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Edit: I'm good now, thanks everyone!

i have an ubuntu partition (my daily driver) and a fedora jam partition that i set up a few weeks ago and to which i've forgotten the password.

now, this isn't a big deal because i haven't really done anything on that partition yet. i can just reinstall and be on my way.

but is there a way for me to get my password back in this situation? the directions on the page i found while researching this didn't work

#linux #fedora #oops

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to goaty goats (she) :deifirev:

As long as the drive isn't encrypted, yes.

in reply to goaty goats (she) :deifirev:

Just open the /etc/shadow file on your Fedora partition from ubuntu and remove the password bit of info from the user you wish to give a blank password.