Polisen uppger att de avvärjt 200 våldsdåd. För att rädda liv har Polismyndigheten enligt dem själva utvecklat förmågan att avvärja våldsdåd som planeras av personer inom den organiserade brottsligheten. Det handlar exempelvis om att stoppa planer på att genomföra skjutningar och sprängningar, men även om brandattentat.
Polisen uppger att de avvärjt 200 våldsdåd - Svenssons Nyheter
Polisen uppger att de avvärjt 200 våldsdåd. För att rädda liv har Polismyndigheten enligt dem själva utvecklat förmågan att avvärja våldsdåd.Anders_S (Svenssons Nyheter)
DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc
DeltaTouch is a DeltaChat client for UbuntuTouch.
DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc support as well as bugfixes and minor improvements 🎉Many Webxdc apps just work already.
Some apps like Webxdc Store (via xstore@testrun.org) need stuff that's not there yet (add apps as file attachments for now). For a few others, touch input isn't working (e.g., ChessBoard). Will tackle that in the next months.
Webxdc support in DeltaTouch is generously funded by @nlnet / @NGIZero.
#DeltaTouch #DeltaChat #UbuntuTouch #Webxdc
I’ve had a few great interviews in the last couple of weeks. I decided I wanted to track them on a media page on my own site.
I’m going to try to keep them more organized, but for now I just want to get them linked.
So, I am trying to keep track of interviews and other articles where I play an important role. Print Audio VideoEvan Prodromou's Blog
Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
The Mono Project (mono/mono) (‘original mono’) has been an important part of the .NET ecosystem since it was launched in 2001. Microsoft became the steward of the Mono Project when it acquired Xamarin in 2016.The last major release of the Mono Project was in July 2019, with minor patch releases since that time. The last patch release was February 2024.
We are happy to announce that the WineHQ organization will be taking over as the stewards of the Mono Project upstream at wine-mono / Mono · GitLab (winehq.org). Source code in existing mono/mono and other repos will remain available, although repos may be archived. Binaries will remain available for up to four years.
Microsoft maintains a modern fork of Mono runtime in the dotnet/runtime repo and has been progressively moving workloads to that fork. That work is now complete, and we recommend that active Mono users and maintainers of Mono-based app frameworks migrate to .NET which includes work from this fork.
We want to recognize that the Mono Project was the first .NET implementation on Android, iOS, Linux, and other operating systems. The Mono Project was a trailblazer for the .NET platform across many operating systems. It helped make cross-platform .NET a reality and enabled .NET in many new places and we appreciate the work of those who came before us.
Thank you to all the Mono developers!
Explanation of the differences between all the versions of mono from a Hacker News comment
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grimaferve and DaGeek247 like this.
I think the WINE project was maintaining a fork of Mono that was used to support running certain Windows applications:
So in addition to translating traditional WIN32 system calls, WINE also supports .NET applications, which a number of Windows programs require.
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Gaming on Linux Experience (Arch Btw)
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
Gaming on Linux Experience (Arch Btw)
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.www.youtube.com
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Probably is Linus face on the thumb
People often judge the book by its cover
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sunzu2 likes this.
People don't like Linus that much now... although I was wondering who likes him in the first place.
I don't care either way as long as he shills what I like lol
If he explaining to people about Linux, that's a W in my book. Some of his other work is mehh tho
I don't hate that much but I don't watch him because of the shady selling business hr often does and apparent sponsored content which is not always disclosed (been a while but his channel misrepresented graphics cards benchmarks for example).
It's like the British yellow press for me: his face alone is enough to discredit the quality of the source. Could it be good? Sure! Will I ever find out? Not anymore.
Battlefield 1 will now include EA's kernel-level anti-cheat, making the game unplayable on Linux
EA anticheat and Battlefield
Updating Battlefield 2042, Battlefield V and Battlefield 1 with EA anticheatElectronic Arts
My EA account was hijacked months ago, I couldn't get it back. Now learning that even if I had it back I wouldn't play BF1, definetly makes it less of a pain.
Tho still sucks for its enjoyers.
I've had EA blocked on Steam for YEARS!
Best decision I've ever made when it comes to gaming.
Ah, so all of them have been delisted on GoG. Black Hawk Down was delisted on Steam, however the rest remain available.
Delta Force titles likely leaving GOG and Steam today [UPDATE: Gone on GOG, still on Steam]
[UPDATE 06/11/24] Several days on and we haven’t seen any Steam releases disappear yet but we did see the debut of Delta Force: Hawk Ops, a new entry in the series. Although the new game made…Delisted Games
Weird for someone to bring that up in a linux community, then.
Anyways buy Ravenfield.
Battlefield 1.
Battlefield™ 1 on Steam
Battlefield™ 1 takes you back to The Great War, WW1, where new technology and worldwide conflict changed the face of warfare forever.store.steampowered.com
I quit playing that years ago. It was overrun with cheats and got sick of players getting kills at distances with zero bloom/deviation that literally should have been impossible.
Maybe they’ll ban a bunch, not that it will affect my gameplay any.
Now if they could just find a way to ban people using Xim/Chronos devices on 2042 that would be great. Too many people getting no-miss headshots at 90m with an SMG. I know there are some legit uses, but lately in TDM in particular it has become unplayable for several matches in a row because of players using aim assist devices.
