaking #BreakingNews…

Aure Free Press reshared this.

in reply to Aure Free Press

These people are the new Jews. Better keep a sharp eye on this: it's 100% Hitler playbook.
in reply to Aure Free Press

He doesn't actually hate anyone because sociopaths don't have emotions

He is driven by a need to feel the thrill of hurting others. Sadism motivates him and several of his cronies

And he crushes lives to prove he's all powerful, above everyone else, a king. The ego of an insecure moron

It's really his enablers we need to worry about. Trump is the stupidest sociopath ever. But the ones around him are dangerously clever

It's all bad, much worse than before


If you want people to ok your follow request please fill out your profile with some info about your interests...more than only a US flag would be very helpful, otherwise we might hesitate because you could be a bot--lately a big problem on your instance. Thanks.

Elon Musk’s ‘Government Efficiency’ Department Revealed to Be a Renamed Obama Agency Tasked with Updating Software #America #Politics #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USPolitics #USA #USAPolitics

📼♥️ En intentamos que nuestro entorno sea independiente. Colaboramos codo con codo con Internet Archive, e intentamos generar archivos de video para preservación digital en MKV FFV1, pero utilizamos X (que tendremos que migrar, aunque cuesta un poquito más) y el entorno de GDrive para currar.
¿Sabéis iniciativas #opensource donde sea posible el trabajo en archivos y donde haya una comunidad a la que le pueda interesar? Gracias! 🌻

Mark Carney scoops more caucus endorsements, including Steven Guilbeault #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

Still doing research on a new camera. On one hand, there are better webcams out there, and that'd save me some money. On the other hand, I'm going to go to a real camera eventually, maybe this is just the time?
in reply to Matt

I hear V-tubers are popular, you could just go that route. Use your penguin logo. ;)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Matt

If you do get a new camera, position it near the monitor that you normally look at when recording video. Your fans (and I am one) want to look you in the eye, rather than view the upper right quadrant of your head.

Making Wire Explode With 4,000 Joules of Energy

In lieu of high-explosives, an exploding wire circuit can make for an interesting substitute. As [Hyperspace Pirate] demonstrates in a recent video, the act of pumping a lot of current …read more
#hacking #projects…