Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust adoption, and why the Linux kernel is 'the only thing that matters'
In a wide-ranging conversation with Verizon open-source officer Dirk Hohndel, 'plodding engineer' Linus Torvalds discussed where Linux is today and where it may go tomorrow.
As for the release numbers, Torvalds reminded everyone yet again, they mean nothing. Hohndel said, "You typically change the major number around 19 or 20, because you get bored." No, replied Torvalds, it's because, "when I can't count on my fingers and toes anymore it's time for another 'major' release."
So, what should you do about the constant weekly flow of Linux security bug fixes? Greg Kroah-Hartman, the maintainer of the Linux stable kernel, thinks you should constantly update to the newest, most secure stable Linux kernel. Torvalds agrees but can see the case for sticking with older kernels and relying on less frequent security patch backports.
Switching to a more modern topic, the introduction of the Rust language into Linux, Torvalds is disappointed that its adoption isn't going faster. "I was expecting updates to be faster, but part of the problem is that old-time kernel developers are used to C and don't know Rust. They're not exactly excited about having to learn a new language that is, in some respects, very different. So there's been some pushback on Rust."
The pair then moved on to the hottest of modern tech topics: AI. While Torvalds is skeptical about the current AI hype, he is hopeful that AI tools could eventually aid in code review and bug detection.In the meantime, though, Torvalds is happy about AI's side effects. For example, he said, "When AI came in, it was wonderful, because Nvidia got much more involved in the kernel. Nvidia went from being on my list of companies who are not good to my list of companies who are doing really good work."
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How do you have 25 upvotes? Everything you wrote is wrong.
Linus said, that the rust infrastructure is not stable, is positive about AIs future and happy, that NVIDIA had to step up their open source game.
And even the interviewer mentioned, that the "I only care about the kernel" quote WILL be taken out of context.
And he answered even implied questions...
Yes, but he also commented that the rust infrastructure isn’t super stable.
The point is that that Linus responses were not as overtly simplified and predictable as lung suggested.
My memory is fuzzy, but they have had their tegra SOC since the 2000s, and somewhat more recently they have been a big player in data center networking.
And ever since CUDA became a thing they have been a big name in HPC and super computers, which is usually Linux based.
So they have done a lot of behind the scenes Linux work (and possibly BSD?).
Yeah, afaik the tegra was only used for embedded, closed source devices though, no? Did they submit any non-proprietary tegra support upstream?
And afaik CUDA has also always been proprietary bins. Maybe you mean they had to submit upstream fixes here and there to get their closed-source stuff working properly?
Tegra was used in android tablets, I had a couple. Not sure what the licence status was, but it was supported in cyanogen, so they must have had to make some changes to the kernel for that?
Certainly some of the stuff the upstreamed was to support their drivers, but they would have also been working on other more general things to support their super computers and other HPC stuff.
They also had a chipset for intel motherboards (which I can't find anything about), which may have had some work required?
I don't really know exactly the scope of all the work, but they have been in the top 20 companies for kernel development for a long time, and I assuming it can't just be supporting their own drivers.
Its hard to find the stats, but from here:…
you can click through and get breakdowns per kernel release:…
Svensk storbedragare gripen i Turkiet. Andreas Szakacs, en av grundarna av OmegaPro, misstänkt för att vara huvudmannen bakom ett Ponzi-bedrägeri på flera miljarder dollar, greps av i Istanbul i juli 2024.
Safe to Install New Dual Boot?
My GF recently said I can install Linux on her laptop. Then I saw Windows broke dual boot systems.
Is it safe to do a dual boot if she already has the update that broke dual booting?
Should I just figure out how to install Windows in a VM for her?
Appreciate any insight y'all can offer
Microsoft’s latest security update has ruined dual-boot Windows and Linux PCs
Microsoft has issued a security update that has broken dual-boot Linux and Windows machines. The update wasn’t supposed to reach dual-boot PCs.Tom Warren (The Verge)
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Dumb title. Yes, it's safe. Windows has nerfed boot records for any other OS since the beginning of dual-booting. Just replace the boot record.
Also, if you want to be hardcore about it, and since everything is UEFI now, just use your BIOS boot manager to control booting. Shouldn't be a problem.
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It doesn't change the preferences but it does replace bootx64.efi which is the default bootloader executable for a drive, when the UEFI doesn't have more specific entries. In some configurations both Windows and GRUB want to be that.
If you add a boot entry for GRUB and don't point it to the default executable, then it won't be affected. Until you reset the BIOS or try to use the drive in another system that is, in which case the firmware will then only know about the default executable. But it's easy to add the boot entries back.
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Today on "Was this caused by stupidity or malice"...
Microsoft said earlier this month it would apply “a Secure Boot Advanced Targeting (SBAT) update to block vulnerable Linux boot loaders that could have an impact on Windows security,”
(emphasis mine)
Some chatter on the Fediverse in the past couple of days, around a proposed symbol for the network of networks.
There is an icon / logo that has been used for the Fediverse as a whole, for a number of years. Stefan compiled a history and background of this logo, which is an excellent read, and also based on posts from Liaizon. You will find a range of versions of this as an icon. This is what I’ve personally been using, if I’ve needed an illustration or icon for anything I’ve been working on. There are connections, there are interconnections, it’s web-like, but also simpler. It does sort of benefit from colour, but just about works without as well.
Along came… Threads
More recently, Meta’s Threads started to offer some limited Fediverse integration, and uses a circular icon to represent the Fediverse if you enable Fediverse sharing in your settings (available in your account settings on web for some regions, including folks in the US and UK). Flipboard have adopted the same icon as Threads, and you’ll see that on my profile next to my Fediverse address / handle.
This created some concern about where the icon was coming from, although I have to say that it is bold, works at a range of sizes, is a convenient shape to represent as a vector, etc – and with Threads having a large number of users, it has the opportunity to grow awareness and recognition quickly.
Logos and symbols are fraught with challenges and always, in my experience, lead to some unhappiness. With MQTT we ended up with a sort of accidental icon, based on an initial piece of art from one of Andy Stanford-Clark’s colleagues, I think, but then there was a whole discussion about whether or not it was openly licensed or usable… and even now I doubt many folks would pick it out.
I think the major successful icon that has stuck with me as recognisable over time has been the one for RSS feeds.
I saw that Evan Prodromou posted a poll yesterday asking whether folks like the ActivityPub logo. I voted “qualified yes”, FWIW – although as with MQTT and RSS and other underlying technologies, I wonder a little how relevant it is in broad usage and recognition, and particularly if the text is omitted. I suppose it works in tech circles!
Do you like the ActivityPub logo?(See comments for the logo)
— Evan Prodromou (@evan) 2024-08-22T11:41:07.768Z
A new idea
Now, back to the Fediverse as a whole: I do think there’s value in having a well-recognised icon that people can see associated with a platform, and to then be able to understand that it means the platform is compatible with and part of the broad Fediverse. Either of the two icons further up this post could work, so far as I am concerned.
The page is proposing an alternative to both of the existing expressions, that I also quite like – in particular, because it re-uses an existing Unicode character ⁂ (an asterism, a typographical symbol).
A manifesto for ⁂ as a symbol for the fediverse— Fediverse Symbol ⁂ (@FediverseSymbol) 2024-08-22T13:37:58.316Z
@ is the symbol for e-mail. # is the symbol for hashtags. ☮ is the symbol for peace. ♻ is the symbol for recycling. ⁂ can be the symbol for the fediverse.
⁂ is standardised as Unicode U+2042, making it ready to copy and insert anywhere.
(ironically, after fiddling with my site design this week, it turns out I’m using a body font – Grotesque MT – that does not include the peace or recycling symbols. Fun, I shall have to look into that)
I really like the arguments laid out on the “manifesto” page, and I like the fact that it is an existing character. I like the idea that we have a set of known understood symbols that we could add to. However, I’ve also seen some arguments that the asterism is just as difficult to scale down as the pentangular option, and, inevitably, I’ve also seen some “hilarious” takes from folks trying to be funny about how the asterism could be interpreted, too.
It also reminds me slightly of the Ubuntu logo (actually both the Meta one, and the asterism, remind me of Ubuntu somehow) – which came with the “Linux for human beings” tagline, and attempted to also show diversity and connection.
The key thing is not to keep on re-inventing wheels, but to come together around a good and straightforward design that can be used everywhere. Compromise. I understand the concerns around a Meta-originated icon – however, it works, and is already becoming more common. The folks that are unhappy with a large company being anywhere near it will be frustrated.
Of course, we can’t just use an F, because Friendica took that one… although apparently that’s old-hat and we should all be using Streams or even Forte… I guess Forte can have the Friendica one then 🙃
… by the way, we don’t seem to have settled on terminology around “fediverse” vs “federated social network” vs “social web”, exactly, either.
I’m a little bit sad as I sense this is a conversation that is going to keep going around in… circles (or other shapes). Maybe a topic for a lively debate at Fediforum?
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#activitypub #branding #design #fediverse #images #logo #logos #Technology #threads #typography #Ubuntu
Fediverse Symbol ⁂
A manifesto for ⁂ as a symbol for the fediverse's Server
@Mike McCue A new proposal for a Fediverse logo is a Unicode character: ⁂ (U+2042).Most of all, whether we like it or not, millions of people are being exposed to this icon everyday on Threads as a symbol of the fediverse so I think it’s a pragmatic choice.
This would not only allow, but actively help Meta assume control over the Fediverse.#FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Asterism #FediverseSymbol #FediverseLogo #Meta #EmbraceExtendExtinguish
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That seems a bit rough combining all those into one, can't upgrade anything separately.
I'm not sure on the security/safety of combining your gateway and NAS either.
Having a router as a NAS is pretty standard.
But you are right, it may be less secure.
If you want to configure all that XD I dont want to.
You say OpenWRT is not designed for embedded computers? I cant imagine why not.
Edit to add: It appears that the “mt76” Wi-Fi 6 driver is open source:…
Pardon my ignorance, but what Linux device driver(s) does one use for the Wi-Fi 6 11ax 4T4R Mini PCIe Module (AW7915-NP1)? I’ve been under the (hopefully false) impression that open source drivers don’t exist for Wi-Fi modules beyond the 802.11n (A.K.A. Wi-Fi 4) standard.
Edit to add:
Maybe the driver really is open source? I’m not familiar with Linux kernel/driver foo, so I’m not really sure, but this doesn’t look like a binary blob to me:…
The code seems to be under the ISC license, which I’ve never encountered before, but it seems to me an open source license.
) details about why the "highly improved" didn't make it to upstream openwrt?
They contribute upstream, another user here is running upstream OpenWRT.
I assume they just have a heavier WebUI and a more "bloated" configuration, which wouldnt suit OpenWRT
I thought the same.
I suppose they use stuff like real-time-kernels.
Depending on your needs, a typical wifi router would need
- some ARM SOC (optional) with a CPU with at least 1 GHz speed
- 500MB RAM or so
- 4GB of storage or so
- PCIe (or m.2 or miniPCIe) slots to plug in
- 1 WAN ethernet port, 1Gb/s up to 10 Gb/s
- optionally a modem for fiber or whatever you use
- 1 or more LAN ethernet ports, a bit lower speed
- a wifi card (no idea why the Omnia has 2) with support for Wifi6
- a few antennas, 1 or 2 are enough, to plug into the wifi card
- power supply
- USB or some other form to flash updates locally
The software needs to run on there, being Linux based that should be absolutely no problem. But a RPi5 afaik still has no upstream Linux support, but it also way overpowered for that job.
I totally think about building my own router, but also enjoy the service of Turris, their advanced OS that requires these high specs, their package repo and custom OS features not present in upstream OpenWRT.
They look very cool but IMO a bit overpriced for the proposed hardware spec?
For the same price range you can get a full n100 16GB dual ethernet 2.5gbit with a 5x2.5gbit ethernet switch and wifi extender.
But yeah those aren't FOSS, so maybe that's their selling point?
Do you know the Fediverse logo?
It’s a nice logo. It’s colorful, and it’s a good representation of the different nodes in the Fediverse. That said, its many colors and many lines also mean it doesn’t necessarily work well everywhere. Sometimes you need a small, monochrome logo. This logo’s monochrome version doesn’t work as well.
Enter, the asterism: ⁂ It’s simple, it’s a unicode symbol so available on all keyboards and scalable. It can be colored or not. I think it could make for a nice representation of the Fediverse!
Check the proposal here: fediverse symbol ⁂
Kudos to @FediverseSymbol for making this happen!
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Define "sandboxed"
Application can only access a limited part of the system? = use flatpak or build a container/VM image using the nix pkgs.
Application can be uninstalled completely and has separate libraries? I prefer nix.
Forgejo is now copyleft, just like Git
Forgejo is changing its license to a Copyleft license. This blog post will try to bring clarity about the impact to you, explain the motivation behind this change and answer some questions you might have.
Developers who choose to publish their work under a copyleft license are excluded from participating in software that is published under a permissive license. That is at the opposite of the core values of the Forgejo project and in June 2023 it was decided to also accept copylefted contributions. A year later, in August 2024, the first pull request to take advantage of this opportunity was proposed and merged.
Forgejo versions starting from v9.0 are now released under the GPL v3+ and earlier Forgejo versions, including v8.0 and v7.0 patch releases remain under the MIT license.
Copyleft software licenses are considered protective or reciprocal in contrast with permissive free software licenses,[2] and require that information necessary for reproducing and modifying the work must be made available to recipients of the software program, which are often distributed as executables. This information is most commonly in the form of source code files, which usually contain a copy of the license terms and acknowledge the authors of the code. Copyleft helps ensure everyone's rights to freely use the product but it prohibits owning, registering copyright and earning royalties from copyright.
TL;DR: A permissive license allows doing almost everything, including turning the code into proprietary products.
Permissive licenses permit a broader range of use compared to “copyleft” licenses.
“copyleft” here just being a cute way of being the opposite of copyright - instead of disallowing others from what they can do with “copyrighted” code, “copyleft” requires that they (upon request) share modifications to your code.
Permissive takes away this requirement to share your modifications. “copyleft” is considered more free and open source (FOSS), permissive is more business friendly.
always a pleasure to see big projects going full copyleft amidst the recent influx of projects sadly going source-available
this is the main reason not to sign a CLA (edit: both the aforementioned projects seem to adopt CLAs, though it seems that they aren't hostile and are especially pro-copyleft. see this amazing correction by for context). you should not let a third-party use your copyright to restrict user freedom in the future because they swear "they ❤️ open source" now, and would never use your code to only their own benefit.
Except both of the projects you just linked too have CLAs, which they updated on switching to AGPLv3. Both use them as a way to offer dual-licensing, so they can charge companies for an AGPL-exception by selling them a proprietary-licensed version, which then supports the FOSS-development. They both were also only able to change to AGPL because of already existing CLAs. At least in Element's case though, they created a two-way commitment in their CLA:Now, CLAs come in all shapes and sizes: some good and some bad. It’s critical to understand that our reason for requiring one here is to give us the right to sell AGPL exceptions: not to “do a Hashicorp” and switch to a non-FOSS licence in future. We’ve made this clear in the wording of the CLA (using a similar approach to Signal’s CLA) by committing to distributing contributions as FOSS under an OSI-approved licence – many thanks to those who gave feedback on the original announcement to suggest this. You can find the final CLA wording here, derived from the well-respected Apache Software Foundation CLA.
Here's the specific text from the CLA:Element shall be entitled to make Your Contribution available under Element's proprietary software licence, provided that Element shall also make Your Contribution available under the terms of an OSl-approved open-source license.
I personally consider that a fairly reasonable term. Especially because they specified an OSI-approved license. Element are always going to be bound to that now. This is like the copyleft of contributor license agreements.Synapse now lives at
Element is switching to use the Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) for its future contributions to Synapse and related backend Matrix projects.Matthew Hodgson (Element Blog)
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Except both of the projects you just linked too have CLAs, which they updated on switching to AGPLv3. Both use them as a way to offer dual-licensing, so they can charge companies for an AGPL-exception by selling them a proprietary-licensed version, which then supports the FOSS-development. They both were also only able to change to AGPL because of already existing CLAs. At least in Element's case though, they created a two-way commitment in their CLA:
Now, CLAs come in all shapes and sizes: some good and some bad. It’s critical to understand that our reason for requiring one here is to give us the right to sell AGPL exceptions: not to “do a Hashicorp” and switch to a non-FOSS licence in future. We’ve made this clear in the wording of the CLA (using a similar approach to Signal’s CLA) by committing to distributing contributions as FOSS under an OSI-approved licence – many thanks to those who gave feedback on the original announcement to suggest this. You can find the final CLA wording here, derived from the well-respected Apache Software Foundation CLA.
Here's the specific text from the CLA:
Element shall be entitled to make Your Contribution available under Element's proprietary software licence, provided that Element shall also make Your Contribution available under the terms of an OSl-approved open-source license.
I personally consider that a fairly reasonable term. Especially because they specified an OSI-approved license. Element are always going to be bound to that now. This is like the copyleft of contributor license agreements.
Synapse now lives at
Element is switching to use the Affero General Public License (AGPLv3) for its future contributions to Synapse and related backend Matrix projects.Matthew Hodgson (Element Blog)
Maybe a more appropriate practice is to only engage with a Contributor License Agreement if the repository one contributes to is already available with the GNU AGPL or one is actually in control of some money the person one contracts with will gain due to one's changes. For example:
- Before I contribute to a project, I should make a copy of as many relevant repositories I'm able to and ensure each one is easy to redistribute, and only make changes to my copies. That way, I can continue distributing the improved software if a person I engage in a CLA with does something I don't like later, but they are still able to apply any change of mine to a repository that gets more attention (thus helping more people). Also, I might get money (as an employee) for doing this, which would prevent that money from being used against the Free Software Movement.
- If I were a board member, manager, or employee and someone engaged in a CLA with an entity I have influence over, I have a good chance to direct more money to support the Free Software Movement (or block dealing with a person where doing so would be harmful).
If I have already fixed a software issue, made it clear what license should be used with my change, and made it available to the public, I wouldn't necessarily be against engaging in a CLA (though I might ask to be paid to do so since I wouldn't normally go out of my way to manually sign things, and I do value my time).
FYI I can navigate to… from… (using… for an intermediary step), so I'm a little suspicious about the author's thoughts on these matters. I also didn't find any useful information about the GNU Affero General Public License from the same author, and I consider the GNU AGPL to be important based on… and
On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons
On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons par Ploum - Lionel
Would you not consider signing a CLA (without remuneration) if it binds a project to releasing your code under an OSI license? The only way they could have done better I think is by specifying AGPL instead. I'm not trying to argue that all CLAs are good here, but I don't think that when they achieve the goals of the free software movement, they should be treated with suspicion or derision.
Honestly, all of the recent light shone on CLAs is a great thing. But there are still valid reasons to maintain a unified copyright for a project. None of these projects would have been able to move to AGPL without having used a CLA for that purpose. It also allows enforcement of that license via things like litigation, because you can have one entity on the docket, instead of a thousand contributors all defending their copyright.
I think the correct course of action isn't to avoid signing one, but to force projects to commit to the social contract of open source in writing. I think there's also a discussion that no one has earnestly talked about. A contributor license agreement is a contract between two parties, and under contract laws both parties must materially benefit. "I will get x, and you will get y". This is known as consideration, and courts will nullify contracts that only benefit one of the parties. The only consideration I think there is to be found in most of the CLAs that have been brought up lately, is basically "your code will be merged into the project and released under it". They don't specify the continuation of open source, but it's heavily implied by the aforementioned social contract. So when someone like RHEL goes and closes their source, they've essentially changed that contract to "you will sign over your copyright to us, and we will exploit your labour for profit". That is not consideration, and it calls into question the validity of every single CLA signed. I genuinely think there's grounds for every RHEL contributor that signed one to form a class and sue, and I would love to see FSF or EFF organising and supporting that sort of effort.
Back to Element for a second though, as far as I can see, their new CLA is a valid contract, because it gives a right to the contributor, that their code will always be released under an OSI license. So if a successful suit was brought against someone like RHEL, or Hashicorp, we could see other projects scramble to repeat Element here. That would be, in my opinion, a very good thing for the free software movement.
I would probably be most upset if a program had its license changed to be "permissive" like the Expat License. I might accept making a reasonable number of contracts to provide a "proprietary" license that doesn't give any new person (or corporation) permission to distribute software, but a "permissive" license allows people to work against the Free Software Movement without any oversight.
That being said, I don't think I would be satisfied if a contract specified that "an OSI license" will be used: I would prefer for a specific license to be used rather than just one of a class of licenses. However, if an appropriate license is already being used, I wouldn't have to sign anything to protect myself!
In general, I'm probably against changing the license of any software: changing a license seems like a lot of work that can probably be better spent elsewhere, and I consider it to be unlikely that any GPL license will need to have a new version anytime soon (they might, and the v3 versions are clearly better to use than any preexisting version, but they might also change for the worse if the FSF changes for the worse), and the GNU AGPLv3 clearly reflects the present state of the art of licensing (so using any other license that is compatible with it would strike me as strange). If I actually had a reason to study any source code that wasn't available with the GNU AGPLv3 or the GNU GPLv3, I would probably be better off studying the requirements of people who use that software and making my own version with a license I prefer: that way I'd provide more certainty that my changes are available with an appropriate license.
Changing the license of existing projects is clearly useful sometimes, but adapting proprietary programs for use with more open systems hasn't been very useful to me so far. For example, I use LibreOffice rather than trying to get Microsoft Word to work with my computer.
There might be some people who argue that any influence of a GPL license will make their business model less profitable, but if that's the case we're already dealing with business, so I might as well receive my fair share of money and influence from the business (or withhold my participation entirely, if that would be less harmful).
Just to be clear, I'd avoid studying source code only available with the GNU Lesser GPL unless things change.
FYI, I’m discussing "studying" instead of "changing", since avoiding even looking at source code of questionable provenance might help protect me from accusations of plagiarism. If someone exploits a computer system to copy source code without permission and shares it with me, and then I make a similar program, the copyright holders whose program I copied might have a justified reason to complain. However, there is less chance of that if I study people's public messages or even compare the behavior of one program to another, and if I don't study a program, I probably can’t change it either.
I'll note that, despite what I've written,
- I don't actually scrutinize licenses of repositories very much: if I come up with a useful patch, I'm inclined to share it even if it's unclear what license will be used with it. However, I do scrutinize the license of programs I install (for example, I like that yast2
lets you see the license of packages before installing them), so I'm more likely to want to contribute to programs that are compatible with a GPL license.
- I have submitted a patch with text like "By submitting this I give permission to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of this contribution to any person obtaining a copy of this software" that was provided as a template.
- I wouldn't complain much if someone got paid $1,000,000 to distribute some software with the Expat License, since I can't fault them for taking care of themselves.
FYI, "nominal consideration" is very likely sufficient to establish a contract ("contracts in the United States have sometimes have had one party pass nominal amounts of consideration, typically citing $1"), and a contract is probably hard to neutralize in general due to things like mutual drafting clauses and savings clauses.
whoa! thanks a lot! that's my mistake.
thanks for the awesome info, I should've at least check the repo of the individual projects first (only did so with Forgejo).
I totally agree with you, and do think that it is possible to have positive and harmless CLAs. though I do think we should always take a step back and not assume that a project's CLA will be in favor of our copyright, with the case being more the exception than the norm, unfortunately.
in the end, I will always be happy that a copyright holder wants to be able to reliably make money with copyleft software, but I can never really face a CLA without at least initial hostility anymore. you may say I have prejudice against CLAs lol
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You can do that with permissively licensed software too. Except with those, the party distributing their repackaged version doesn't have to distribute source code alongside it. A lot of companies avoid copyleft software because they don't want to or cannot deal with stricter licensing terms. If you're a company creating commercial software which you intend to sell, you don't want to use any GPL code, because you want to keep your software closed source to avoid exactly what you described from happening.
This can be exploited by primarily licensing your open source code using strong copyleft (like the AGPLv3) while selling commercial licenses to businesses that don't want to comply with the AGPL and are willing to pay up. Qt is able to successfully use this even with weaker copyleft (LGPLv3) because it's used a lot in embedded systems (like smart cars) which cannot comply with the LGPLv3's anti-tivoization clause.
This means copyleft licenses can make it easier to profit if you're the author of the code, but of course third parties can more easily profit from permissive licenses.
Torrenting has existed for a long time, yet people still buy software. There is a lot more to software distribution than traditional product sale.
You want to have frequent fixes, compatibility with modern tools, new features and a trustworthy distribution pipeline. These are all things people and corps are willing to pay for in FOSS software.
there’s certainly a camp in FOSS that considers “whatever you like including commercial activity” to be the one true valid version of “free software”
like… if someone wants to take an MIT project, add a bunch of extra features to it keeping some available only with payment, and contribute back bug fixes and some minor features etc, i wouldn’t necessarily say that’s harming the project and this is overall a good thing? it gets the original project more attention
like it’s perhaps a little unfair, but if the goal is quality and scope of the original project - or even broader of the goal is simply to have technology AVAILABLE even if it is with a few - then that goal has been met more with an MIT-like license than it would be with a copyleft license
So, for the slow people in the back... (me)
Copyleft = permanently open source? Ie, you can't take the open source code/project and make it closed source? (or build a new closed project off of it?)
Or am I misunderstanding?
Copyleft means: "if you modify the program and share it, you also have to include the source code for your modifications."
The owner of the copyright (usually the developers or their employer) can still change the license later.
This URL might help you (I see it linked from the URL of this post):
If it doesn't, I suggest looking at…
AGPLv3 is not anti-business or anti-money. It's saying if you want to use the code in a closed source project you need to pay the copyright holder
The copyright holder is the original author, not a maintainer or someone who forked a project and renamed it.
That's why the #1 thing mentioned in copyleft licenses is you can't alter the copyright notice and declare yourself the original author
AGPLv3 is a good license to choose. All the other licenses are naive and do not combat closed source projects and the slave worker that keeps our projects unfunded
I wonder why they didn't go with AGPL, which is made for server-based software like Forgejo.
From my understanding GPL does nothing to force hosting services to open their code as long as they don't distribute builds.
As someone who worked at a business that transitioned to AGPL from a more permissive license, this is exactly right. Our software was almost always used in a SaaS setting, and so GPL provided little to no protection.
To take it further, even under the AGPL, businesses can simply zip up their code and send it to the AGPL’ed software owner, so companies are free to be as hostile as possible (and some are) while staying within the legal framework of the license.
simply zip up their code and send it to the AGPL’ed software owner
That seems good enough to me. No?
Sure, it would be nice to have the whole versioning system history,
but even having the current version of the code makes it possible to do a code review.
And modification too.
Self-Building and deployment might turn out to be harder, but that would just be about which side is having to put the effort of making something comprehensive.
Good enough? I mean it’s allowed. But it’s only good enough if a licensee decides your their goal is to make using the code they changed or added as hard as possible.
Usually, the code was obtained through a VCS like GitHub or Gitlab and could easily be re-contributed with comments and documentation in an easy-to-process manner (like a merge or pull request). I’d argue not completing the loop the same way the code was obtained is hostile. A code equivalent of taking the time (or not) to put their shopping carts in the designated spots.
Imagine the owner (original source code) making the source code available only via zip file, with no code comments or READMEs or developer documentation. When the tables are turned - very few would actually use the product or software.
It’s a spirit vs. letter of the law thing. Unfortunately we don’t exist in a social construct that rewards good faith actors over bad ones at the moment.
Or it could just be laziness.
In case you don't want to put the effort into making a system into your organisation, to update code in a public-facing versioning system hosted setup, just tell someone to zip whatever you compiled and package it along with the rest of the stuff.
- Packaging the whole .git directory would make it significantly larger
- This method is bankruptcy-safe, as compared to hosting on the internet.
- Ideally, I would like there to be both, a zip (in case I don't have an internet atm) and a link to the vcs
- Yes, the companies mostly don't care enough and people doing it won't think of it as being hostile, just as putting the least effort.
It seems there was a pre-existing agreement to use the GNU GPL with Forgejo, and it seems to me that the GNU AGPL is not compatible with the GNU GPL.
There is more discussion about that around…
I'm assuming that there has been some resistance to using the GNU AGPL with Forgejo (it seems the discussions about licenses has been contentious), and the GNU GPL seems to have been discussed much more than the GNU AGPL. It was probably overwhelmingly likely that we would get Forgejo with the GNU GPL rather than the GNU AGPL. I would have preferred that the GNU AGPL was used instead, but I'm not going to worry about it much since I probably can't change this situation for the better.
Upgrade v9.0 license to GPLv3+
There are pull requests that have copyleft code and they are blocked because they depend on updates of the documentation, repository and website for the
You're right, seems like GPLv2 is incompatible with AGPL. GPLv3 includes extra clauses to allow it.
From the GNU Licensing page
Please note that the GNU AGPL is not compatible with GPLv2. It is also technically not compatible with GPLv3 in a strict sense: you cannot take code released under the GNU AGPL and convey or modify it however you like under the terms of GPLv3, or vice versa. However, you are allowed to combine separate modules or source files released under both of those licenses in a single project, which will provide many programmers with all the permission they need to make the programs they want. See section 13 of both licenses for details.
Exactly. They obviously didn't research licensing enough.
Closed source projects need to pay for licensing. Or they will force you to work for them designing web forms and smartphone apps
Am i wrong?
Give Up GitHub - Software Freedom Conservancy
The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a non-profit home and services to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
Ever since I read this Article I have been wanting to delete my GitHub account and migrate over to another platform. I would give a summary but I'm incapable of doing so.
If this info is outdated or misinformation then please let me know.
Anyone can Access Deleted and Private Repository Data on GitHub ◆ Truffle Security Co.
You can access data from deleted forks, deleted repositories and even private repositories on GitHub. And it is available forever. This is known by GitHub, and intentionally designed that
Give Up GitHub - Software Freedom Conservancy
The Software Freedom Conservancy provides a non-profit home and services to Free, Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
Github desktop is not on linux
GitHub has long sought to discredit copyleft generally. Their various CEOs have often spoken loudly and negatively about copyleft, including their founder (and former CEO) devoting his OSCON keynote on attacking copyleft and the GPL. This trickled down from the top. We've personally observed various GitHub employees over the years arguing in many venues to convince projects to avoid copyleft; we've even seen a GitHub employee do this in a GitHub bug ticket directly.
You only need to know that corporations do not like copyleft to know it is good. The same goes with capitalists and wealth tax / inheritance tax.
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Wealth Tax
I am against any wealth tax. The revenue services for many governments are very focused on not blocking economic growth, and then periodically taking a reasonable amount of wealth.
In the end, only wealth can be taxed (things that aren't physical can't be seized and auctioned). However, I don't want to be forced to let someone into my house to calculate how much stuff I have.
In general, I think it’s more reasonable to monitor wealth moving (and more so if wealth moves between people) rather than to force people to cooperate with monitoring wealth staying in the same place. I don’t want someone checking up on whether I own the same stock certificates or gold bars each year; that seems like an insult to my dignity.
Enforcement Complications
The top 10% as a whole pays 71.22%, while the bottom 50% of taxpayers account for only 2.89% of all income taxes.
I don't think that focusing on people who already pay a disproportionate amount of tax will be very helpful. Rapidly changing what is taxed (wealth vs income) would probably be harmful, as people will probably have trouble adapting to significantly different policies. For example, we'd probably hear about people who happen to have inherited expensive houses being unable to pay thousands of dollars for tax bills, after thinking that they wouldn't be affected by policy changes.
If there was a wealth tax and I was rich enough to spend a lot of time managing my money, I would just create a "charitable organization" that I and my family completely control, then have it pay people to do things I would want them to do anyway, and maybe even try to let the charity pay a high wage to its managers (such that I could be a manager and get the charity to pay for my yearly living expenses, directly or indirectly). I also might be able to get away with using a trust or charitable remainder trust to avoid being affected by a wealth tax.
I don't know the degree to which tax exempt organizations affect my life, but I do know that trusts have a relevant affect on my life, since they are often used to own land, specifically by landlords of housing and by people who own land that is worth a lot of money. How they are dealt with would probably have to significantly change in order to accommodate a wealth tax.
Inheritance Tax
I'm not sure I'm against inheritance tax, but it might be an unnecessary complication. Treating inheritance like a gift from one person to another at the moment of their death might make things easier for everyone. The policies regarding gifts are relatively clear:……
However, having separate inheritance law might also make things less painful for some people. If my assets suddenly gained or lost a large amount of value just before I died, I wouldn't want that to justify taking more wealth from my heirs. Having a special way to value assets gained due to someone dying might be more reasonable than treating each receipt as a gift.
Charitable Remainder Trust: Definition, How It Works, and Types
A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals and support charities.Julia Kagan (Investopedia)
FYI, I think that focusing on proportional representation electoral reform is the best way to increase respect to the inherent dignity of the person, and that .
I happen to be interested in tax policy, but I would prefer for the electoral system to improve before tax policies change.
See also ! /…
- Wealth tax does not block economic growth, rather the opposite, because it forces wealth to be reinvested to not lose too much value.
- You clearly need a lesson in proportional taxation if you think people would have their personal property appropriated.
- I do not give a fuck about you placing your dignity in ownership of material assets, that is a you problem.
- The top 10% pay less income taxes as a fraction of their income than the bottom 10%.
- Really, we should remove the capitalist class because they will fight back to the detriment of everyone else.
- I do not give a fuck about the IRS. I am not an American. My country actually has a wealth tax.
- You are repeating misinformation and capitalist propaganda with little understanding of what you are saying. Have you even reflected on what "the economy" really is? If you are a trickle-down Reaganomics-follower, you might want to get your brain checked.
Wealth tax does not block economic growth, rather the opposite, because it forces wealth to be reinvested to not lose too much value.
Do you have a source for this? I see that "wealth taxes have failed in Europe", and it seems that places with a wealth tax were mostly in Europe:……
One example that caught my attention is Belgium, which introduced an "annual tax on securities accounts", which suggests that they were taxing resources that were invested already.
I can imagine that it's possible for government spending to produce more economic growth than would have happened without taxation, but the entire point of money is to have a multitude of people working towards prosperity in ways that can't be predicted by state authorities, so if there are more taxes it seems likely that economic growth will be reduced.
Of course, an analysis would have to account for things like using resources from a wealth tax to make cheap/free healthcare available, which might then make people vastly more productive such that any negative effects of a wealth tax are neutralized. Also, providing an obviously higher quality of life might be worth some cost.
You clearly need a lesson in proportional taxation if you think people would have their personal property appropriated.
Is a car or shirt or house personal property? It seems things like that are seized in response to people not paying revenue services:…………
I do see that items had bids much higher than I'd expect, and they were being auctioned at the same time watches and jewellery and electric motorcycles and trailers, so I suspect any clothing was "luxury" in some way, or the auction was for more clothing than is documented with pictures.
I do not give a fuck about you placing your dignity in ownership of material assets, that is a you problem.
I reference "dignity" because it's part of "the unshakeable foundation of the Republic of Poland", and thinking about dignity seems like a good way to tell if something is a bad idea, and I probably wouldn't feel like I had more dignity than 1 month ago if I was having my car or house seized because I hadn't paid as much taxes as a revenue service thought I should. I expect that you will have more trouble implementing policies you like if you express that you're disregarding dignity.
The top 10% pay less income taxes as a fraction of their income than the bottom 10%.
I expect that this is true.
Really, we should remove the capitalist class because they will fight back to the detriment of everyone else.
I'm certainly for social change, and people with entrenched interests will probably try to hamper it. However, other people might not want to cooperate with you if you remind them of the Soviet Union, and I expect that saying "we should remove the capitalist class" will do that.
I do not give a fuck about the IRS. I am not an American. My country actually has a wealth tax.
If you don't care about the IRS, why are you talking about a wealth tax using English? I suspect that that the majority of people who speak English as well as you do are U.S. citizens, so I'd assume you were interested in speaking to U.S. citizens. Are you trying to talk to people in Europe / worldwide in a common language?
Who is the target audience for your messages? I'm interested in where/how you're focusing your efforts.
You are repeating misinformation and capitalist propaganda with little understanding of what you are saying. Have you even reflected on what “the economy” really is? If you are a trickle-down Reaganomics-follower, you might want to get your brain checked.
What misinformation am I repeating? I wouldn't have written a statement that I don't think is true, so I suggest you point out anything you think is incorrect and explain your perspective, and maybe share a URL for some more interesting sources.
Note: I originally pressed "Reply" too early by mistake, so I edited this text. Originally I had only written "Is a car or shirt or house personal property?" and one URL.
The top 10% as a whole pays 71.22%, while the bottom 50% of taxpayers account for only 2.89% of all income taxes.
This is misinformation, because it paints a picture of the rich being hard done by.
The bottom 50% pays an actual tax rate that is a higher percentage of their earnings than the top 50%. The richer you are, the more opportunity you have to reduce your tax burden.…
Your own numbers are an indicator of massive income disparity.
Column: How much do the poor actually pay in taxes? Probably more than you think.
Those making less than $19,000 a year pay almost 11 percent of their income in state and local taxes. Here's why that matters.PBS News
It's not actually higher:…
Top 1% pay 25.9% of their income to taxes, bottom 50% pay 3.3%
Who Pays Federal Income Taxes? Latest Federal Income Tax Data
The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97 percent of all federal income taxes. Explore the latest federal income tax data.Tax Foundation
That doesn't take into account non federal tax.…
This says it more explicitly.
using a more realistic definition of income that includes unrealized capital gains, they found that the same 25 Americans paid just 3.4 percent of their income in taxes during that period. If unrealized capital gains were included in these estimates, ITEP, too, would calculate a much lower effective tax rate for the rich
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2024
America's tax system is just barely progressive, and not nearly as progressive as many suggest or as progressive as it could be.ITEP
Also, reported income is not the same for regular people and the top 1%. Tax evasion techniques makes it seem as if they have way less income than they really have.
EDIT: I do realize some of this could be incorporated into the statement of your quote above.
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I'm saying you can't pay with paper money, you must pay with real money for everything.
I'm not against considering loans against unrealized assets as realization (with stepped up basis) since the person taking out said loan can use it to pay said tax.
People do this exact thing all the time. Taking on debts to keep cashflow or avoid taxes is normal.
If you are just sitting on unproductive assets instead of realising their value in some way, you are doing the wrong thing.
You should be able to gain revenue from the asset or it wouldn't have appreciating value.
All your comments don't make sense, it's like you just want to take from the economy without giving anything back.
Let's say I give $100,000 to a friend that starts a start-up. You claim after some years that investment is worth $1,000,000 and want me to pay $150,000 tax
I take out a loan for $150,000 because the startup didn't make any profit. The startup goes bust. I now have a $100,000 loss and I paid $150,000 in taxes. Thankfully I can write $3000 off on my taxes every year until I die!
If the startup made no profit it would never be worth 1000000. You would only have a capital gain if value was realizable.
If you never made a dime from your initial 100000 investment you would sell off the asset at that point instead of paying taxes.
If you were too dumb to sell parts of your assets, and instead chose to be cash negative or fail to pay your taxes, you kind of deserve to lose everything because you were too stubborn to receive advice from anybody.
Yes, but how much cashflow did it have, and how much in dividends did the individual stakeholders receive.
It never didn't pay it's taxes afaik
Edit: I'm fact checking myself, Amazon's strategy is reinvesting all profits to support further growth. They were never in a position like the other poster is describing.
There were companies that didn't survive the dot com crash despite being worth billions. Amazon is a company you would recognize, even though a better company is
If you bought their stock you would be very rich for a very short while until it went bankrupt
Did I say zero revenue? I said didn't make a profit. Lots of companies made money, but couldn't make more money than they spent. You can easily have an investment that is valued high that you can't cash out
Let's say you bought some stock now, at the end of the year it's worth $1,000,000 and you get charged $150,000 in April. Big problem, the brokerages stopped allowing you to sell the stock and it crashed down, so now your GameStop stock is worth $100,000
How do you pay?
You don't pay... This is a solved problem, wealth gain/loss would work the same way as capital gain/loss
You can use a net capital loss to reduce your taxable capital gain in any of the 3 preceding years or in any future year.…
It feels like people that don't like this don't actually know how to whole system is supposed to work.
I forgot the most obvious example:
If you bought a house for $200,000 and when you retire it's worth $1,000,000 the government shouldn't demand you pay a percentage of your "gain" for the rest of your life or until you are forced to sell it.
You are saying you want to tax retired people with no income just because they have a place to live in. Should we kick them out for nonpayment of said taxes too? Because that's what would happen. It happens in states with property taxes, but now you want to take it national.
This is the problem with leftists. This message would be an extremely bad electoral platform.
Zero cashflow retirees are not a thing.
ALL states have property tax.
You don't know what you are talking about if you don't understand how taxes are offset and credited. You are just whining about not wanting to participate in society.
Taxes pay for things, go get educated.
They have social security and some of them have savings. My mom is planning to retire in West Virginia and she's already planning on selling her current residence to build a house there. She chose a low property tax state on purpose.
At this point she would only receive social security and start to go through her savings to live. You want to start charging her federal taxes the moment her property is worth $1 more than what she bought it for, even though she's on fixed income.
