A first-hand account from the citizen journalist regarding the footage she shot of the Israeli Hooligan attacks that were falsely claimed as #antisemetism by main stream outlets around the world. Funny how the people that claim that dis and misinformation is the problem, all the while the "ministry of truth" is the one actually doing it.
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Bernard Marx
in reply to LPS • • •Prove me wrong.
in reply to Bernard Marx • •Bernard Marx
in reply to LPS • • •One thing that anybody with brains and their eyes open has learned this year is how much of the media is controlled by the Zionists. Luckily we have a few good Jews reporting the truth such as Unz.com, Mondoweiss, and The Grayzone. thegrayzone.com/2024/11/10/vid…
If gentiles report what they do, they usually get holed as antisemites, white supremacists, nazis..
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