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I spent all of this morning doing something long, long overdue.
Google Drive > Takeout > Delete
Google Photos > Takeout > Delete
Google One Subscription: Removed

And all that data is on its way to a much better steward: @nextcloud

Feels good.

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in reply to Jason Evangelho

Feels good until your managed Nextcloud hoster manages to delete all your business data including the backups in a catastrophic automation failure. Which is what happened to my company last week.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

You’re late. But the important thing is that you did it. đŸ‘đŸ»
I can recommend #photoprism for photos. Nextcloud photos didn’t convince me. But see and test. 😊
in reply to Jason Evangelho

I recommend as self hosted photo library replacement. Since migrating pictures to Immich and files, calendars, contacts to #nextcloud I am almost off all proprietary service providers. Just mail remains at proton.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Great. And by the way for whoever cannot setup their own Nextcloud instance we provide up to 20GB free storage via - with the default Photo gallery app installed. I know is not much but you can attach an external storage to it for very cheap and have all of your photos and videos in Nextcloud. Just saying. There is no catch we provide trade-free services for several years now.
in reply to Tio

@tio Considering Google gives you 15GB for free (which you pay for with your privacy and data) and you provide 20GB, I would honestly say it’s pretty generous.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

@tio yup, it feels damn good.
I self hosted my Nextcloud which means I no longer rely on 'whoever' but does mean you have to take your backup strategy *very* seriously if you want to safeguard all your stuff properly.
Overall though it is working out well for me.
in reply to Nigel

Indeed. For our instance that we provide publicly for anyone we do daily backups and all files are encrypted by default so I can never look through people's files even if I wanted to. I love the new Photos app improvements you can even edit the files in Nextcloud directly.

Nextcloud is really impressive. Far superior to Google Drive or any other alliterative. On top of the Photos app and a few other, we provide Collabora so that you get the "google docs" alternative as well.

Anyway, Nextcloud is impressive indeed.

in reply to Jason Evangelho

Nextcloud was too bloated for my server, so I wrote an alternative software in C as a simpler and (way) more lightweight solution with most features I would care about: