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Controller Oriented Interface for linux?

I setup a micro PC with Ubuntu and plugged it into my TV for media streaming, and was just wondering if there was a way to optimize the experience for non KBM
in reply to TheMonkeyLord

Personally, I use Kodi for that. It works very well with minimal keyboard and no mouse (though it can handle both), so much so that I've run it for years using only an IR remote.
in reply to Synestine


Using a CEC link will make things even more simple, but that might involve additional hardware. Those raspberry thingies have native CEC on hdmi. For x86 you might have to look at some extra hardware.

And of course, Kodi is an example of a 10 foot interface.

in reply to TheMonkeyLord

Kodi works well.

Or if you do more gaming-things Steam's Big Picture mode.

in reply to Björn Tantau

OpenGamepadUI works well as a FOSS alternative to Steam if you'd like that as well.
in reply to TheMonkeyLord

in reply to Skull giver

I use Jellyfin as a backend for my Kodi boxes (I have 3, and JF keeps them in sync). I used to have a YouTube plugin, but YT broke that this year.
in reply to TheMonkeyLord

KDE has Plasma BigScreen. It even maps remotes to regular common keybinds so you can navigate apps without native support for that kind of use.

I haven't seen it in the wild and I don't think there are many apps that do integrate very well with it, but it exists to mess with.

in reply to TheMonkeyLord

#AntiMicroX is a good choice for mapping controllers to keyboard/mouse functions. I use it daily to control my computer from a flight-stick when I just want to lay back and watch stuff.

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