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Labdoo is a non-profit global platform where people around the world collaborate to bring unused laptops loaded with powerful educational software to needy schools using CO2-neutral means.

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Fediversum består av en mängd olika instanser och användare som kan kommunicera med varandra oberoende av vilken instans de använder. Olika instanser kan ha en mängd olika programvaror, varje instans kan ha en egen eller så kan många instanser har samma.…

in reply to mFat

Who needs a list of features when we have more emojis than an iPhone keyboard update

Mastodon users donate a quarter million dollars in 2 days for VP Harris

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
I guess we shouldn't be surprised... a lot of liberals on the fediverse have the brain of a goldfish and can't remember all the scandals she's been involved in.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to usernamesAreTricky

Mastodon users love US prosecutors with a history of scandals it seems. Or they're just ignorant of that history.

Anyone else get the sense that a Hillary-style astroturfing campaign is getting started now?

FOSS project (AGPLv3) seeking Spanish (Mexico) translators is an AGPL-licensed backgammon service.

I'm asking for help with Spanish (Mexico) translations as there are users in this locale but most strings are currently untranslated.

If you are able to help, please visit the following two links to help translate the client and server:

The source code for the client is available at…

The source code for the server is available at…

Hacking with care

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

I don't see why, my idea is in fact closer to gitlab/github where issue have their own tag.

That's what i dream for lemmy and it would improve its organisation :)

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

It hugely depends on what post, and what community. Political, scientific one, i post plenty of them and often i don't care. Video game, interesting topic, environmental, art design...i don't care.

And the one about sign langage i just want to deactivate downvote on this community, Why ? So you just have to chose between ignore or upvote. Because 99,99% of you, in the fediverse aren't deaf.

Masto, iceshrimp doesn't have downvote system. I often post from them to lemmy and it works well.

in reply to Avatar_of_Self

It totally kills interest in the device though. Its like they think every single buyer is an impulse buyer who just looks at the demo in Best Buy without even looking it up or trying it.
in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

Eventually Microsoft is going to be forced to adapt and make an operating system that doesnt use 20% of your system resources, right?

surely they wont continue to make the same bloated, sluggish OS every year since windows 7 right?

Open Source Street View...

I was wondering why there isn't or if there is, an Open Source (Free, or not) Street View like Google Maps. I like geography as a hobby, like my other hobbies, and found GeoHub which sparked my interest in being a free geoguessr alternative. I just don't understand why Google is the only Mapping service people go to, is Google the only one that has street view? is this a hard business model to achieve?

Please, I'd love too know :)

in reply to unexposedhazard

Even the internet archive is nothing in comparison to the image data used for street view.

honest curiosity, don't want to flame war: do you have numbers for that?

stitching is no longer a requirement because of 360° cameras, is it? it could also be made on the client side if really needed. if people can use josm to contribute to osm, they can use some other software for stitching?!

have you seen that the internet archive has also quite high res books scans and videos?

if your aiming for covering every small street of the whole world tomorrow, you are right: it won't work. but nothing would stop to start with a single city or a region?

lets agree to disagree :-)

in reply to 7EP6vuI

Is the current generation of street view still just snapshots from different positions with a 360° camera?
I thought it was proper 3D scans with images mapped onto it by now. I admit i havent actually used it in years.

But yeah if its just isolated 2D images then its probably not as much as i thought. The processing would still be tough i think but i dont know enough to even guess that properly.

I think doing small scale demonstrations would be cool. The community would probably be able to learn and improve from it a lot and eventually it could be scaled up.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to unexposedhazard

If it was encoded as super low framerate 360deg video files and you just seek to the place in the stream that matches the coordinates, it could use kits stage and bandwidth than other solutions, but it’s still going to be a lot of bytes.
in reply to unexposedhazard

The one from Apple definitely feels 3D while moving cam around, but I guess this is only afterFXs

Documentation re: ActivityPub integration in NodeBB

Now that the alpha version of NodeBB v4 has been released, it means that people are starting to look into using NodeBB for testing (or if they're really looking to have fun, production.)

The first step in enabling those intrepid individuals is providing documentation!

While a little bare-bones at the moment, I've written up a brief summary of what NodeBB brings to the ActivityPub landscape, as well as a run-down of various settings/toggles/switches, and how to switch over to the code branch that enables ActivityPub integration.

What I don't know is what's missing. There's a lot about NodeBB's integration that's very obvious to me, since I built it, but what don't you see that you'd like me to write about? Let me know.


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in reply to julian

This is exciting! Is it compatible with Lemmy and Kbin/Mbin? And what about any other forum software, such as Discourse with the ActivityPub plugin?

I'd like to see some info in the docs about how to use it from a user point of view. For example how do I find a thread on another forum (or Mastodon etc) and reply to it from NodeBB?

in reply to Caesar

I'm curious what it means that my post was "boosted" by @activitypub. I guess it's because this post is in the ActivityPub category, but what are the actual mechanics of that which show up on the Mastodon side as a boost?

Familjen Ahlström från Fiskebäck är en stor fiskarsläkt som består av flera olika grenar. En gren är delägare i Ahlma Fiskeri AB, en annan gren ägde tidigare fiskebåtar med namnet Ganthi och en gren lämnade fisket för länge sen och blev fiskhandlare, En gren som heter Claesson äger Fiskeri AB Ginneton och slutligen finns det en gren som äger Tor-ön […]…

I tisdags exploderade en bomb på Rörstrandsgatan 5 i Kvillestaden i Göteborg (officiellt heter stadsdelen Brämaregården men ingen kallar den det). Det var en sprängning riktad mot en känd gängkriminell i Göteborg. Han har en koppling till Bandidos MC men om han fortfarande är medlem är oklart. Under en period var han president för Bandidos MC i Göteborg […]…

Fängelsestraff för bolagsförmedlare. Stockholms tingsrätt har meddelat dom i ett brottmål gällande bland annat näringspenningtvätt, grovt brott. Domstolen dömer tre åtalade personer till fängelse upp till ett år och sju månader. En fjärde åtalad dömdes till villkorlig dom medan en femte frikändes.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Setting up a secure blog (or any kind of website) using hugo, certbot, haproxy, and crowdsec

This is my first post on my new site, I hope someone finds it helpful!