If you use this hardware, I would reconsider using any kernel level anticheat. It would only take one of them to get compromised to brick your machine.
This malware persists between new OS installs. You'd need to reflash your CPU and I think only factories have that equipment.
AMD still rocks, don't let this dissuade you from buying them over intel/nvidia
AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability — Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose'
AMD says some chips fall outside of the software support window.Jowi Morales (Tom's Hardware)
TIL Debian releases are named after Toy Story characters
And if they ever run out of Toy Story characters, the Marvel universe has thousands of other characters...
Not to mention other Pixar film characters.
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KaRunChiy likes this.
For anyone else who was wondering, it's major releases only, and so far it's been:
- The Luggage
- Twoflower
- Rincewind
- Weatherwax
- Vetinari
Not sure Havelock would look kindly at being left til 5th, but you can't please everyone.
They should just use numbers.
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KaRunChiy likes this.
You can use version numbers, but it's on you to change them when new point releases drop.
Numbers give the wrong impression that one version follows another. Debian release channels exit alongside each other individually. Giving the release channels names helps to make that distinction. It also makes for an easy layout of packages in APT repositories.
Sid is and always has been Sid. If you were to assign numbers, what number should replace that name? There are perfectly working labels for release channels and there is no reasonable replacement.
Perfection :D
Debian Everest, Debian Fuji, Debian Blanc, Debian K2, all great names.
I love the Linux world's tradition of less serious names, in general.
I guess when the OS is free, you don't need to get the marketing people involved as much.
The kernel was almost named Freax. Then there's GNU, Slackware, KDE which was originally the Kool Desktop Environment, The GIMP (released 1 year after Pulp Fiction), ...
It's often due to the devs creating it as a hobby project and giving it a light-hearted name to show it's nothing professional or important - and then it becomes important later.
My favorite right now is RebeccaBlackOS, which is the only current distro built around Wayland's reference compositor Weston, showcasing all the capabilities Wayland has.
Unlike Hannah Montana Linux, it has no Rebecca Black theming at all. It's just called that because the dev is a fan of hers.
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Which stands for 'GNU is not Unix'. Also 'less' (which is more). Pine is(was) Program for Internet News and Email and the FOSS fork is 'Alpine' or 'Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet News and Email'. And there's a ton more of wordplays and other more or less fun stuff on how/why things are named like they are.
It's just objectively impractible when half the software installed on your pc starts with the same letter.
But Gnome and Xfce aren't any better in that regard.
It's not just the branding, it's the actual command.
Do you want to launch the hardware monitor? gnome-system-monitor
. The terminal? gnome-terminal
. And so forth.
~~Your DE~~ They will give these clearer and easier names to search from the menu, as well as more recognisable icons, ~~but that's not on Gnome~~
Still makes the command slightly more of a PITA
Do you think DEs just have a huge list of package names to app names, or how do you imagine this would work?
In reality, it's of course fully on Gnome, as it's part of their code. Nobody except for Gnome has anything to do with the name that's being shown.
data/org.gnome.SystemMonitor.desktop.in.in · 6c6082b6f182304bb9ac27fdb463840c02c4bf92 · GNOME / gnome-system-monitor · GitLab
View current processes and monitor system stateGitLab
I did think it worked like that but the package maintainers setting these does make more sense. Thanks for letting me know!
I also edited my comment to reflect this
Yes, they're called .desktop files and they're found in /usr/share/applications.
On my Linux Mint machine, if I open the Applications menu and go to the Accessories tab, there's an icon that says "Text Editor." There is no binary on the machine by that name; it launches Xed.
When the common name of a package, the actual filename of the executable binary, and the icon title in the App menu are all different, it's not great.
No, your Desktop Environment doesn't have a huge list of package names to app names. It has a list for all your installed packages, but the list entries are part of the packages.
If your system doesn't have gnome-system-monitor
installed, you won't have the corresponding .desktop
file, because it's part of the package. It would be incredibly wasteful and unnecessarily complex for your system to get shipped out with .desktop
files for all possible applications.
Sure. But we don't just exist in the context of the machine currently in front of us. Beginners might, Wade might, but consider this:
I use Linux Mint right now. An "everything but the kitchen sink" kind of distro, GTK3 based, ships with a combination of Gnome's utility apps and several of Mint's Xapps. In the App menu, there's an icon that says "Text Editor." It launches a program that resembles Notepad but a little better. If I switched to KDE but didn't like KATE and wanted Mint's Text Editor, what would I type after sudo apt install
to get it? How do you learn that it's Xed? It doesn't call itself Xed anywhere in the GUI.
What do you think Seahorse does? Either you already know this, or you have to look it up, you'll never guess what it does from the title. I'll give you no hint whatsoever: It's Gnome's equivalent of Kleopatra.
::: spoiler spoiler
Those are both credential managers for things like PGP or SSH keys, things like that. Why KDE didn't call theirs "Keyring" I'll never understand.
There's so many bad ways to name software, and the Linux ecosystem has tried them all. WINE Is Not Emulation or LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder. I still believe GNU would have a kernel if Stallman had put the effort coming up with HURD/HIRD into writing the actual software. If you had to guess, what does Caja do? We live in a world where Nautilus and Nemo are two versions of the same thing.
