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I would like to tap into the #Gentoo Fediverse mind pool one more time if I could have some advice.

I am currently on the Gentoo-dist bin kernel and would like start compiling and customizing my own kernel, but I have never done anything like that before.

So here are my questions:

- What is the best way to start?
- Are there any good tools/scripts/etc that I should use?
- Is there anything I could/should do to protect myself for goofing up?

Thank you for your time!

in reply to Rain

The by far easiest way to do it, is to use the Distribution Kernel (not -bin) and then make use of your own config snippets.

This means that you don't have to maintain your own configuration from scratch, which is boring, tedious and it takes forever. You can instead just apply your own changes on top of the configuration from the Distribution Kernel project, which will override whatever settings they have set.

in reply to Rain

Don't remove the kernel you're currently using until you're sure you got the one you built working the way you want. Maybe even then, still keep the distkernel there as a fallback.