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How a Free Food Shop is Fighting Food Waste and Help People in Need

In this heartwarming video, I take you on a journey to the heart of Vienna to introduce you to an inspiring organization called Verein M.U.T. These dedicated individuals have set up a free food shop to provide for those in need, while also tackling the issue of food waste.

Every year, they rescue over 60,000 kilograms of food that would have otherwise been thrown away and distribute it to people who need it most. They go even further by delivering food to other organizations that support underprivileged people in Vienna.

But their work doesn't stop there. Verein M.U.T. also donates clothes to homeless people and provides a safe, welcoming environment for those who are struggling.

I had the privilege of volunteering with them and was inspired by their passion and commitment to making a difference in their community.

Join me on this journey as we explore the incredible work that Verein M.U.T. is doing and learn how we can all make a difference in the fight against food waste.

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