We have a Patreon page where we share our updates, plans, ideas, behind the scenes and other information. Anyone can support us there starting just from 5 euro per month. And we always produce short documentaries about the work we did, and about amazing project and organizations we are joining.
If you think that what we do is important please support us there.
Thank you
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“is there a spiritual way to kill an animal”?
You can watch it for free here :
Christspiracy: The Spirituality Secret | OFFICIAL WEBSITE
WATCH NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME: A groundbreaking documentary revealing the biggest cover-up in the last 2,000 years.Christspiracy
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In November I was in Munich planting beech trees in a spruce forest. One of the reasons it's because beech tree can hold way more underground water than a spruce. And forests like this one supply about 70% of the drinking water to Munich
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Yes, sure if you want to deal with Peertube it's ok.
For some reasons it doesn't like my standard format, and I need to reformat it specially for Peertube, and no one watches the videos there except you, so it's a bit too much effort. But if you want to do it, then of course.
I went to Slovenia to participate in yearly maintenance of the artificial islands. These islands were made specially for the conservation of birds which otherwise would go extinct. The problem began when the Dam was build on the Drava river, so all natural habitats for birds been flooded. I enjoyed this trip and project a lot, much more info in the video.
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The people are being consumed by the so called "free" entertainment.
But it is not "free". It is dumb and trade-based. TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and so forth mandate that you give them your data and attention (watch ads) in order to use their platforms. In return they give you access to a ton of dumbed down content.
Trading stupidity is much easier than trading well made content. Therefore stupidity evolves faster in a trade-based society.
To make a good researched video can take months, to make a dumbed down one can take minutes. To write a good book about real and important things, and research for it, takes months or years. To write bullshit fictional stories takes a lot less. Music, movies, articles, they are all under the influence of trade, allowing simplistic content to thrive while good one to barely breath.
It is this trade based society to be blamed for the vast majority of the destruction, suffering and idiocy we see worldwide.
#trade #TradeRuinsEverything #capitalism #money #media #journalism
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This is our new, and kinda personal, project tromhome.com/
Although it is also about TROM.
This will be our home and it will take us to many new places, meeting many new people and projects. We will talk to people about TROM, try to organize talks and meetings, volunteer for all sorts of trade-free projects, and make videos about all of our adventures.
That’s the plan at least 😀 !
We have released a fundraiser to help us a bit if possible. See gofundme.com/f/help-us-get-the…
#motorhome #vanlife #fundraiser #trom #tromsite #volunteer #volunteering
Donate to Help us buy the TROMhome, organized by Tio TROM
In short: This is Tio and Sasha. And we will soon have a TROMhome https://tromhome.com/ F… Tio TROM needs your support for Help us buy the TROMhomegofundme.com
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Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains
Few weeks ago together with Mara we went to Romania to stay for a few days in a wildlife hides to see some animals, especially bears! The cool thing that the hides are managed by conservation NGO Carpathia and all of the profits goes into the conservation of wildlife and ecosystem of Fagarash Mountains. This video is my experience of staying for a few days in the mountains and seeing wild animals.
Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains
To visit hides - https://travelcarpathia.com/Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/BeBraveToActDonate via paypal : https://www.paypal.com/donate?ho...YouTube
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Thank you Tio.
Yeah man, such places are not far from your hometown :)
Agree, people need to spent way more time in the raw nature rather than shopping malls. And surely most of such experiences in the wilderness are for free.
And this cabins are very nice, also because they are managed by conservation NGO they really pay attention to every smallest detail. Of course they don't feed the animals, but they also don't use any chemicals on the wood and walls of such cabins. Normally they will be treated to prevent rotting and protection from ants and other insects. But because such treatment is toxic, they decided not to use it. Kind of small detail, but it shows the values of the guys running this cabins.
And that's what we need to see more in our society.
Also large part of the forest there is restored by this organization. And as you know very well, in Romania illegal logging is quite huge issue.
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Kayaking for free
How to rent a Kayak for free ?
To book Green Kayak go to : https://www.greenkayak.org/Support me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/BeBraveToActDonate via paypal : https://www.paypal.com...YouTube
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Euronews Episode
You can watch video and read article here :
How can you contribute to a greener world? Insights from Graz in Austria and Berlin
In this episode of the Road the Green, Euronews reporter, Cyril Fourneris, travels to Graz, Austria and Berlin to see what everyday people are doing to help the environment.Cyril Fourneris (Euronews.com)
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I was about to write the same thing 😁 Great last line in that video. And great work you're doing in general, you're very inspirational 🙂 Nice that you got on Euronews! 😀
But oh man... Air Bee and Bee 😂😂😂😅😁
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EURONEWS Iinterview
This Wednesday I was taking a part in Euronews TV show "The Road To Green". They travel around and highlight various sustainable initiatives, ecology and conservation projects. But also people behind such initiatives. I am happy that I had a chance to participate.
Here is some info on my Patreon about the experience.
The episode will be aired on 30/04 on TV and later will be available online.
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A day in EU parliament
Get more from Be Brave To Act on Patreon
My Goal is To Volunteer for Nature & Animals as Much as PossiblePatreon
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Interesting to read about your experience there. And I am not surprised. Politicians talk so much and many times say nothing. But it is good to try these waters and see how it is. Maybe at least you can find others who participate there, who are from some orgs and who do stuff.
So how are they helping you at the end of the day? Do they give you access to something? Projects? Funds? A platform?
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I think that small changes are very good ofc, and are the ones that are still possible, but for sure we need much bigger changes and I am quite skeptical that they will come from these normal institutions. But maybe others can get in and influence some of their views. Maybe...
So I am curious how youll continue there. It is for sure worth a try at least.
Whats your next project?
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yes, i was discouraged by this politics. Only small things are possible without changing the whole system. Patchworks. But since no clue how to change the system, patchworks is something is worth doing anyway, rather dreaming. So I don't have much aspiration to follow political career right now, maybe when I am 65 then I can sit and talk, that's probably would be the right time :)
But sure, I will experiment more...
Right now I am about to finish a video about Seals, which I've filmed in Belgium too, right after that conference. Will release it in a few days.
And currently looking for something to do in April, looks like I would go for some rewilding and national parks in balcans, but not certain 100% yet. Still looking for options for the April.
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in reply to Dima • •Tio
in reply to Dima • •Sasha
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