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I Finally Tried #Joplin - #Linux #Productivity #apps
in reply to Matt :opensuse: :kde:

me mumblin' at the screen: put that URL in a note. You: hold on, let's write it down in a note ☺️
Use it since 2018; it's like my Lotus Agenda 🤓 Nifty app.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Matt :opensuse: :kde:

I've been usin #Joplin for quite a while now, love it! I've also recently given #Obsidian #Logseq and #Notion a try, but for all the great things each one offers, none work as well for what I want.
in reply to Matt :opensuse: :kde:

I was referring to the editor mode that Typora and Beaver Notes uses. I prefer to use markdown, but I like to have it converted to a rendered document on the fly. I don't like the side by side (code/preview) mode, I don't even understand why this mode exists and why it's used by most of markdown applications. I guess Joplin is not for me... 😅
This entry was edited (1 month ago)