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Please indulge me for a moment while I extend some enthusiastic appreciation to @ryangorley and @freehive.

I worked with FreeHive for several months on the new @thunderbird home page (check it out at, and the final result far exceeded my expectations.

This is why I'm going to work with them to redesign the entire site over the next several months.

Ryan, you and your team make #opensource look GREAT!
in reply to Jason Evangelho

i love the redesign, but the copy comes across as smug and self-righteous. especially the part where it goes "we dont do xyz" i know its true but its got a religious ferver to it that i dont dig
in reply to Anand Philip

@anandphilipc Thanks for sharing your opinion on the tone. I find it confident and slightly aggressive (intentionally) but certainly not religious.

We're starting to market Thunderbird to Gmail users, and this is a shot across the bow...
in reply to Jason Evangelho

fair. cultural differences. shot across the bow sounds good! more power.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Will we still have the option to have toolbars? Please and thank you.
in reply to Jason Evangelho

Thanks!!! 💙 It's been awesome with you and the Thunderbird team! A special thank you goes to @micah for pulling this all together at the end. He's a miracle worker! Thanks, Micah!