Yup. And then credit it against standard deduction rates so that 🤡s owning multiple unoccupied homes pay real amounts while your grandmother pays pennies
Like a normal tax system, you doink
Are you a bot or something?
Please answer in ASCII semaphore or French if you don't know semaphore.
The (then) right-wing Norwegian government (left-wing by US standards ordered a study because they wanted to claim this. The results (source in Norwegian, use a translator) were the opposite of what they wanted.
For example: "the businesses used more money on their workers when the stock owners were subjected to higher wealth tax" (paraphrasing here).
Is a car or shirt or house personal property?
I reference "dignity" because it's part of "the unshakeable foundation of the Republic of Poland"
Yea, not sure I care about the right-wingers in Poland either.
cooperate with you if you remind them of the Soviet Union, and I expect that saying "we should remove the capitalist class" will do that.
Well, I think we should be honest about our intentions, unlike the capitalist class that tell you "brown people" or "the economy" is the reason they pay you slave wages.
What misinformation am I repeating? I wouldn't have written a statement that I don't think is true, so I suggest you point out anything you think is incorrect and explain your perspective, and maybe share a URL for some more interesting sources.
The part about seizing personal property to pay taxes, for instance. A progressive tax system can have bottom tiers paying no taxes. The right are those who impose high tax rates on the middle class and poor, in order to make them hate taxes.
Utredning om formuesskattens virkninger for små og mellomstore bedrifter og deres eiere
Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet har mottatt en utredning om formuesskatten, foretatt av Frischsenteret og Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige
I've been told Hungary does, though I haven't heard much about it until recently:…
I've also been told South Africa and Eritrea do, and I wouldn't be surprised if places like North Korea and Turkmenistan do too.
Somehow Hungary gets a score of 30/50 for taxation for 2024 from… (United States and South Africa and Eritrea get 10, North Korea and Turkmenistan get 20) but I'd be suspicious of anywhere with a lower rating than 30.
Nomad Passport Ranking Index 2024: The World’s Best Passports Ranked
Discover the world’s Best Passports for 2024. We ranked the best citizenships to have in the post-pandemic era according to factors that matter to Nomads.Nomad Capitalist
I thought this was going to be fun satire.
You don't really know how anything works if you think all this.
Question is, do you know how much the tax revenue is in your area
Is that tax revenue transaction based or wealth based
Would taxing in your paradigm be reasonable or sustainable in the context of the government expenditures in your area?
"Copyleft licenses do not only benefit the developers. They also guarantee freedoms to users of the software. They reduce the risk of exploitive business practices, like creating a modified version of Forgejo with less freedoms to the users, which could ultimately trap users in a vendor lock-in."
God, you absolutely love to see it. So called "permissive" licenses should be banned because of this.
Life from a Drop of Rain: New Research Suggests Rainwater Helped Form the First Protocell Walls
Life from a drop of rain: New research suggests rainwater helped form the first protocell walls
A Nobel-winning biologist, two engineering schools, and a vial of Houston rainwater cast new light on the origin of life on
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Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace
As the Fediverse continues to grow, people are looking to build new experiences that change what's possible on the network today.
Flohmarkt is a nascent project intended for selling personal items, and may be the first attempt of its kind here.
Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace
Historically speaking, the Fediverse has lacked apps related to money, trade, or commerce. Although there's a growing number of small businesses, services, and contractors within the space, the networSean Tilley (We Distribute)
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mozz, Phenomephrene, Rakenclaw, kindenough and Badabinski like this.
A federated ebay\vinted\amazon alternative sounds like a great idea, but I saw this on their repository.
A flohmarkt can manually federate with other flohmarkts in its range
If I'm reading this correctly, there's no automatic federation between instances, which will make item discovery difficult.
The goal is to promote a local market. Not much point to have a marketplace with used items from the other side of the world.
Although manual curation of the connected instances would also work for a specialist marketplace where you can only find specific types of items.
I think both use-cases make more sense than general marketplace with mostly irrelevant entries.
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Phenomephrene likes this.
Last time I used eBay it was also country specific.
And for that usecase a specialised marketplace for retro-gaming that you can actually browse would be much better as well.
Yeah, I'll try to look into this for clarity. It really depends on what they mean here - I think they're referring to curated server following between admins, which is what PeerTube does.
When I tested out the messaging system, I was able to federate back and forth with Mastodon. Maybe it works fine at a user level, it's just the search entries that don't get federated automatically?
So is there a link to a live instance?
edit: link to live instance
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TVA likes this.
Yeah, very nice. It will be tough to bootstrap since you need a critical mass of people who ideally live close together so that it's cheap and quick enough to deliver the items in question.
I'll give it a try. Nothing to loose.
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Linux Scores A Surprising Gaming Victory Against Windows 11
I recently spent some time with the Framework 13 laptop, evaluating it with the new Intel Core Ultra 7 processor and the AMD Ryzen 7 7480U. It felt like the perfect opportunity to test how a handful of games ran on Windows 11 and Fedora 40. I was genuinely surprised by the results!
The Framework 13 is perfectly capable of gaming even with its integrated graphics, provided you’re willing to compromise by lowering the resolution and quality presets for more demanding games. (It’s also a testament to how far AMD’s APUs have come in the past decade.)
Summary of results:
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Linux wins
- Total War: Warhammer III: Windows wins
- Cyberpunk 2077: Linux wins
- Forza Horizon 5: Windows wins
These results are an interesting slice of the Linux vs Windows gaming picture, but certainly not representative of the entire landscape. A few shorts years ago, however, I never would have dreamed I’d be writing an article where even two games on Linux are outperforming their Windows counterparts.
Linux Scores A Surprising Gaming Victory Against Windows 11
The conversation around gaming on Linux sure has changed in the last few years. And these benchmark results prove it.Jason Evangelho (Forbes)
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pgetsos likes this.
Okay, challenge accepted.
I removed Windows from my machine and have been playing WoW on Garuda Linux since April. I installed via Lutris and use GE-proton with umu-launcher (simply using GE-Proton within latest Lutris uses umu) and it works every time without fail.
First, for WoW there is no separate cheat detector that somehow figures out “oh they’re on Linux, we must ban them”.
Second, WoW plays considerably better on Linux for me (based on the framerates I’m seeing in various locations in Azeroth). Granted, I decided to dump NVIDIA so I didn’t have to deal with their closed platform garbage.
Lastly, yes, anti-cheat is an issue, but not because of you running Linux — it’s because of game companies fundamentally misunderstanding operating systems. There is no easier method of cheating on Linux than there is on Windows especially if the game company properly supports Linux. So if a company were to ban you, either you are doing something ban-worthy (and running Linux objectively is not), or the company is garbage because they don’t understand what they’re doing.
I have seen no evidence to support Blizzard banning people for playing WoW on Linux. Show me a preponderance of evidence of this that isn’t possibly some other ban-worthy issue, and I will happily change my mind.…
WineHQ - World of Warcraft
Open Source Software for running Windows applications on other operating
If you play DRMed AAA stuff, that's still true unfornately (if you can't do VM with PCIe passthrough).
Personally I just opt to not play these games. The market dicides in the end.
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sunzu2 likes this.
Some of the "anticheat" systems straight up decide not to work on VMs even with PCIE passthrough et. al. For example, I cannot run Elden Ring with its trash DRM because it says it cannot run under VM. I have PCIE passthrough, and the CPU id also passes through. Only the chipset reports anything VM, yet the "anticheat" decides not to run.
Fuck DRM. It has done nothing except push me to pirate more when I LITERALLY AM buying the games. Fuck those greedy actual morons (corporations who deploy DRM, not FromSoft specifically).
sometimes i still can't believe i'm running every game i want on linux. like its still surprising and surreal to me.
thanks to all the contributors that made it possible for us to ditch microsoft.
I have been a user since the 90s. Back then it was still called StarOffice.
Its feature set differs from that of MS Office, and its performance could be (a lot!) better, but I strongly prefer the LibreOffice user interface, and the features that matter to me (like CSV import) are way better in LibreOffice.
However, LibreOffice does not have all the features of MS Office, and some are notably worse (for instance auto-fill in spreadsheets, where Excel is way better at guessing the next value).
Sadly it's not only a matter of preference, because file exchange between different office suites is not flawless. MS Office and LibreOffice don't agree 100% on how to load each other's files...
ONLYOFFICE - Secure Online Office
ONLYOFFICE offers a secure online office suite highly compatible with MS Office formats. Connect it to your web platform for document editing and collaboration or use as a part of ONLYOFFICE Workspace.ONLYOFFICE - Online Office Applications for business
In addition to LibreOffice I often use standalone tools.
If I want a high quality document, I use LaTeX. Same for presentation slides. However, writing stuff in LaTeX is only worth the effort if the quality is needed. For non-important stuff I just use LibreOffice.
For calculations it depends on what I want to have in the end. If I just want to play with the data a bit, then LibreOffice Calc it is. However, if it is for something serious, I tend to write script files, or even full programs, that do the processing. That way computation and data is in separate files, and the used formulas are clearly visible and easy to debug.
One I quickly gave up on trying recently was Star Citizen. Failing myself with dumb errors I found out that you need to follow a rather elaborate tutorial. I decided that it was very much not worth it. Not sure how it is possible to fuck it up that badly.
The other I am bummed about is Talos Principle 2. Last time I played at release it worked perfectly. Now it runs so slow that it takes like 10 minutes to even get to the main menu. In the realm of tens of seconds per frame and I am at a loss how to even debug that.
One dumb thing for native (!) Unity games (at least Valheim and Shapez 2) is that they disrespect the default audio output device.
Otherwise, plug and play. It's so nice!
I've run Star Citizen on Linux a few times (not a regular player), there was a Lutris configuration that Just Worked™ for me. There's also the Linux Users Group for SC, which maintains some scripts for working around issues if you want to do things manually. They're the ones maintaining the Lutris configuration too.
I did run into the same issue with Shapez 2 recently, though! A quick stop in qpwgraph
to connect it to the right audio output and everything else about it worked perfectly, but it's not a permanent fix.
GitHub - starcitizen-lug/lug-helper: Star Citizen's Linux Users Group Helper Script
Star Citizen's Linux Users Group Helper Script. Contribute to starcitizen-lug/lug-helper development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Try Bottles! Available as flatpak so as long as you don'y have hate for flatpak, Bottles is there. All the normal flatpak benefit + a pretty great UI.
