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TIL Debian releases are named after Toy Story characters

The codenames for every major Debian release are named after characters from Pixar's Toy Story franchise. Debian's unstable release is fittingly named after Sid, an unstable character from the Toy Story movies.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to The 8232 Project

I ran Sid for years, I knew what it was named for and that was cool.

Lately though I have been wondering if they are going to run out of characters? Maybe it's time to latch onto something else? I don't know..

in reply to arglebargle

Disney releases new movies with new characters pretty quickly. I don't think they have even exhausted the first movie yet.

Ubuntu 24.04.1 ready for August 29th

in reply to Leaflet

If you're on Ubuntu 24.04, updating your system will also give you the point release.

Update is currently not being offered to 22.04 users.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Beyond-All-Reason: Open source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine

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in reply to sag

This game is fantastic. At first you got to get used to setting up production lines and how to tech up quickly, but once you got the hang of it, its super fun, even just vs AI.
in reply to sag

I wanted OpenSAGE to mature more quickly so modders of CnC can have a field day with it. This looks like a nice in-between for me

in reply to drspod

Ya, they should have worded the title more accurately. It's a reference to your biological age, which is the age of your cells/tissues/organs. You have a variation of biological ages across your different cells/tissues/organs. This makes it pretty wild the education of your grandparents would have any impact on it!
in reply to §ɦṛɛɗɗịɛ ßịⱺ𝔩ⱺɠịᵴŧ

I can't help but to read this as "guess the omitted variable". There's just no way of controlling for everything that might explain this, and it's obviously not the grandparents' time in educational institutions in itself that does the trick.

Thankfully, one of the authors summarized it well:

This opens up a myriad of possible explanations and will need to be replicated.

It's easy to imagine ways this effect makes perfect sense, especially if it's small. So the question kind of becomes what they have managed to successfully control for.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

3D internet browser built with Godot Engine

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in reply to ghost_laptop

a vr browser/3d browser would be incredible but this ain't it lmao
in reply to MonkCanatella

You acting like beggars can be choosers lmao, the vr scape is desolate post Zuck
in reply to ghost_laptop

This makes about as much sense as when Facebook tried prioritizing Oculus to be a way to browse the internet.

...There's just no point in it.

But whatever I guess, some ideas have to be realized first before it reaches "well that was a dumb fuck of an idea" phase.

The Open Source Hardware Association needs your help

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in reply to wiki_me

Why not leave it open? Haha, I’m just finding this thread a month later and would like a shirt..

The Open Source Hardware Association needs your help

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in reply to IllNess

Weird, they ended it before they met their 100 shirts goal.
in reply to Jake Farm

I think it's because they sold hoodies which cost $60 instead of $35 and it looks like a third of the people donated money to the cause.

I get that they are doing this just because of the law so they stopped it when they got enough. But I wanted a shirt! lol.

Storföretagens entré. Det första kommersiella storföretag som intresserade sig för Fediversum var Facebooks ägare Meta. De lanserade ett alternativ till X (Twitter) under 2023 som de kallar Threads.…

DankPods just switched to Linux!!!

cross-posted from:

(Apologies if the link doesn't work; Google are dicks)
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

at this point i have utterly forgotten how windows works and when placed in front of a computer not running linux i just get frustrated that it won't let me do things properly


Henning Kjeldsen äger via Henning Kjeldsen Holding ApS flera fiskeriföretag såsom Gitte Henning Pelagic A/S, Gitte Henning Industri A/S, Gitte Henning Konsum A/S och Fiskeriselskabet HM 349 Stefanie ApS. Gitte Henning var en gång det största pelagiska fiskeriföretaget och inte uppdelat i tre företag.…

Mord på Ramels väg i Rosengård. Mitt på dagen igår vid klockan halv två fick polisen i Malmö larm om skottlossning på Ramels väg i Rosengård. När polisen anlände till platsen påträffades en avliden person i 25-årsåldern som låg på marken. Han var skjuten med flera skott. Skott hade också träffat ett fönster i en lägenhet.…

Anyone having issues with newer laptop's?

I been having issues with the cheap hp gaming laptop with Linux, One CPU core runs at 100% no matter that do i tried masking and disabling stuff, changing the Network card, adding Ram, and some desktops like Gnome forks had issues as well, KDE, and Mate work fine but it looks like it maybe has a Firmware, Driver or a Kernel issue, so far i tested it with Fedora, Fedora rawhide, Ubuntu and Mint, I'm going to test Debian next.

The laptop i had issues with Windows 11 works fine.…

Edit Only Gnome 3 forks have issues with the Nvidia Drivers i will retest it at a later date with a new install and one CPU thread runs at 100% with all DE's and OSes but Windows 11.

Edit 2 I think i found the issue AMD APUs on some systems with Nvidia GPUs will spam the system the bug report i found said to disable the iGPU. also Gnome forks work fine i think it was my fault for not disabling secure boot.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Unyieldingly

Maybe worth trying an alternative OS with a different kernel entirely from Linux, as a live USB. For example Haiku or ArcaOS?

However if you've tried Windows and not had the issue then it may not add anything as you nay already have excluded defective hardware?

in reply to Unyieldingly

Have you tried CoreCtrl? That has made life on my new Thinkpad much easier.

Kriminella driver HVB-hem. Flera HVB-hem drivs av organiserad och släktbaserad brottslighet. De har gängkriminella bland sina anställda. Detta framgår av en kartläggning av SiS- och HVB-hem som polisen genomfört under 2023. Det är en konsekvens av högerpolitik och privatiseringspolitik.…

in reply to learnbyexample

Fun investigations (tac and factor), things I never bothered to check the existence of until now (install -s), and fundamentals I glossed over ([). Pretty fun read.

And of course,

And that's why the '$cmd' command is my favourite Linux command.
in reply to learnbyexample

This blog is my favorite Linux blog!

I love Robert and his YT antics - his whole "The X command is my favourite Linux command!" shtick was both funny AND informative!

Störande av allmän sammankomst är ett brott med fängelse i straffskalan. Det innebär att vem som helst kan gripa en person som stör en demonstration eller ett politiskt möte. Det kallas envarsgripande.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Recommend me a scripting language

in reply to gomp

Looking through the packages available for OpenWRT I would suggest Tcl, Lua, Erlang or Scheme (the latter is available through the Chicken interpreter). Try them out, see what you like.

Mitochondria are Flinging Their DNA into Our Brain Cells

in reply to єχтяαναgαηтєηzумє

So this could be something that accounts for those sudden ailments. Aging in general, living to 300 isn't ideal if NUMT's wreak havoc on us.