The various text editors, ranked from best name to worst name: Gedit, Xed, Leafpad, Mousepad, Pluma, KATE. Gedit, it's from Gnome because of the G, and it's an editor. Xed contains the same information but you have to have more in-depth prior knowledge, you have to know Mint and their Xapp initiative. Leafpad is better than Mousepad because the latter might be a mouse/cursor configuration utility. Pluma...plume > feather > quill pen > writing > text editor. Wow what a journey. Why would I independently come to the conclusion that KATE stands for KDE Advanced Text Editor? Call it Ktext.
I would rather them call it Gedit than gnome-text-editor because they're willing to put "Gedit" on the title bar of the window, they won't put "Gnome Text Editor" up there.
Your Mint/Xed example doesn't show what you think it does. Mint doesn't just ship with .desktop
entries for a bunch of applications, they are still managed by the respective developers and part of the packages themselves. Mint is also the developer of Xed, so the repository is in their organization, but the .desktop
file is still part of the package. If you install Xed on any other distribution, you'll still get the same .desktop
entry, because it's part of the package.
That is all I've been talking about. I'm not sure how your reply relates to that, but it would help me if you tell me what you're arguing against.
xed/data/xed.desktop.in.in at master · linuxmint/xed
X-Apps [Text] Editor (Cross-DE, backward-compatible, GTK3, traditional UI) - linuxmint/xedGitHub
Mostly that we do this at all in the first place.
Forget the technical details for a minute. Fuck how .desktop files work. The program's binary is named "xed." If you want to install it, you have to type "sudo apt install xed" or "sudo dnf install xed" or whatever because that's the package's name. But in the user-facing parts of the GUI like the App menu or in the window's title bar, it calls itself "Text Editor."
Let's pretend you're a new user to Linux, you use Linux Mint Cinnamon for a little while, you like the text editor that comes with it, you decide to switch to Fedora KDE, you try it out but you find you don't like KATE as much. You want to install the one from Linux Mint. How do you find out what to type into dnf to get it to do that? You haven't been taught that the program's name is Xed, everything you saw as a Mint user called it "Text Editor." Why did they do that to you?
Okay, but why do you tell me that I'm wrong and keep going on about unrelated points? I don't care if the user-facing name is different from the binary name. I have no position on the topic.
I corrected a wrong statement (who is responsible for the .desktop
file of an application). You tried to counter-correct me, but did so on an unrelated point (who displays the application name? I'm still not sure). Positions on whether .desktop
files defining separate names is good aren't relevant.
I love the Linux world's tradition of less serious names, in general.
I hate it. Which came out later, "stretch", "Woody", "Jessie"? It's so annoying to have to look that up.
The kernel was almost named freax
Did you know that kernel releases have codenames?
My favourite being 4.0: "Hurr durr I'ma sheep" because I remember taking part in that poll.
List of Linux kernel names - HandWiki
Most of the Linux 1.2 and above kernels include a name in the Makefile of their source trees, which can be found in the git repository.[1]handwiki.org
It made me wince when Android did away with its dessert based codenames and now they're just 'Android 12' etc. It really went corporate after that direction.
And please tell me RebeccaBlackOS shows a cool popup or console message every Friday.
They didn't:
- Android 12: Snow Cone
- Android 13: Tiramisu
- Android 14: Upside Down Cake
- Android 15: Vanilla Ice Cream
They stopped using the codenames in marketing, but they are still there.
The name KDE was intended as a wordplay on the existing Common Desktop Environment, available for Unix systems.[6] CDE was an X11-based user environment jointly developed by HP, IBM, and Sun through the X/Open consortium, with an interface and productivity tools based on the Motif graphical widget toolkit. It was supposed to be an intuitively easy-to-use desktop computer environment.[7] The K was originally suggested to stand for "Kool", but it was quickly decided that the K should stand for nothing in particular. Therefore, the KDE initialism expanded to "K Desktop Environment" before it was dropped altogether in favor of simply KDE in a rebranding effort in 2009.[8]
(TIL the creator of KDE studied at the same university as me!)
I love the Linux world's tradition of less serious names, in general.
Kinda like the Minds in Iain Banks's Culture universe.
Unstable branch is always Sid, 'cause he's so unstable. They just changed experimental to rc-buggy.
I know you named Sid, but it's a rolling release so it never gets a new name.
this is why i've been really enjoying games like minecraft and factorio, minecraft updates regularly but the server and instance that i play is still just 1.16.5 so i don't even have to worry about updating it.
Similar thing for factorio, although the updates are generally very infrequent, and large updates are massive feature updates. like the upcoming 2.0 expansion, outside of that i just dont really play games much lol.
I ran Sid for years, I knew what it was named for and that was cool.
Lately though I have been wondering if they are going to run out of characters? Maybe it's time to latch onto something else? I don't know..
Ubuntu 24.04.1 ready for August 29th
Noble Numbat (24.04.1 LTS) Point-Release Status Tracking
This page is the canonical tracking document for the first Noble Numbat point-release (24.04.1). It’s a live document. The Ubuntu release team will be updating it as we work on releasing 24.04.1. Status In progress.Ubuntu Community Hub
If you're on Ubuntu 24.04, updating your system will also give you the point release.
Update is currently not being offered to 22.04 users.
Beyond-All-Reason: Open source RTS game built on top of the Recoil RTS Engine
- Website: beyondallreason.info
- Trailer: youtu.be/8K_fSWfOC1w
GitHub - beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason: Main game repository for Beyond All Reason.
Main game repository for Beyond All Reason. Contribute to beyond-all-reason/Beyond-All-Reason development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
Yeah the more I look into it, I see that it takes direct inspiration from Total Annihilation and SupCom. I messaged my friends who used to play Forged Alliance with me and at least a couple of them have already played this game.
I've been waiting for over a decade for a new game in this mold. It's not just an RTS, it's a very specific kind of strategic RTS that has a much greater scale than a tactical RTS like Starcraft. I like that it's more focused on macro than micro.
And the fact you can do 16 player matches is just epic. Supreme Commander was originally limited to 4v4 and then they eventually modded in the ability to play 6v6, but it would frequently cause the framerate to drop to slideshow levels. Can't wait to try this game out!
This game is absolutely fucking solid.
- Excellent, balanced gameplay
- AI that doesn't cheat (unless you count being incredibly fast at micromanaging)
- choose your own music for menus, gameplay, action gameplay
- scenarios for single player gameplay
- lots of maps, for 2-16 players
- active lobby
- they host game servers for for for $0 (but seriously, please donate)
- in-development features that can be enabled with a click and tested
- ridiculous features, so you can do different game modes
- still under active development and expansion
- awesome community
- physics-based gameplay - that means, shots are actively rendered. Beam weapons do damage while on. If something drives into it, it takes damage. If you hit your own guys, they die. If you put shields around one section of your base and not another, the plasma cannon rounds might just bounce off and hit your stuff anyways, if it comes from the right angle to do so.
- radar has line-of-sight - i.e., hide behind a cliff face and advance, and place your own radars well.
- rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock. That is - air, sea, and ground units, each with unique advantages - but also, amphibious units, hovercraft, long range vs short range, fast vs slow - deep strategic complexity.
* some assholes exist, because humans
* unintuitive menu system
* unintuitive separation of main menu options and in-game options.
Just a note for those interested in the local play aspect of it like I was.
You don't need to create an account to play the game locally.
You can just exit out of the first menu and play the scenarios that are available.
Started playing BAR recently and am loving it. Prior to this I'd only played some SC2 and watched some videos about FAF.
I've been playing with my 8yr kiddo against bots as we both learn the mechanics. The amount you can customize a match has been great.
Also been watching the pro league tournaments on their YouTube channel which are great fun to watch.
Looking for Clues About Your Real Age? Your Grandparents’ Education May Offer Some Insight.
Looking for Clues About Your Real Age? Your Grandparents’ Education May Offer Some Insight.
Eating well, exercising and attending regular doctor appointments can support a long healthy life, but a new study identified one possible factor beyond our control: whether you had a grandparent who went to college.drexel.edu
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Drusas likes this.
I can't help but to read this as "guess the omitted variable". There's just no way of controlling for everything that might explain this, and it's obviously not the grandparents' time in educational institutions in itself that does the trick.
Thankfully, one of the authors summarized it well:
This opens up a myriad of possible explanations and will need to be replicated.
It's easy to imagine ways this effect makes perfect sense, especially if it's small. So the question kind of becomes what they have managed to successfully control for.
3D internet browser built with Godot Engine
GitHub - thegatesbrowser/thegates: 3D internet browser build with Godot Engine
3D internet browser build with Godot Engine. Contribute to thegatesbrowser/thegates development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
This makes about as much sense as when Facebook tried prioritizing Oculus to be a way to browse the internet.
...There's just no point in it.
But whatever I guess, some ideas have to be realized first before it reaches "well that was a dumb fuck of an idea" phase.
The Open Source Hardware Association needs your help
OSHWA needs your help
OSHWA is in a pickle! In the US where our not for profit is registered there is a law stating that one third of all income must be from the public, while we have been extremely lucky to have receiv…www.oshwa.org
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The Open Source Hardware Association needs your help
OSHWA needs your help
OSHWA is in a pickle! In the US where our not for profit is registered there is a law stating that one third of all income must be from the public, while we have been extremely lucky to have receiv…www.oshwa.org
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
I think it's because they sold hoodies which cost $60 instead of $35 and it looks like a third of the people donated money to the cause.
I get that they are doing this just because of the law so they stopped it when they got enough. But I wanted a shirt! lol.
Storföretagens entré. Det första kommersiella storföretag som intresserade sig för Fediversum var Facebooks ägare Meta. De lanserade ett alternativ till X (Twitter) under 2023 som de kallar Threads.
DankPods just switched to Linux!!!
cross-posted from: lemmy.ca/post/27756512
(Apologies if the link doesn't work; Google are dicks)
It's time for change, it's time for Linux.
Extra vids for Floaties! https://www.floatplane.com/channel/TheTrashNetwork/home Car Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHdpnvKJDijKNe2caIasnww Game Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@HelloImGaming Drum Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@the.DankPods | Invidious
This. In my recent experience on one laptop. Arch (Endevour OS btw) installed fine.
But LMDE would not boot. I got a system disk missing error every time after install. So much playing with EUFI settings in BIOS, boot back to live disl, multiple re installs, GRUB repair, remake the ISO (ISO was fine, installed on another PC with no issues). Gave up. Just could not boot to the OS.
Install normal mint. No issues.
And past the install? Bluetooth dongle works fine on arch, but so many issues on mint.
WiFi dongle A works on arch, but not mint. WiFI dongle B dosenr work on arch but does work on mint. Took me a while to work thst one out.
Headphpnes have some weird echo back to me when mic is on. Use pipewire config from archwiki. Worked, but reduced qualoty. Tried a few other configs. Didn't work. Must have broke something coz now the original config dosnt work. So will just deal with echo.
0 of these issues on windows. And 0 likely your regular user can easily swap to Linux.
Will stay on arch tho. Fuck ~~spez~~ windows.
It really comes down to if you are trying to use newer hardware or not. Debian based systems usually run fine out of the box on older systems.
For newer hardware your going to want new drivers and kernel versions which you get with a rolling release distro.
How did they end up thinking that everything must be done with terminal while using Ubuntu?
Most guides on installing things or help on fixing things will offer terminal commands, so I can see how that could certainly lead to that feeling as a new user.
Also depending on the DE and stuff certain very basic obvious settings are not available in the GUI, like fractional scaling on KDE which has to be done by editing some config file first.
If it works on electricity, there's a chance I'll yell at it
or something along these lines he's got as a channel title, and I think it describes the content in a very cromulent way
Arch does tend to keep packages as close to upstream as possible, which can be both a good and bad thing. Sway not binding to graphical-session.target
by default is a little strange for example. Other distros also save a first-time user a great deal of configuration for things they probably don't care about as well. Going through Fedora's install and finding out that disk encryption and SELinux were configured OOTB was very nice to see personally. On the other hand Arch's installation (w/o archinstall) has you choosing a bootloader, audio server, display manager, etc. Nothing arduous and I like it, but definitely not for everyone
This is all eliminated by spinoffs of course, but even there users have the option to run random scripts/AUR packages without vetting them. Also doesn't help that the most popular Arch-based distro for a while (Manjaro) was pretty flaky and generally incompatible with the AUR (despite saying otherwise), leading to many people saying "that's just Arch" and swearing off the parent project as well
For me it's the wiki. Arch just explaining so simply. Searching an issue for LMDE just lead to forums. And the Debian or Ubuntu wikis don't seem as good as arch.
Plus must searches for issue seem to lead to forums and random "run this code". All arch searches led back to the Wiki. All hail the wiki.
But srsly. I feel like I'm LEARNING Linux with arch. Rather than just running fixes for the other distros.
True, meanwhile my HP printer had a hell of a time trying to work on windows much less finding an actual downlosd for the scanner tool on HP's websitr for a printer ovrr 5 years old and on Linux I typed yay HP
, 1
, then I was ready to print and scan.
Plus KDE discover is the convenience if the Microsoft store was actually good.
Settings are ACTUALLY in setting instead of being split between settings, control panel, individual tool auto diagnoses, powershell, and registry edits.
KDEconnect works seamlessly and I can also locate my phone if I lost it in the house.
You want the most common things available in a Settings app(s) as they generally are on Gnome, KDE, Windows and Mac. If we cram too much stuff in there regular people struggle. Finding a good balance is a dilemma for most platforms. You want the less obvious stuff to be available in additional specialist "tweak" apps for more experienced users as they often are on all these platforms but sometimes less so on Linux. Then the really esoteric stuff you have to edit registry settings, conf files and plists as you do on all of them. Linux tends to provide more power and flexibility but requires reading documentation due to the diversity of config methods and locations.
A Mac user very sensibly contacted me worried about pasting a command to edit a plist into the terminal from a website they found trying to fix an issue. Nobody should be pasting commands they don't understand into terminals. A quick search and I found the GUI toggle to do the same thing. It isn't exclusively a Linux issue. Windows and Mac have complex operating systems underneath and equivalently powerful command line tools.
GUI config isn't practical for hardcore linux users. It isn't scriptable, we can't store it in version control, it is harder to document, it is harder to use remotely. We have to appreciate that we have a growing number of users where it is worth taking a bit more time and sharing an alternative if one exists. However nobody wants to configure services in a GUI as we want to version, document and distribute this stuff and managing services in a GUI is unprofessional because you lose these things.
I used gnome though. IIRC, everything to do with customising GNOME is done through extensions, and all extensions have GUI settings menus.
My point being, even though it's objectively harder to customise GNOME, it still doesn't require using the terminal.
I mean, I hate Gnome and I think their work actively harms the Linux ecosystem. Gnome is deliberately unfinished. They have an artistic vision, and that artistic vision is blank uselessness is beautiful. They hate settings, they hate options. They get rid of as many settings and options as they can. Which means their UI feels incomplete to most people who try it for the first time coming from basically anything else. It's so bad that third parties maintain "extensions" to add those options back in, and Gnome does everything they can to break those because their artistic vision does not include options. The ideal Gnome utility is a blank window with a button in the top bar that says "Never Mind."
