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Just install EndeavorOS lol

stolen from linux memes at Deltachat
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

I often use Arch in a container, when I need a fhs distro. EndeavourOS is great for desktop use if you don't want to go through the Arch install process.

DeltaChat is an awesome messenger. It's federated, quick and simple to use.
Also, I didn't realize DC was on the fediverse for so many years.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

For a total newbie, Linux Mint or PopOS are probably the best options. But EndeavourOS is getting there. There shouldn't be any issues during the installation if one sticks to the defaults. Only thing is, it doesn't come with a graphical package manager out of the box. But once that is installed (I think anyone will be happy to write a single terminal command, at least), I don't see why it's any harder to use than any other distro.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

Start with Debian stable (rock solid, well integrated packaging).

When you feel comfortable and have achieved some experience, switch to Debian sid (rolling release, updates very often, be a bit cautious).

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

viking doesn't like this.

in reply to neonred

A Debian blend like SpiralLinux might be better for less technical people. Debian is one of my favorite distros but it's pretty bare bones and requires some configuration to become an everday usage desktop.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

Ex arch btw user here. I noped out and wiped after thinking I had it all nailed down, then I tried to connect my Bluetooth headphones and I came to a grand awakening. I am too old for this shit.

Installed Tumbleweed and been happy ever since.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

I had a friend who wanted to try linux but insisted on arch because it's what I used at the time even though I said they shouldn't and gave many suggestions for better distros. They gave up after about a day and went back to windows. I don't know what they expected, multiple people warned them not to use arch.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to TurboWafflz

I've been off windows for a long time, and when I was forced to use it, it was enterprise, locked down and stripped by knowledgeable IT teams.

Yesterday, I had my first exposure to Win 11 S mode. What a piece of crap. Not just the way its locked down, but the incessant Onedrive ads, broken settings app with missing features, AI buzzword addons, sloppy UI and general lack of control over your own computer.

Recommending my friend install Linux ASAP with my support. Nobody should have to endure that much cruft and garbage on their owned computer. They can't even install software outside of the MS store? Gross.

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to s38b35M5

Oh yeah no I was not at all saying windows was better, I was just saying arch was definitely not a good distribution for beginners and it was weird how one just insisted on using it. I use arch on my laptop and opensuse tumbleweed on my desktop and have not used windows for anything serious in years because it is so unbearable.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

So if someone starts using EndeavorOS daily, can they claim to be an arch user?
Edit: I'm now wiping my laptop clean and using it as my daily driver from now on. This is probably my first experience with Plasma, and I am loving it way more than gnome so far.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to Pantherina

Tromjaro is perfect for me. All stuff inside- just plug and play trade-free.