It's my great delight to announce #faircamp 1.2! (a static site generator for audio producers –
This release was again made possible through an NGI0 grant by @nlnet - now extended beyond 1.0! - and financed by the European Commision's @EC_NGI initiative - thank you so much!
Included in this release is a HUGE new feature constellation: Track directories, track manifests, new fine-grained differentation between release and track download access, as well as new per-track extra downloads.
For a showcase of what this brings and how it works, you can check out this video:…
Additionally, this release introduces catalan translations (thank you @elx!), updates to the polish and italian translations (thanks @janinainfa and @toctoc), critical fixes for the recent open graph feature addition (thanks @desolationpark for reporting!) and a platform-specific improvement for volume control on iOS (many thanks to everyone who filed iOS issues - more fixes coming soon!).
Special shout-out also to 1.2's diligent testers: @strk, @futzle, @mahlon and @n00q - thank you, very much appreciate your support!
And that's it! 1.3 is already in the making - stay tuned! \(#´▽`)人(´▽`#)ノ
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Richard [ˈrihaːˈrd] and LPS reshared this.
in reply to Simon Repp • • •naive question: wouldn't it be helpful to always see the availability of different versions (FLAC/MP3) irrespective of their access type?
One might miss that an obvious free MP3 download could be 'upgraded' to FLAC, or the other way round – a code access isn't the only option as there are free downloads, too.
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Simon Repp
in reply to mray • • •@mray That's a very good point in fact, and a question I did run into too - also connected considerations like: If someone (for lack of a better concept) already "bought" the entire release, shouldn't they right there also be offered separate tracks?
I ended up deciding that there are so many intricacies to this that it's maybe the best course of action to just go with something (which is the rather simple and clearly divided setup that 1.2 now uses) and see what feedback comes up from real usecases, and then subsequently use that to make further adjustments and design choices in the longer run ... I guess we'll see in the coming weeks and months. :)
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in reply to Simon Repp • •Simon Repp likes this.