Not sure to WC3 suppose to run, but SC1 I owned on Bnet and I can tell, it works well with just a standard install button in Bottles. SC2, HotS, D2R, D3 and so on I own run just fine, and fast too
Now i hope linux community can do the same with Nintendo Emulator or Sony PS emulator without triggering lawsuit
In a highly simplified way:
- Think of Windows as an electricity provider with their own specially shaped wall socket.
- Linux is also an electricity provider with a differently shaped wall socket.
- In this metaphor Wine is just some guys providing an adaptor that makes the electricity of the Linux electricity provider available in a wall socket that has the same shape as the Windows provider's.
Wine isn't breaking Windows copyright because it doesn't copy any of the Windows internals: instead it provides the contact points with the right "shape" for programs which were made to work in Windows to connect to to get their needs fullfilled, and then internally Wine does its own thing which is mainly using the Linux under it to do the heavy lifting.
Mind you, this simplification seriously understates just how complicate it is to implement what was implemented in Wine because the Windows interface is a lot more that just the shape of a wall socket.
To add to your explanation
- most people have the specialized Windows plug. Microsoft has invested a lot of money in making sure people ONLY have access to the Windows plug
- Linux provides the same electricity signal that people need (maybe even better) but since people's Windows plug don't work on Linux's wall socket, they get the impression that Linux doesn't supply electricity.
- WINE is just the adaptor which people put on their Window's plug. Now it easily fits on the Linux wall socket.
To add a more technical explanation, the main point is about the expectation on how it behaves and not what it really does. To get windows to do something, you read the specification (interface) and make a call against it. Windows interprets your request and does what you wanted. You do not care how it works but just that it works. As a developer, you can also switch to the other side and make your own program that interprets these calls and translates, them for linux.
Legally (I am not a lawyer), the specification is a fair game. The spicy part is how it is done and copying that gets you in trouble.
Of course, this is also extremely simplified since linux and windows differ wildly in many regards. Also a "specification" is often incomplete or the implementaion bleeds into the real world use. This makes it not reliable to look at it alone and so, often the "original" implementation has to be observed on how it behaves.
As a more relatable example, think about websites. On the one hand, it does not matter which browser you use. It "just" has to display the page and act accordingly. On the other side, it does not matter what server sends you the page. It could be a pre-computed static page, served via a proxy server or dynamically generated by any of the different programming languages.
Edit: grammar
Aw, I can't get cyberpunk to run on my mint install - it gets the logos and stops responding.
Some people read about performance, sometimes I'm just motivated knowing someone on the internet did get a game running in the first instance! :)
I will say though, Baldurs Gate 3 works perfectly, as does anything else I throw at it! :)
It wouldn't run for me until I got the Steam version (in Tumbleweed). Works great now.
It would have been better if it had worked with just one copy though. At least I got it on sale.
I think it says a lot more about how much recent versions of Windows have bogged down the whole gaming experience.
Microsoft seems to have forgotten that people want an operating system that works, not something bloated with bullshit like telemetry, advertisements, tracking cookies and artificial intelligence. The only reason they even have a market lead in the desktop space is due to marketing and monopolistic practices.
Oh, the article is written by Jason Evanghelo. Of course, he’s a giant Linux shill working at Forbes :D
Still great to see such press
If only we had a fix for the crazy performance discrepancy that pops up when running DX12 + RTX titles!
Yea, but honestly that's not a Linux problem imo. Invasive anti-cheat has been a deal breaker for me since its inception. It started as "I don't want to deal with your shitty software always running in the background eating up my CPU cycles, need maximum performance baby" and then quickly became "I'm not giving your shitty software kernal access to my entire machine, I don't trust you".
It's made so much worse when you realize it doesnt even actually stop cheaters...
It's all about where to draw the line, and what you are able to tolerate, I guess. The biggest problem with that though is continuing to support a game / Dev / publisher that is consistently doing these awful things.
If you aren't able to tell your friends "no, I'm not playing that game, and here's why" then the industry will just slide deeper into these terrible practices and the entire games industry gets worse. Some people don't even understand what anti-cheat is doing (and think it works), and if those of us that do, that they trust, don't explain it to them, they won't have the opportunity to make an informed decision of whether to support it or not.
You’re right it’s not a Linux problem but it is a problem more to the point it’s our problem and anyone who would want to switch
Cold hard fact is that people just do not care what causes the problem and people do not care if something is %1 worse or %1000 worse they will always pick the one slightly better that’s why monopoly’s are an inherent part of nature eventually competition is unviable.
The only hope is that either Linux crosses the critical threshold of being slightly better than Windows or windows gets so invasive and counterintuitive that even normies can’t use it for productivity
I use Linux all the time I have three physical servers running probably 20 or 30 VM’s and containers but even I am hesitant to switch my gaming Pc because even though I can play everything I want now what if tomorrow something comes out I really want to play but it’s locked down to windows?
I just don't agree. First, I don't think a monopoly is an inherent part of nature, and further I disagree that monopolies exist because some company just makes the absolute best product and people end up always choosing it. A monopoly's key feature is not giving the consumer a real choice through shady and unfair business practices.
Also, windows is not the better product. They don't make the best OS. Arguments could be made that they have a better OS for gaming, but for almost everything else they are worse than basically every alternative (not just Linux) but still dominate market share due to lack of consumer choice. At the retailer, hardware is tied to an OS - if you want macos you have to buy Mac hardware. If you want chromeos you have to by an underwhelming netbook.
IMO, keeping windows around just in case a company does some underhanded shit like kernal anti-cheat or invasive DRM so you can give your support to the company doing the underhanded shit is a detriment to progress.
I'd rather struggle to learn freecad than keep windows around even though fusion360 is easier (for me) to understand, because I don't want to reward bad behavior. If those of us that can switch don't, then things don't get better. I couldn't have made the switch if thousands of people more knowledgeable and talented before me hadn't taken the first steps. It's soapboxy, I know, but I also feel it's important.
I won’t waste to much time on a generated question but businesses become monopolies by being better than others or one of the ones would have became the monopoly then when they have no competition they can get as bad as they like(NOTE: better doesn’t necessarily mean better for you it could mean better at collecting payments or better at logistics but better nonetheless)
And the fact of the matter is nobody likes competition so they all try too work around it.
Steamworks Development - Update on BattlEye + Proton support - Steam News
As we mentioned previously, BattlEye on Proton integration has reached a point where all a developer needs to do is reach out BattlEye to enable it for their title. No additional work is required by the developer besides that
Oh right, neat!
I guess I'm just thinking of a couple games with BE who have not bothered to reach out for this.
I think EA and Activision also have newish, bespoke anti-cheat for Battlefield and call of duty respectively. I don't believe either of those work on Linux but I could be mistaken.
You're not wrong. I have no idea about the call of duty one either. I'm guessing it similarly doesn't work.
It sort of highlights another issue; even though a game technically leverages an AC system that can work in Steam, individual developers may not bother getting it running on Linux.
I'm no fan of Fortnite, but you can't deny it's massively popular. I hope the steam deck sees continued success in order to sway developers. Broadening SteamOS to other HW platforms may also help to an extent.
Fun fact: With those 4 games it looks like a tie, but weighed by Steam scores, Linux wins. (Warhammer has like 3/5).
(Disclaimer: I have never played any of those 4 games and don't plan to in a forseeable future. I also realize full well how ridiculously insignificant a sample of 4 is.)
I don't see a problem with anonymozed telemetry. I see a problem with it when it's used for other things than making your own software better directly though.
At this point Windows should be free of charge.
Do you honestly think linux will be desktop ready if people can't just install it and go?
It doesn't matter who's fault it is, it only matters if a solution is forthcoming.
If the manufacturers don't make it, then one of you has to. But you are all too busy working on your fuckdamn vanity distros to actually unify and do something to forward the OS.
"I'm going to keep throwing exorbitant amount of many to companies that refuse to stop supporting Microsoft's monopoly, and then blame the OSS community for not doing their job for them. Look, I'm smart!"
Last I tried a keyboard and a mouse work just on every Linux distro out there. It's OK to bend over for companies over some stuff you're personally attached to (we all do it to some degree) but you can go fuck yourself with your offensive comments about distro maintainers, who have nothing to do with your problem.
I have tried unsuccessfully to transition to linux as my daily driver more than five times now since the early 00s and every single time I run into a major failure that halts all progress, and then I go back to it a few years later hoping for something different and each time being left for days without being able to get it running. Never had this problem with windows.
And I'm a seasoned senior IT admin that has stood up and maintained dozens of linux servers in my lifetime.
Yet every time I share my terrible experiences with the software AND the community, there's alway some rancid windowlicker rushing into the comments to tell me "Acktchsually it is commercial software that is wrong", again reminding me of just how terrible you people are.
And now that I have someone of your ilk here, I'd also like to ask:
#Why the FUCK are you people wasting so many millions of hours of human effort by everyone and their brother making functionally identical distros with vanity tweaks, and getting into doxxing over stupid shit like over which U.I. to package.
Your software is shit, it will never be desktop ready because none of you can focus on the real issues. You can lie to yourself all you want but Windows is simply the superior desktop OS.
Keep in mind, I don't really like Windows, but I fucking hate linux with a seething vitriol only matched by some racist homophome grandpas seeing their daughter kiss a black woman. And people like you are 30% of the reason.
KDE Gear 24.08
KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.08
Manage Many of the new features in Dolphin are designed to make it easier to access and manage files and folders that require administrative privileges.KDE ⚙️ Gear 24.08
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I wrote a Vim Reference Guide (beginner to intermediate level)
I am pleased to announce a new version of my Vim Reference Guide ebook.
This is intended as a concise learning resource for beginner to intermediate level Vim users. It has more in common with cheatsheets than a typical text book. Topics like Regular Expressions and Macros have more detailed explanations and examples due to their complexity. I hope this guide would make it much easier for you to discover Vim features and learning resources.
- Web version:…
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Did you know that Vim has an easy mode, which is actually very hard to use for those already familiar with Vim? See my blog post for more details!
I would highly appreciate it if you'd let me know how you felt about this book. It could be anything from a simple thank you, pointing out a typo, mistakes in code snippets, which aspects of the book worked for you (or didn't!) and so on. Reader feedback is essential and especially so for self-published authors.
Happy learning :)
Vim Reference Guide
Concise learning resource for beginner to intermediate level Vim
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A URL 'Free up to some-end-date'. ???
Phishing link? 🤔
Why do you think it is a phishing link? Gumroad is a well known platform to sell digital goods.
I mention it is free up to some date because it will go back to being a paid product after that.
