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There are three ways to edit text on a #Linux or #Unix like systems: 🫣

0. The vim or vi way
1. The emacs way
2. The wrong way

Which one are you? 🤔

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in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I just echo "text" > into.file and cat to see whats in it. Deleting text from a file is an admission of failure and formatting is bourgeoisie
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I would argue that sed and pipes are also 💯% legitimate.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

the vi way but in emacs (evil)... Is this a wrong way or just 0 + 1?
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Under a ssh connection nano, otherwise under the FreeBSD or Linux GUI Kate, but better yet, BBEdit under macOS. Have zero interest in a 1970/80’s command mode editor (vi[m]) or the complexity of emacs. I have the escape from vi in muscle memory, but I would never use it to edit anything.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

1 but obviously 0 is a subset of 2. Actually, I sometimes use nano on systems where it's nano or vim.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

There are three ways to edit text on a #Linux or #Unix like systems: 🫣
  1. The vim or vi way
  2. The emacs way
  3. The wrong way

@nixCraft a superposition of Emacs and Vim. Mostly Emacs, but I occasionally set it to Vim emulation, usually when I am riding in a car or on a train, and it is easier to edit one-handed with Vim keybindings.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Using vim or emacs to edit a config file feels like using a nuclear reactor to boil water for tea. Nano is good enough, any other text editing job I prefer to use GUI tools; either GNOME text editor or VSCode 🤷‍♂️
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I don't really know what the back engine for the text editor I use is. And I don't really care, my life does not need the complication as long as it works.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

the kate way
Kate with KDE, Gedit on gnome, or nano on pure terminal, but never, ever vi nor vim, I know how to use it, but it's very ugly & unpractical in front of other users
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

I know 0 and 1 are cool, but if you want something cooler you can edit text by writing 0s and 1s directly to /dev/<disk-file>. 😎
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

GNU #Emacs, because Vi/Vim don't do what I want. GNU Emacs and Vi/Vim are really not comparable programmes.

#emacs #gnuemacs #vi #vim

in reply to nixCraft 🐧



OK, my take: if I edit a simple config file in the shell, I'm using #vim as it is a decent simple text editor. It's also my default for writing emails or Usenet postings.

For almost anything else outside of the web browser, I'm working in #Emacs - which is not per se a text editor (alone).…


in reply to Karl Voit

@publicvoit well, one of my friends prefers to use ed almost exclusively.

I use vim or vi for quick edits in a console but otherwise emacs with evil mode.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

⭐ mcedit in the CLI (from Midnight Commander)
⭐ Kate in the GUI
This entry was edited (3 months ago)