Many people trying Linux for the first time fail to find a setting in the options menu, conclude that Linux as a whole is dumb and bad and incapable because there's no check box that puts the dock on the side or bottom of the monitor, you tell them to go install GnomeTweaks from the package manager, they point crotchward and say "Install this." And they're right, Gnome is unfinished and it's not the end user's job to finish it for them. Windows 95 had a robust system for changing the system theme, Gnome demanded we stop doing that.
I think you're right in that most Gnome users don't customize the GUI from the terminal, they install extensions. But if you ask a narrow question on a support forum, you'll probably be told to run a terminal command, because that's usually how Linux veterans communicate narrow answers to narrow questions over text-based media, and it's also how a lot of system admin stuff like changing anything that ends up in /etc is done. I've never seen a GUI utility for editing fstab, everyone says to do that in the terminal. Gparted or Gnome-Disk-Utility might do it? I know KDE at least used to have the attitude that admin stuff should be done via the terminal. Dolphin and KATE didn't have the option to Open As Root because they felt if you know enough to mess with the system directly you know enough to use the terminal to do so.
There are also just so many settings that just don't reasonably have a GUI. Give you a personal example, I'm using an old speaker system that has a very hot external amplifier, every time the motherboard's audio circuit would turn on or off the speakers would make a loud pop. I had to edit a couple files to change a 1 to a 0 and a Y to an N to stop that from happening. In Windows that would be a setting buried somewhere in Sound Settings > Volume > Advanced > More Options then the Power Saving tab or something, or maybe a registry key you'd use regedit to change. On Mint I could do it with Nemo and Xed, on some distros you have to use the terminal and something like Nano or Vim to change that setting. And newbies who probably didn't choose their hardware for Linux compatibility and having to do workarounds to compensate are more likely to have to do stuff like that.
Sure. Many computer users have some specialized software they need. It’s not about only professional software either.
My phone records video in 4K HDR. Editing and viewing that on Linux is a pain to not possible last time I checked. Or software to do my taxes is absent. There’s also nothing on Linux that’s close to Apple’s GarageBand, which I use once in a while for fun to make music. If Netflix is now available in more than 720p, I haven’t checked. For vector illustration Inkscape is just no fun to use compared to Affinity Designer. For Software Development I haven’t seen a nicer git client than Git Tower. Screen recording was also painful last time I tried it.
I have tried Linux on the desktop from time to over the years. The weak point were always the applications. Often they are inferior to those available on macOS or windows. Support is practically nonexistent. Packages in the repository might be years old. So far I haven’t found a Linux desktop application that actually got me excited. Something or other also seems to be broken every time I try using it for longer. A ton of work on distributions seems to go into yet another desktop environment instead of actually useful applications. Upgrading between releases of the same distribution is often painful or even not supported at all.
I’m glad that Linux exists and it can be very useful for sure, but it barely meets my use cases and just isn’t a joy to use overall. My main use case for Linux on the desktop is to explore Linux. For an operating system and software available free of charge, it’s truly impressive though.
id imagine it doesnt work? i said its workable for non professionals because ive used it on wine for simple tasks, but my time working on photoshop was already over by the time i switched to linux.
alternatives exist now too
I'd been meaning to try out atomic distros. I'm not an expert on Linux by any means but I've been using it on-and-off for about 25 years, and exclusively (at home, at least) for about 7. So I'm a bit more than a noob.
I do worry if I'd feel restricted inside of an atomic distro. Might throw kininite on a laptop I've been meaning to give to my kid, tho.
Concept of OSTree or image-based
In theory "immutable distros" are safer to use. Not easier, but setting up stuff is less hard than fixing a system that doesnt boot or upgrade.
I am only focussing on Fedora Atomic desktops, which use OSTree (which is a version control system like git, but for binaries) and in the future/currently in parallel bootable OCI containers.
Both technologies have the same purpose, that your system is an exact bit-by-bit clone of the upstream system.
Now the system needs to have support for modding, doesnt it? Android doesnt, ChromeOS doesnt, I think SteamOS also doesnt? But this is Desktop Linux!
While many distros use flawed and incomplete concepts, lacking an "escape path" (reset) back to normal (100% upstream with no changes) (for example OpenSUSE microOS, VanillaOS etc), all such distros allow you to change the system.
The disadvantage of image-based is, that you always base of the unchanged image and then add your changes. On every update, you pull down the changes, open that thing up, throw in your changes, pack it again. This takes time and wouldnt be sustainable for example when using a phone.
So you kinda need custom images like uBlue. The advantage here is, that all changes are done on a single system and all clients just clone that. Fedora for exmample has notorious issues with an understaffed rpmfusion team and problems in coordination, so you might get sync issues and a critical security update doesnt work because of a random other package conflict.
or you might get a regression, uBlue could centrally roll that back.
Tbh the biggest issue is with edge cases of Flatpaks, like portals.
I just now needed to create a signature containing an image in thunderbird. The solution is to copy that image to the internal ~/.var/app/org.mozilla.thunderbird/ container and paste the exact file path there, as portals are broken after app restart.
Then adding an HTML as signature, it needs to be saved in the same folder and also linked exactly.
