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Due to anomalously low sea ice in both poles, global sea ice extent levels are now at a record low for this time of year...

More sea ice graphics available at…

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in reply to Zack Labe

oh boy, after an already significant departure last year this is quite an anomaly
in reply to Zack Labe

hi @ZLabe

thank you for sharing more important data with us all.
awareness of state is crucial in all this.

a nerd-detail question, if i may?

how did you (or another?) make this graphic.
the subtle depth dimension of the lines on the graph, with current clearly foreground, whilst all data is also clearly on the two axes, is really neat, and adds impact to the information presentation.

thanks again

in reply to bearsong

@bearsong Thank you! I write a bit more about my process here:…. Collectively, it takes quite a bit of time to be honest 😅