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Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains

Few weeks ago together with Mara we went to Romania to stay for a few days in a wildlife hides to see some animals, especially bears! The cool thing that the hides are managed by conservation NGO Carpathia and all of the profits goes into the conservation of wildlife and ecosystem of Fagarash Mountains. This video is my experience of staying for a few days in the mountains and seeing wild animals.

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in reply to Tio

Thank you Tio.
Yeah man, such places are not far from your hometown :)
Agree, people need to spent way more time in the raw nature rather than shopping malls. And surely most of such experiences in the wilderness are for free.
And this cabins are very nice, also because they are managed by conservation NGO they really pay attention to every smallest detail. Of course they don't feed the animals, but they also don't use any chemicals on the wood and walls of such cabins. Normally they will be treated to prevent rotting and protection from ants and other insects. But because such treatment is toxic, they decided not to use it. Kind of small detail, but it shows the values of the guys running this cabins.

And that's what we need to see more in our society.
Also large part of the forest there is restored by this organization. And as you know very well, in Romania illegal logging is quite huge issue.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Dima

Yeah must be so difficult in Romania where there is so much corruption. So much so that I find it hard to trust even such NGOs fully. But they seem decent and doing some great work there.

Kayaking for free

Roma reshared this.

Euronews Episode

I took a part in EURONEWS video episode about environment protection. The program called "The Road To Green". We went to Graz in Austria to participate in 2 events. It was great experience and amazing opportunity to be involved with Euronews . Huge thanks to Cyril Fourneris !
You can watch video and read article here :

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in reply to Dima

I was about to write the same thing 😁 Great last line in that video. And great work you're doing in general, you're very inspirational 🙂 Nice that you got on Euronews! 😀

But oh man... Air Bee and Bee 😂😂😂😅😁

Dima reshared this.

This society is still primitive.

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Roma reshared this.

EURONEWS Iinterview

This Wednesday I was taking a part in Euronews TV show "The Road To Green". They travel around and highlight various sustainable initiatives, ecology and conservation projects. But also people behind such initiatives. I am happy that I had a chance to participate.
Here is some info on my Patreon about the experience.
The episode will be aired on 30/04 on TV and later will be available online.

Dima reshared this.

My Book Release!

@Tio @Roma
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Sasha

Wooaa! This day has come! 🥳 My sincere and heartfelt congrats to you, Sasha! Amazing work! I am touched and pleased to help you out on the way, full of bumps and obstacles, it seems 😉 As one of a few who was honored though not to read entirely, but to get familiar with a few chapters of this magnificent book, I can only say that it is 100% must read and must become an unique shiny gem of somebody's book shelf or eBook collection 😌 At least mine - for sure 😄

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Roma

Thank you so much @Roma that is so sweet 🙂 I really hope you enjoy it!

Never come close to the seals

I have joined North Seal Team volunteers in Belgium for this mission to protect grey and common seals.
Also I have visited SeaLife Blankenberge which have the only seal sanctuary in Belgium and they are doing great job of taking care of the seals.

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A day in EU parliament

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in reply to Dima

Interesting to read about your experience there. And I am not surprised. Politicians talk so much and many times say nothing. But it is good to try these waters and see how it is. Maybe at least you can find others who participate there, who are from some orgs and who do stuff.

So how are they helping you at the end of the day? Do they give you access to something? Projects? Funds? A platform?

in reply to Tio

in reply to Dima

I think that small changes are very good ofc, and are the ones that are still possible, but for sure we need much bigger changes and I am quite skeptical that they will come from these normal institutions. But maybe others can get in and influence some of their views. Maybe...

So I am curious how youll continue there. It is for sure worth a try at least.

Whats your next project?

in reply to Tio

yes, i was discouraged by this politics. Only small things are possible without changing the whole system. Patchworks. But since no clue how to change the system, patchworks is something is worth doing anyway, rather dreaming. So I don't have much aspiration to follow political career right now, maybe when I am 65 then I can sit and talk, that's probably would be the right time :)
But sure, I will experiment more...

Right now I am about to finish a video about Seals, which I've filmed in Belgium too, right after that conference. Will release it in a few days.
And currently looking for something to do in April, looks like I would go for some rewilding and national parks in balcans, but not certain 100% yet. Still looking for options for the April.

in reply to Dima

thank you for giving us a little peek into what happens inside these institutions, that was very insightful.

@Tio I am sure you will like it :)

Tio reshared this.

in reply to Tio

haha, shit, it's not a joke! it's reality already.

This is one of the best depictions, in one illustration, of what war really is:

Found on TROMnews


Quest to save wilderness of Carpathian Mountains

I was visiting conservation organization "Carpathia" in Romania. They're doing so many different activities to preserve and restore nature and wildlife. Bringing back European Bison's, restoring and rewilding forest, support local community, do all kind of monitoring activities for wildlife. And much much more.
To find out more about Carpathia -

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in reply to Dima

Great video @Dima Well said! And beautiful area 😀

Alexio reshared this.

European Climate Pact Ambassador

I have some good news, I've just become official EU Climate Pact Ambassador for Latvia.
What it means basically I became a member of EU initiative to promote ecology, biodiversity, climate issues and solutions in Europe. They have many ambassadors all over EU from all different backgrounds and professions, with all kind of skills. But everyone have a common goal to improve ecology in all possible ways.
From now on I have access to some European Union projects, initiatives and trainings. Also will have a chance to present Be Brave To Act in Euro Parliament in Brussels next year.

Here is the list of all ambassadors if you curios :

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in reply to Dima

That's a very good news. I hope you get more exposure. How did it happened? You contacted them, or they reached to you? Will they also help you financially a bit so you can continue your project?
in reply to Tio

They had an application form on their website, where you could apply.
I don't think they will help financially, I am not sure what to expect really, i guess it's more about me having access to several activities they are doing in EU. And also possibility to connect with other similar "activists". Also not sure about exposure, but probably If I will have a short presentation in Brussels then I might get some good contacts or opportunities.

Sea Turtle Rescuers Illegally Evicted -

@Dima does a fantastic job at highlighting the good people that still live in this backwards trade society and why they are struggling to do the good things that they do. Imagine doing good things like saving turtles, and not only that you are not helped in this society, but face many roadblocks.

Dima keep on doing your important work! Your videos are much needed for everyone to understand the struggle the volunteers have to face, but also to understand that people are motivated to do good things. We just have to enable that by helping them.

If people had access to at least their basic needs as trade-free, we would see a lot of change happening.

Support Dima on Patreon if you can -


I Volunteered for 25 Projects. Here's What I've Learned

In this video I am showing 9 things which I've realized by volunteering for 25 projects. Most of them were about nature and wildlife protection and restoration.

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00:00 Intro
00:23 Skills
01:27 Funding
02:27 Compassion
03:16 Other People
04:23 Enthusiasm
06:03 Time Waste
07:14 You Will Lose Money
08:08 Experience
08:54 Never The Same

TROM en Español reshared this.

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Sperm Whales Expedition in Turkey

What it Takes to Find a Sperm Whale in Turkey ?

I've joined Whales and Dolphins Research Expedition organized by organization DMAD. The project called " Giant Guardians Of The Deep Seas" the aim of survey is to scan all Eastern Mediterranean part of Turkey for cetaceans. My position was drone pilot and to find sperm whales there was not an easy task.

Such researches are very important and necessary both for scientific purposes and conservation. Unfortunately as it often happens such projects lack funding. And right now further surveys under questions because of not enough money to cover the expenses.

To find more about DMAD :

TROM II Documentary is OUT!

TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (2023)

Ok people, the documentary is finally available. Please keep your expectations low and keep in mind that this documentary is made mostly by one human being, with limited resources. We have not used any stock footage (except maybe 2-3) so everything you'll see is real and genuine.

Also, keep in mind that this is not the beginning or the end of anything, but a continuation of our work for this TROM project. We will create more materials and projects.

Watch it here
Download it from here

We hope this documentary can provide something valuable for you.


Flooding a forest to restore ecosystem

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TROM II: A Message to the Aliens (official poster)

The documentary will be released in June. The trailer will be available this week.

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Bird Population Census

About the Dog Shelter

About The Grind

In October I've been in Montenegro where I joined DMAD - Marine Mammals Research Association to do a Bottlenose Dolphin Research. Here is the video about the experience. We've been lucky to encounter several dolphins and film them from the air.

European Rivers Summit

In October 2022 I've took a part in the European Rivers Summit in Brussels. Event was organized by Wetlands International.
I've met so many inspiring activists, scientists, researchers, policy makers and various experts. In the video featured only some of them.
Hydro-power is not green, it still produce emissions and in some cases even more than the coal plants. At the same time it cost us of millions of aquatic life lost, barriers prevents migration and nutrient flow. And in many case hydro power plant are not producing any significant amount of electricity.

The fact is we must protect rivers ! If you inspired by any of the speakers presented in the video, go and find out about them or their organizations online.

Taking Care of Nature while working in Diving

During summer I managed to clean a lot of debris and ghost nets underwater. Also I can see huge difference between protected marine parks and just regular dive sites. Here is the video about my experience. Maybe someone will find it useful.
in reply to Tio

Great to hear that you also tried diving !
You should do your open water for sure ! Then one day we could dive all together!

Yeah Croatia is very similar like L'estartit, but the same as I said in video it's very over fished and deserted. It's awesome that Illes Medes are protected area
in reply to Dima

Yup that's why I want to do it so then I can dive with you guys too 😀 - the course is only 5 days so is fast. But you need to come here for the dive so we can see more stuff. It is interesting that this area where I live is quite protected and has so much marine life. I didn't know all that before you guys started to dive.

My experience at the Horse Rescue Centre in Spain

Planting Trees in Murcia Spain

Ecosystem Restoration Camp
This entry was edited (2 years ago)

My new conservation/volunteering project. That's the first video from it.
I plan to release similar video monthly.

Alexio reshared this.

Here's a new video based on my blog "Prison Earth":

@Dima recorded and edited the video, I made the script.

Here is a link to the blog that it's based on:


YouTube: PRISON EARTH (Be Brave To Act)


We did the recording with @Dima today! Very good one! Some 2h long. Tomorrow we will do a much shorter one - not much left to record ;). All great! TROM II is back-on-track! #tromimg #tromlive #trom2