I don't. I thought the emoji would have made that clear.
I have been doing cybersecurity awareness lately. We are starting to get over the furst hurdle: make people see the signatures of phishing message.
But now we are starting with the 2nd hurdle: make people understand that when they write a genuine post, they should avoid these signatures of phishing, in this case, the "time pressure" argument.
The problem is that the more genuine messages have phising signatures, to more difficult it becomes for people to distinguish a genuine posts from phishing.
There is also the risk that you genuine posts will get noted as fake (although that is clearly not the case here )
GNOME 47.beta Released
GNOME 47.beta Released
Hello, GNOME 47.beta is now available. It also marks the start of the UI, feature and API freezes (collectively known as The Freeze).GNOME Discourse
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- integrate Gnome Tweaks into the settings, maybe behind a "customize" button.
- add system tray support. I don't even know how you're supposed to access programs running in the background currently.
- add a toggle to put all opened windows on separate workspaces. Navigating workspaces with touchpad three-finger-swipe is a joy, faster and more intuitive than Alt+Tab or via the overview.
- integrate Gnome Tweaks into the settings, maybe behind a "customize" button.
I've noticed they've done that with a few of the settings, but overall I don't think there's much appetite to do this.
- add system tray support.
I remember Gnome wanting to make a cross-desktop standard for this (the currently most popular AppIndicator system is a bit of a mess for multiple reasons, including UX, security, and some Wayland-related quirks). It's went pretty much nowhere as it would require not only multiple DE's (and Freedesktop org's) involvement, as well as third party dev support. I hope it happens at some point though.
I don't even know how you're supposed to access programs running in the background currently.
It's in the top bar, if you click the section where the part with the quick settings. It's there as a drop-down. It's an extra click though.
- add a toggle to put all opened windows on separate workspaces. Navigating workspaces with touchpad three-finger-swipe is a joy, faster and more intuitive than Alt+Tab or via the overview.
That's a cool idea. I actually really like the sound of that. Let's get you on the Gnome team :P
They don't actually "break". Extensions have to report themselves what Gnome version they support. If they aren't patched to reflect this, they will be marked as unsupported on that version of Gnome.
This makes sense from the perspective of making sure the extensions are actually tested on new versions of Gnome by the devs.
Gnome only really has two options here:
- do what they currently do, with most extensions usually only needing a text file reporting that they support the new version. (Almost all extensions don't have an issue with this and are updated long before stable release, btw)
- assume everything works, possibly causing severe problems after an update if a change to the Gnome shell doesn't play well with an extension.
People often say they should just have an extension API, but that would mean hindering the usefulness of extensions – they'd only be able to do what the API lets them, rather than having free rein over your system, which is currently what makes the extension system so powerful. They'd be almost entirely useless.
I'm surprised too tbh. Many in the Linux community are absolutely insufferable when it comes to Gnome (and a few other projects).
It's pretty funny.
A: "Linux is about choice."
B: "Ok cool. I choose to use Gnome, Wayland, and Flatpaks."
Just dismiss them as the lifeless loser neckbeards they are.
No, there is a third option: you freeze the API for the extensions. That way, nothing breaks. And if an app uses private APIs (or public APIs that are not meant for extensions' use), then and only then you treat it as unsupported.
And yes, the constant breaking is a big, big problem. I use 6 extensions to make the desktop the way I want it to. In every release, I get at least 4 of them breaking for several weeks each time. The last time, the dock extension I used broke with the new Gnome version, but when it got disabled, the "favorite" icons on its dock did not reflect on the Gnome's default dockbar. All that stuff, are unacceptable for a proper usage in 2024, especially for people coming from Windows that expect stability (no matter what people say, Windows IS stable). I use Linux since 1999, but it's that kind of stuff that i can't stand. I want stability. The days when I was hacking on Gentoo in 2003, are long gone. I'm now in my 50s and i don't have time for that shit.
So, yeah, the third option.
It wouldn't really be an issue if you didn't need an extension for every single basic functionality...
Because of how stupidly opinionated Gnome is I switched to KDE a year or so ago and have been extremely happy with it. And what do you know I don't even need any extensions, because sane stuff like tray icons are builtin.
I do use an extension for distributing windows in custom areas though, and it didn't even break throughout the (I believe) 2 large updates there were since I started using it.
No it isn't.
And practically, they don't break every 6 months. Almost all extensions are patched weeks before the new version is even released.
E: so people actively want extensions to be practically useless and barely be able to change anything? You are lying. If they implemented that all we'd here is "hur dur Gnome wants to lock the system down"
You actually want extensions to be useless. What's the point of them if they can hardly do anything?
You're fundamentally not understanding how extensions work. They cannot be even nearly as useful as they are now if they have to go through a standardised API. No docks, no window management, etc.
I may understand "opinionated" differently from you, but the main issue is that when you do want to change something, you can't. Or it's some unsupported hack, or (best case) you flip some hidden configuration variable (that will probably break with the next release).
KDE is well configured from the get go as well, you don't have to change anything and it will work well. But if you do decide that you don't like some of their defaults, you can tweak many aspects of it.
If you have installed Linux on a Microsoft Surface Pro, what was your experience?
I'm looking for a cheap and portable tablet that I can use for writing. Microsoft Surface Pro tablets, at least around the gen 4 models, are rather cheap to buy used, and they seem decently well made. Naturally, were I to buy one, I would have to install Linux onto it.
I've been peripherally aware of the Linux Surface project for some time now. I looked at it recently, after having not for some time, and it seems that they have really made good progress compared to what I remember, and it's making me much more interested in trying to install Linux on a Surface Pro.
Having never owned a Surface Pro, I'm not sure which models are the most reliable and sturdy. I'm not looking for something that's the flashiest; I want something that works well. I want something pragmatic — something akin to the idea of an older era of Thinkpad (eg T460). I want a pen with low input delay and good accuracy, reliable and responsive touch controls, and a decent display. I was thinking the Surface Pro 4 might be a good choice, but it's hard to know as there aren't many videos out there of people installing Linux on them, so I'm wondering what your experience has been with Microsoft Surface Pro's and installing Linux on one.
GitHub - linux-surface/linux-surface: Linux Kernel for Surface Devices
Linux Kernel for Surface Devices. Contribute to linux-surface/linux-surface development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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I used Fedora with the linux-surface kernel on a Surface Book 1, and everything pretty much worked out of the box. I bought it used on eBay and the battery in the tablet portion was pretty degraded, so I don't know if it impacted performance, but it could be a little clunky at times.
It was my computer in exile while our house was being renovated after some water damage and I was able to run prusa slicer on of for my mini. I didn't try a pen with it, but the touch controls worked with the custom kernel.
Eventually, I tried Aurora OS which is an immutable fedora distro with the surface kernel loaded by default and performance was about the same. Now I have it on cachyOS which needed the Ethernet cable installed so I could get the Marvell firmware drivers for WiFi, but it was much snappier. That's an arch based distro, so I could load the surface kernel for touch driver stuff but you lose out on some of the more advanced kernel stuff that group is pushing.
Overall, I've been pleased with the experience. I didn't have a surface device before, but when I heard about the linux-surface project, I had to try it.
Edit: I just remembered what I had to do to get cameras working in most applications. I used v4l2loopback.
I don't know about older Surfaces, but for me in a nutshell, H-E-Double hockey sticks on my 1st gen Surface Go. Only install Linux on a Surface if you already own one.
More in-depth, it was usable - it was my main personal on-the-go device for a couple of years. I'd had it since before I used Linux. On mainline, the main stuff worked. With the Linux-Surface kernel, I could get the cameras working. It was always very janky (you had to bridge stuff through GStreamer or some other weird crap rather than using it directly. Don't remember the specifics), but it worked.
Another annoyance was a hardware issue with the keyboard when it was in your lap: since the keyboard wasn't very rigid, it would bend a bit while typing or placing your hand on the palm rest, making unwanted mouse clicks
My big problem with the Surface Go, though, was I had chronic issues with power profiles. It never went to sleep quite right, so after closing it a few times, the system would begin to get unstable and I'd just have to do a reboot.
After my initramfs got borked on that during the time_t64 transition (my fault, not the hardware's; I use Debian Testing and an apt update went awry), I didn't feel like going back and fixing it, as I was planning on replacing this device with the Thinkpad I write this on anyway.
Ultimately, my opinion (again, just based on using the Go 1, which is a bit newer than the Pro 4) is that it isn't the best idea. Considering Pro 4s are not expensive on eBay, trying it isn't the worst idea, but I feel like it's not worth it, an unfortunate truth considering Surfaces are such unique devices. This isn't a cheap alternative (the CPU's not the best from what I can tell), but the Surface fan in me finds the StarLabs StarFighter 12.5-inch enticing considering it's both very Surface-like and Linux-friendly.
As you want cheap, you might be able to find something to throw LineageOS or postMarketOS on. Honestly, my question for you is how much do you need a tablet specifically? Could a small laptop do?
Fedora on Surface Go 1 with Surface kernel:
I never uses it only as a tablet except on holidays if I watch a movie on a hotel bed. It spends most of its time linked to a big screen, but I’m really happy with it except for how slow it is to pick up my mouse Bluetooth signal or the fact that the battery is often depleted for no reason when I turn the Surface on.
It is my only PC and is powerful enough to do everything I need it for, which is admin, web browsing and old strategy games.
Quote of the day:
"Naturally, were I to buy one, I would have to install Linux onto it."
That really explains my first day.
I installed Arch on Surface Pro 6. And have GNOME and KDE installed. Pen and touch works perfectly (when it works), like it recognizes pressure, but sometimes need to restart the surface after putting it in standby because it fails to detect pen(and touch as well).
Camera is kinda wonky, it kinds works with cheese but not with other applications, and I couldn't manage to make the back camera work.
WiFi and Bluetooth works fine (there are some issues with bluetooth when standby but haven't looked much into that)
Neither KDE nor Gnome is optimized to operate as a touch DE. Pen on KDE is detected as mouse(well its detected as pen but proxy as mouse input if a program doesn't support pen; like if I try to scroll firefox using pen, it works like I have right clicked mouse and am dragging up, so selecting text instead of scrolling), but touch works as expected.
And UX for on-screen keyboard(OSK) is not on par with Windows. It kinda works with GNOME, like a program window slides up if it were to be overlayed by OSK but its still wonky. And I didn't had good xp with OSK.
