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Alternative to Playonlinux

Hello everybody,
I'm using an Asus S56C with Lubuntu 22.04.4 and for work I use Photoshop CS6 and Vector Magic with Playonlinux. I was wandering - just for curiosity - if there are any good alternatives to Playonlinux to use these Windows programs.
Thanks in advance!
in reply to LukeSky

#lutris is good for more'n just games 😉

reshared this

in reply to LukeSky

Bottles or Lutris, and dont forget ProtonPlus or ProtonUpQt
in reply to LukeSky

Thanks to everyone for your answers. I'll check Lutris and Bottles!
in reply to LukeSky

I am using Lutris for Windows games (sometimes Windows applications, too) almost exclusively on my rig. It works perfectly fine.
in reply to LukeSky

For apps, Bottles. For games, Lutris is quite good. Bottles can do both but I am partial to Lutris for games.
in reply to LukeSky

Bottles is magic. I've used it for FL Studio for a year and it didn't break