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in reply to Joliflower

I wouldn't consider #e16 a DE (still count?); but using that, I prefer having a frame-only window decoration. I use a simple #xdotool line in my #conkyrc to display the currently focused window.

${exec 'xdotool getactivewindow getwindowname'}

I've also used a combination of xdotool, randr, and eesh in the past to do tiling and arrangement.

don't like this

in reply to Joliflower

  • For file save/send dialogs, just drag/drop from nemo/nautilus to the file dialog instead of using the annoying navigation in the file dialog itself.
  • In cinnamon, use win-l,r,u,d to snap. In succession will go from full width/height to a corner. Reverse or drag the window to go back to original size. This gives you nice tiling with the flexibility of traditional window management as well.
  • for a terminal ctl-alt-t
  • alt-f2 to execute a command with history
This entry was edited (10 months ago)