These edge cases are issues. Let alone missing hardware key support, no filesystem sandboxing in Firefox Flatpak (and uBlue and Fedora people think that is fine) or outdated target systems, because Flatpak needs to work on Debian 11 e.g.
There are also apps on Flathub that are broken, like QGis, or missing apps like RStudio, both known FOSS alternatives to stuff that people really use, and I couldnt even run those without Distrobox, which is also not preinstalled on Fedora Atomic Desktops, and toolbx lacks basic features like separated homedirs.
Yup, it is a rough field. But the stability is worth it. Also, official Flatpaks are great.
I used CentOS stream with Plasma 5 and there were a ton of bugs.
I myself reported over 200 plasma bugs and all recent ones were only fixed in 6. I am on Plasma 6 since half a year or so, so no idea what exactly that was, but a lot.
Also, Qt5 is EOL.
Normally I use kdenlive to edit video, which supports 4K AFAIK, but although that doesn’t support HDR it looks like DaVinci Resolve supports both.
That’s surprising. Turbotax and Quickbooks have online options, and there are a few native apps like GnuCash, but I haven’t used them—TurboTax works for me.
Yeah that’s too bad. I hear good things about Ardour, though. Also, bandlab if you’re okay with a webapp.
I only stream on an actual TV, not my computer, so I haven’t done this in a while, but I thought you could do this in Firefox with DRM enabled? If not, seems like there are addons which enable it. Might be outdated knowledge.
vector illustration
Fun is hard to come by
git client
Git clients all suck for me, CLI is the way to go. However, my co-workers that use git clients all use GitKraken (on macOS) and that is available on Linux, too.
screen recording was also painful
Won’t argue with you there. Don’t know why it doesn’t have first-class support in many distros. I hear OBS Studio works well for this if you want to do anything fancy with the recording, otherwise there are plenty of apps for this (Kazam might be a simpler choice).
barely meets my use cases
I think really (considering the above) your main issue is that you just have some strong software preferences. There are certainly ways to meet most if not all of the use cases you listed. It requires a big change in workflow, though.
For what it’s worth, I find that most of the issues with software alternatives in Linux is that everyone often recommends free/GPL replacements, which are invariably worse than the commercial/non-free software the user is used to. But there is paid software in Linux land, too, remember. In my case, I have often found that if I can pay for the software it will be better, and if there’s a webapp version of something non-free it will often be better than the native FOSS alternative. There are many notable exceptions to that rule, but money does solve the occasional headache.
He reviews/discusses mostly audio related tech (mainly headphones) but also dabbles in more generic mainstream tech like smartphones and laptops. The past few years he's been expressing major frustration with the likes of Microsoft and Apple and I guess for the last few months has moved all his production over to Linux rigs, and even ditched his smart phone in favour of a modern flip phone.
Also he has a car channel called "garbage time" and a drumming stream called "garbage stream." Very funny guy who's definitely worth a watch.
your main issue is that you just have some strong software preferences
Yes, I want to use applications and do something productive with them. An operating system shouldn’t be an end in itself.
I avoid browser based software because the UX is always a bit icky. It does fill lots of niches for special software you are right.
I have often found that if I can pay for the software it will be better
Yes, developers need to eat, pay rent, etc. Culturally Linux users don’t like paying for software. That in turn leads to the indie developer scene you see on macOS for example to be very small.
Even donating to FOSS projects I use can be a hassle. And of course I can’t feasibly donate to the developers of all the packages on a Linux distribution. It would be cool to pay a monthly subscription, that’s then distributed among the software I use or have installed. That could be integrated into a package manager even. I don’t know if any Linux distro does something like it.
How weird, I was just thinking about this guy yesterday after forgetting about him for probably ~5 years. I got pretty into buying, repairing, and modding broken iPods for a little while thanks in part to some of his goofy but informative teardown videos. Still have a small box of parts somewhere.
Haven't watched the video yet, but I'll be a little surprised if he doesn't immediately fire up Shrek to test whatever media player came with his distro.
OK I was with him for the first 4 minutes about why Windows is unusable, but this was so irritating to watch. Hyperactive videos like this drive me nuts, someone talking loud and fast and editing so there is not even a millisecond gap between sentences. But the audio aspect still isn't hyper enough for this guy, no! the video has to be the same way, showing just his hands, gesticulating wildly the whole time. UGH.
So anyway, once I got to where he finally gets to the subject of Linux and immediately launches into the typical bullshit where he says to use Linux, you have to use the terminal and know how to write scripts, I quit watching. Most of these "I tried Linux!" videos are like this. I only clicked on it because the title said he actually switched to Linux.
Sorry but saying Linux users don't like paying for things is just not true. In fact stats about gaming from Humble Bundle (I think, don't remember exactly) demonstrates the opposite: that Linux users will happily pay and on average more than windows users.
As for paying maintainers of important packages etc I think states (and corpos) should start doing it given how much of the IT infrastructure depends on them.
You are right, I remember something about Linux users paying more than Windows users and Apple users paying the most for HumbleBundle. The number of small paid applications is low compared to macOS.
Corporations and governments are already paying Red Hat or similar companies for their services and development. Their use cases aren’t the same as the average desktop users though. Linux makes for a great thin client for web applications for example. That’s very far from Audio and video workstation applications.