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to h0bbl3s


cool seeing another bearblog in the wild (I also use Hugo + Bear for my blog).

Quick question: Why do you deploy the Hugo dev server and don't build your page to static HTML?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to moonleay

Awesome it is good to see the bearblog getting some love. Just to keep it short mostly. I was debating adding another article continuing this one using nginx for that part. I could add a section to this one though. Or would you use something other than nginx, I'm open to suggestions. I checked yours out, it's a bit snappier than mine :) . What are you running?
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to h0bbl3s

I use CI to compile the page and add it to nginx, which I then build into a docker container. Once it's finished, I deploy it to my server and it gets served by traefik.

That's another thing I was curious about. Is there a reason why you didn't use docker?

You mentioned in another comment, that you used snap, because it is used in the official certbot instructions. Did you intend this to be 100% faithful to official docs?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to moonleay

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to moonleay

😱 I had no idea. I just went and read through that wow. I hope they don't sell to someone scummy.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to h0bbl3s

I'd love to see more on something like Envoy as the reverse proxy. I tend to think of reverse proxies in "generations":

  1. Apache and Friends
  2. Nginx and Buddies
  3. HAProxy and Pals
  4. Envoy and Associates

I'm rather familiar with 0-2 from my previous work. It's really a pity, to me, that nginx is favored so heavily over HAProxy as in all perf and HA testing that I've done has resulted in nginx being left in the dust. The benchmarks that I've seen for Envoy show similar standings. I just haven't spent the time yet to get familiar with it.

Any repo containing creative commons food recipes out there?

I am not looking for a recipe software that is open source.

I am looking for markdown formatted recipes for making food dishes, in a git repository, to which lots of people contribute.

Any ideas? Heard of such a thing?

Google is zero fucking help welcome to 2024 worst timeline.

Edit: Found one so far:…

Not an easy thing to search for.

Edit: Here's another one, but it's small:

Edit: Oh yeah, here we go!…

Edit: Fuck yeah, now I'm on a roll:


Edit: Jackpot! One of those "awesome" lists:…

Edit: Had already found some on that list already, but not this one!…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to nelsnelson [comrade/them, love/loves]

Google search for "open source recipes". Does Lemmy come up in the results?

If not, compile this list on some website that will get indexed by search engines, so it will help the next person who is searching for this information.

Many sites are well-indexed by search engines. Personally, I recommend asking this question on the cooking stack exchange. You can answer your own question and then link from there to this thread, and it will help search engines index this thread.

Installation of language pack openSUSE

Hello, I'm kinda new in Linux and I've downloaded openSUSE Tumbleweed, since here all right but I wanted to put the language in Hawaiian, this one specifically, and I didn't found the language in the main languages, could I install it from other place, I've found this link from Ubuntu… they were talking about this but for Ubuntu, how could I install the pack for openSUSE.
I appreciate every help, thank you.
in reply to PauMasia

There are language packs for the desktop, the apps etc. I guess. I never did this, you could install them individually.

If they are not in the repositories, it will be harder but possible.

in reply to communism

The takeaway is to not use forks if there are changes you want to keep private.
in reply to Eager Eagle

The takeaway is still…

in reply to IrritableOcelot

just making sure: i am talking sbout the xapps and the releases they bring, not debian security or other updates of debian packages. i am familiar with the concept of up/-downstream, just wanted to know about cinnamon specific releases, which answers my question, i guess...

edit: typos

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in reply to loiakdsf

I wasn't trying to call you out! I was more responding to Jcreazy, but I wanted to emphasize what NaN said.

As far as I know, the xapps are largely updated in line with when Mint gets updates -- Mint doesnt get super frequent updates on those either, they often get bundled with a new Cinnamon release.

in reply to Chewy

aiaiaia wasn't fully aware didn't really care, because I don't need #eyecandy but this seems like problem:…
Make up your own mind, folks.


This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to dannoffs [he/him]

being normal

Hey. This is the linux community, there is no nornal. Only insanity

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

This is why people should stop recommending Arch. Fedora or Opensuse TW should be recommended instead for new people.

in reply to Magnolia_

I mainly recommend Universal Blue distros to newbies, like Bazzite or Aurora. The immutable nature more or less means users don't have to worry about performing maintenance of system apps like they might on some distros, mostly don't have to worry about dependencies, and are less likely to irreversibly break the system themselves or in an update.

That said, these distros are Fedora-based, and I think that's fine. No idea who out there is recommending Arch of all things.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Onihikage

It might be good in a few years but for now it is more of a experimental concept
in reply to Magnolia_

I will always recommend people to research their choice of distro. Use the right tool for the job.

What one person needs may differ from what another person needs. Take into account what the use case is for the machine you are using.

I use Arch BTW but I don't run Arch for any of my servers. I use Arch where it makes sense for me.

I wouldn't tell someone switching from Windows to just go balls to the wall and go for something blerding edge and arguably more maintenance or manual intervention needed.

I will give my suggestions but always implore them to research what theyt3 looking for.

Rank-My-Favs - An open-source Android app to help rank your favorite things.