But overall, I like it. Its not really powerful enough to do any development, but I use it for multimedia and eBook reader
Prob somewhat irrelevant due to maturity of both, but I had a surface 2 with Ubuntu on it and that computer is now wedge a door open. The experience was shit but the surface 2 was atom based I think so that was prob most of the reason....
That being said, I installed Linux on a lenovo yoga (convertible) and I never touched the screen for frustration. Even on the steamdeck, is and touch is no fun
I suggest testing a few OS for touch friendliness.
Im running Ubuntu on a Surface Pro 5 (i5 7300u, 8GB) with the linux-surface-kernel.
Generally, things pretty much worked out of the box, the only tinkering I had to do was to optimize battery life / cpu power usage when not plugged in. Theres packages that will limit your CPU frequency depending on the status of your battery. I dont remember the exact name, but it was pretty much the first hit I googled "linux limit cpu power" or something like that. Without that, the battery life wasnt great, especially when watching YouTube, but with some tweaking and the proper h264/h265 drivers, my surface achieves some 3-4 hours of video playback right now.
Other than that it's smooth sailing all the way.
Watch for battery life when buying older Surface devices. Replacing batteries in the older Surface Pros is notoriously difficult, because apparently the whole assembly is glued together.
Thank you very much for the heads up!
Newer versions are apparently more repairable, but you’ll have to investigate where that cut-off line of repairability is.
It looks like an attempt at heading in the direction of repairability started with the Surface Pro 9, but it's still quite involved [1][2].
::: spoiler References
1. "Surface Pro 9 Teardown: The Most Repairable Surface In Years". iFixit. Youtube. Published: 2022-11-10 (Accessed: 2024-08-26T02:28Z).
2. "Microsoft Surface Pro 9 Repair". Clay Eickemeyer, Spencer Day. iFixit. Published: 2024-03-30 (Accessed: 2024-08-26T02:30Z).…
Microsoft Surface Pro 9 Repair
This video demonstrates how to replace the kickstand, SSD, Display, Surflink port assembly, thermal module (or heatsink), battery, volume and power...iFixit
Dual booting is a nightmare, you'll need a specially modified kernel, and getting the pen to work right can be tricky.
Once you've finally got the kinks worked out it's pretty cool, but that might take longer than you'd like.
I was using a surface pro 7, for what it's worth.
I have a surface pro 6, bought used for cheap. With the surface Linux kernel, almost everything works.
I built support for the front and rear cameras using the surface Linux instructions and they work, however it's not a working solution, since ms Teams pwa or discord can't use libcamera devices.
One thing you should be aware of, though, is that the tablet experience is only really workable in Wayland, so you'll have to forgo non-wayland apps and desktop environments. Gnome is... not great.
Also, there are several gotchas with wayland. I use flameshot for screenshots, which is broken on Wayland with scaling. Scaling also breaks default firefox on Wayland.
Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a Wayland comment.
The hard work the folks at surface Linux have done is amazing, and I'm happy to daily drive my surface.
I almost aimlessly did. I have a Surface Pro 6. So I searched specifically for Ubuntu on that model, at the time (2021) and someone had experienced quite a few issues on the hardware side - compatibility. One of the issues was the touch screen, that pretty much stopped me in my tracks. The other issues were not too significant for me.
I just decided to search again to see if Ubuntu will install without issue.. 22.04 still lacks touch screen capability. I want my child (5yo) to start learning how to use a computer - linux based. But I also know she loves to "finger paint" - she does so on an iPad mini, and her educational curriculum (arts and craft) will require her to create drawings and paint stuff (I'm a paper nazi, if I can avoid paper and keep it digital, I will 100%) so without touch screen (including the Surface Pen) it's somewhat pointless.
As soon as ANY user friendly (especially for a child) Linux distro can fully support the Surface Pro 6, I will be more than happy to slap it onto it and hand it over to my child.
Edit: Wow... so many people own the SP6.
I have a Surface Pro 7 running EndeavourOS.
Installing was just as simple as installing on desktop. The Linux surface kernel solved some of the non-functional parts (such as touchscreen and auto-rotate). The only thing that doesn't work are the cameras, but idgaf bout those.
All in all it's not a terrible experience, but compromises have to be made.
“Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
“Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
Microsoft said its update wouldn't install on Linux devices. It did anyway.Ars Technica
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The TLDR is that Microsoft released a secure boot update that blocked insecure versions of GRUB. This update was only meant to go out to Windows users since releasing it to dual booted users could break GRUB. However, it was accidentally also released to dual-booted users.
The fix involves disabling dual boot, running a command to reset secure boot, then re-enabling.
Windows assuming it’s the only OS on the machine
That's not the case. The update was only meant to go out to Windows users. But Microsoft messed up and accidentally released to all users, or at least some who weren't supposed to receive it. My guess is that Microsoft usually doesn't update secure boot stuff for dual boot users and instead waits for the distro to push the update.
Same. It can't even work correctly when I try and put it into a specific box.
The ultimate issue is a distaste for giving any corporation any control over hardware that I, alone, own.
Windows, as any operating system, is best run in a context most useful to the user and appropriate for the user's technical level.
- Need to run Windows apps/games and aren't afraid to tinker around if and when something doesn't work as expected or your software simply isn't supported? WINE/Proton.
- Need to run mostly light Windows apps and don't want to tinker around? VM.
- Need to run Windows apps/games that don't rely on Kernel-Level Anti-Cheat, want direct hardware access and aren't afraid to tinker around, especially if you only have one GPU, and when something doesn't work as expected? KVM
- Need to run any Windows app/game without things constantly breaking or the need to tinker around and staying on top of things? Dual-Boot from different disks, utilize LUKS/FDE and be done with it.
You're missing one:
- dedicated, air-gapped Windows box used for legacy industrial software
Aside from "lightweight apps in VM" this is the only solution I use now. (Unless you count Proton, but having Steam games Just Work barely feels like a "solution" as it requires zero effort on my part)
I don't even trust Windows to dual boot off a separate disk without trying to break something anymore.
This would work but assumes the primary use of the machine is Windows and derates your performance under Linux significantly due to USB speeds. Even if you're storing your data on the Windows HDD, NTFS drivers are dog slow compared to EXT4 and other *nix filesystems.
Also some BIOSes are a pain to get to boot off removable drives reliably so it really depends on what your machine is.
I've used Linux as a primary dev system for well over a decade now, and with the current state of Windows I'd really recommend just taking the leap, keep your Windows box if you need Windows software and build a dedicated Linux workstation.
You can keep only grub on the USB so windows can't touch it. Avoids all those issues since the main install remains on the SSD.
Personally I just boot windows from usb. Rufus has the ability to install it there
I actually tried it before for my TV PC that I wanted to also use as a miniserver, with gpu pass through and everything. It was painful to get it working properly, was like 30-40% slower. I also had constant problems with USB peripherals not connecting properly, or going in a sleep state and not waking. Many games didn't work properly.
Then I decided to just buy a cheap second second hand PC and never looked back.
Feature requests for a lemmy moderation bot
cross-posted from:
Hello Lemmings!I am thinking of making a community moderation bot for Lemmy. This new bot will have faster response times with the help of Lemmy webhooks, an amazing plugin for Lemmy instances by to add webhook support. With this, there is no need to frequently call the API at a fixed interval to fetch new data. Any new data will be sent via the webhook directly to the bot backend. This allows for actions within seconds, thus making it an effective auto moderation tool.
I have a few features I thought of doing:
- Welcome messages
- Auto commenting on new posts
- Scheduled posts
- Punish content authors or take action on content via word blacklist/regex
- Ban members of communities by their usernames/bios via word blacklist or regex
- Auto community lockdown during spamWhat other features do you think are possible?
Please let me know.
Any questions are also welcome.Community requested features:
- Strike system
Strikes are added to a certain member of the community and the member will be temporarily banned within a time period if their strike count reaches a certain threshold
- Post creation restriction by account age
If an account's age is lower than X, remove the post.
Feature requests for a lemmy moderation bot
Hello Lemmings!I am thinking of making a community moderation bot for Lemmy. This new bot will have faster response times with the help of Lemmy webhooks, an amazing plugin for Lemmy instances by to add webhook support. With this, there is no need to frequently call the API at a fixed interval to fetch new data. Any new data will be sent via the webhook directly to the bot backend. This allows for actions within seconds, thus making it an effective auto moderation tool.
I have a few features I thought of doing:
- Welcome messages
- Auto commenting on new posts
- Scheduled posts
- ~~Punish content authors or take action on~~ Auto report content via word blacklist/regex
- Ban members of communities by their usernames via word blacklist or regex
- Auto community lockdown during spamWhat other features do you think are possible?
Please let me know.
Any questions are also welcome.Community requested features:
- Strike systemStrikes are added to a certain member of the community and the member will be temporarily banned within a time period if their strike count reaches a certain threshold
- Post creation restriction by account age
If an account's age is lower than X, remove the post.
GitHub - RikudouSage/LemmyWebhook: Add webhook support to your Lemmy instance
Add webhook support to your Lemmy instance. Contribute to RikudouSage/LemmyWebhook development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Lemmy does not support karma, but account age if I'm not mistaken. Maybe add a rule to require a certain account age before accepting a post. The main idea is to prevent astroturfing, spam accounts and socket puppets for ban evasion.
Not sure how effective this is since violators could setup an own instance which lies about the account age. Still quite the investment for ban evasion IMHO.
But you went the extra mile and set up your own instance to do this, right?
Nice bio btw.
in reply to Leaflet • • •I'm still a bit confused by the use of this "Driver Store". Since when does Wine support device drivers? Or are we talking about something else?
Phoronix seems to explain a bit more, but I still did not understand:…
Could anyone share their insights?
Wine 9.16 Begins Working On Driver Store Implementation, Pbuffer Support For Wayland
www.phoronix.comdata1701d (He/Him)
in reply to bruce965 • • •oxomoxo
in reply to data1701d (He/Him) • • •Wine 9.16 released with more Wayland work and an initial Driver Store implementation
Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)Norah (pup/it/she)
in reply to data1701d (He/Him) • • •I'm actually wondering if it's not just applications. That text talks of installing drivers to devices, so I'm actually wondering if this is about better support for hardware that's paired to specific software. The recent use-case that's got it on my mind is Rekordbox with Pioneer DJ decks. My housemate was curious so I tried running it under WINE and it launches just fine, but it could not see the decks at all, nor the encrypted license key verification it does with it's driver. And I did manually install the driver into the prefix first.
However, I'm not positive this is it. It's just a hunch.
Possibly linux
in reply to bruce965 • • •