It would be cool to pay a monthly subscription, that’s then distributed among the software I use or have installed. That could be integrated into a package manager even. I don’t know if any Linux distro does something like it.
I've been thinking the same thing lately. It would be cool if at least there were some sort of metadata maintainers could include on packages saying, "if you want to donate money, upstream accepts donations at this link: <...>". Then I (or someone else) could put together a tool that helps you track what upstream projects you're donating to.
I understand that isn't nearly as easy as just a subscription though. The issue I see with that is legal - you'd need a legal entity specifically for accepting payments and disbursing each upstream project's share, plus all the accounting and such that goes along with it. I don't see why it couldn't be shared across multiple distributions though. Upstream packages could create an account with the funding service, then distro maintainers could include some sort of Funding-Service-ID: gnu/coreutils
metadata and a way to upload a list of Funding-Service-ID
s to the funding service's servers.
I think that would be doable, but it would require buy-in from distributions, upstream maintainers, and someone who could operate such an organization. Not to mention users.
I had a printer I could not in my life make work on a Windows PC (2017). Then I tried my Ubuntu laptop, no drivers installed, just worked.
Fuck Windows.
I guess you had to be there, he has some very fun videos. His garbage time videos are a lot of fun if you like watching people mess around with shit boxes. And if you're into drums, he has the drum thing too.
I guess if you're boring and like watching others play games you could just play yourself. There's hello, I'm gaming. He tries to make it more interesting but it's gaming so.
Elsewhere in the thread people say he's an "audio guy", so that's actually kinda neat if he's going to Linux.
We've made progress on the Linux gaming front, now we need to dispell "Y'but you can't use Linux if you're into sound." :)
I've mostly heard it from musicians on various distro forums and such for some reason. You're right, there's JACK, and low latency versions of kernels and all sorts of other stuff. (LMMS is more than fine for my experience level lol)
Mainly I think it's because a lot of the fancy paid DAWs or plugins boil down to Windows, but I'm not an experienced musician myself to really know what their exact complaints are.
I think it still might just be FUD generated by frustrated people, because sometimes you gotta do a little more than "unzip and run" for a lot of plugins.
When that person is a public figure I think it is news worthy.
Because it won't be one person but a handful. As I am betting alot of people who follow them will want to try it out as well.
This is advertising 101.
Downside is if the public figure has a bad experience it will discourage many people from not even trying.
at this point i have utterly forgotten how windows works and when placed in front of a computer not running linux i just get frustrated that it won't let me do things properly
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Attivisti della conservazione - Le Alternative -
Bibliotecari e informatici in lotta per il futuro della conoscenza e per un mondo migliore.Marco Calamari (Le Alternative)
Mord på Ramels väg i Rosengård. Mitt på dagen igår vid klockan halv två fick polisen i Malmö larm om skottlossning på Ramels väg i Rosengård. När polisen anlände till platsen påträffades en avliden person i 25-årsåldern som låg på marken. Han var skjuten med flera skott. Skott hade också träffat ett fönster i en lägenhet.
Anyone having issues with newer laptop's?
I been having issues with the cheap hp gaming laptop with Linux, One CPU core runs at 100% no matter that do i tried masking and disabling stuff, changing the Network card, adding Ram, and some desktops like Gnome forks had issues as well, KDE, and Mate work fine but it looks like it maybe has a Firmware, Driver or a Kernel issue, so far i tested it with Fedora, Fedora rawhide, Ubuntu and Mint, I'm going to test Debian next.
The laptop i had issues with Windows 11 works fine.
Edit Only Gnome 3 forks have issues with the Nvidia Drivers i will retest it at a later date with a new install and one CPU thread runs at 100% with all DE's and OSes but Windows 11.
Edit 2 I think i found the issue AMD APUs on some systems with Nvidia GPUs will spam the system the bug report i found said to disable the iGPU. also Gnome forks work fine i think it was my fault for not disabling secure boot.
on anything newer than Zen 2, although Arch Wiki says active
is the default since kernel 6.5. Even if it doesn't seem to fix the problem, it's the preferred way to run those CPUs (if it works). guided
+ conservative
scaling governor might help. Maybe it's just a reporting bug tho, wouldn't be a first for AMD.
Can you confirm if there are processes sucking up all that cpu usage?
Also, if it's only some desktops with that issue, then it's clearly not a lower level issue but something to do with GNOME and derivatives
More than distro hopping maybe try out a zen kernel or compiling kernel yourself and changing kernel config and scheduler, or a newer version of the stock kernel?
I’m not super current on what’s in each kernel but I’d expect latest mainline to handle newer processors better than some of the older stable kernels in some of the more mainstream slower releasing distros.
Hard to know for sure without knowing what exactly it is you’re trying to run, but since you’re using an AMD processor, I would guess it’s NOT a firmware/driver issue. New Intel processors would be a different story.
Even today, not every application is programmed to use multiple cores effectively, or at all. Again, we need to know what application(s) you’re running when this happens
Maybe worth trying an alternative OS with a different kernel entirely from Linux, as a live USB. For example Haiku or ArcaOS?
However if you've tried Windows and not had the issue then it may not add anything as you nay already have excluded defective hardware?
Mike McCue
in reply to Evan Prodromou • • •