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Tumbleweed Monthly Update - August 2024

One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"

Wedson Almeida Filho is a Microsoft engineer who has been prolific in his contributions to the Rust for the Linux kernel code over the past several years. Wedson has worked on many Rust Linux kernel features and even did a experimental EXT2 file-system driver port to Rust. But he's had enough and is now stepping away from the Rust for Linux efforts.

From Wedon's post on the kernel mailing list:

I am retiring from the project. After almost 4 years, I find myself lacking the energy and enthusiasm I once had to respond to some of the nontechnical nonsense, so it's best to leave it up to those who still have it in them.


I truly believe the future of kernels is with memory-safe languages. I am no visionary but if Linux doesn't internalize this, I'm afraid some other kernel will do to it what it did to Unix.

Lastly, I'll leave a small, 3min 30s, sample for context here: -- and to reiterate, no one is trying force anyone else to learn Rust nor prevent refactorings of C code."

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

I hate how I can't do everything I imagine in rust.

But researching about why something isn't possible, makes me realize that the code should never be wroten like the way I did... so I can't blame rust for dissallowing me this.

in reply to troed

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This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Azure Linux In, CentOS Out: LinkedIn Switches its Server Operating System

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Red Hat SEVERELY shot themselves in the foot. This sort of thing is just going to continue.
in reply to ProgrammingSocks

So, somebody that was generating no revenue for Red Hat is not generating revenue for Red Het? Sounds like a real catastrophe for them.

Also, if I had to guess, I would say that Azure Linux is based on CentOS Stream. So, whatever “halo” they had before is mostly still in place.

Most importantly though, LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft as is Azure Linux. So I am not sure what kid of bellwether this is.

Are they most using Azure Linux? Or Azure? If Azure, no headline. If they are not using Azure, why not? That would be the headline here.

in reply to LeFantome

So, somebody that was generating no revenue for Red Hat is not generating revenue for Red Het? Sounds like a real catastrophe for them.

I'm sure that's how they're thinking. It will cause their platform to slowly fade into irrelevance though.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

CentOS 7 reached the end-of-life status, resulting in no new future updates for it, including fixes for critical security vulnerabilities.

Wow are people dumb. We specifically chose the non-IBM source for continuing updates, so that's two counterexamples to whatever this chucklenuts is pushing.

But - speaking as someone who's used RHL since 98 and rhel since 3, el8 is so sketchy and el9 is just not worth it. I'll do Rocky if I have to do anything, as at least it uses the better packaging - albeit requiring to mimic RH's use in the dumbest way to date with a version-switching that pretends the method they fucking invented for doing that better doesn't exist, the same as PCLinuxOS that does it better every day also doesn't exist.

I just hope PCLinuxOS can get a good oVirt/pve template packered before it loses its opportunity to show off how insanely great it is.

Ozean: Self-Hosted RSS reader written in Go.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to sag

Why can't people include just a few screenshots of their app...
in reply to Sips'

Yup. That alone is enough for me to just ignore a software and keep moving.
in reply to sag

how are people using rss these days? i never found a good use for it.
in reply to jenny_ball

Every single open source and linux related blog has an RSS feed. A reader groups all those in a single "inbox", I save / share what I find interesting. It's an awesome way to condense news.
in reply to jenny_ball

Despite not being easy to find, most news sites still have RSS feeds. They are great for just getting the news from sources I trust instead of big tech algorithm recommend blogspam. It is also possible to get RSS feeds from subreddits and Mastodon.
in reply to jenny_ball

Use it to get info on new torrents mostly movies and games. And I hate reading gaming articles in a browser so rss is the only best experience for me.

La verità sull’arresto politico di Pavel Durov | World Politics Blog

"Dopo i numerosi casi del passato, come quello di Julian Assange, vittima di anni di persecuzione, e dei già citati Edward Snowden – costretto a chiedere la cittadinanza russa – e Meng Wanzhou, l’arresto di Pavel Durov rappresenta l’ennesimo caso di flagrante violazione dei diritti umani da parte delle potenze occidentali, che continuano ad applicare il proprio doppio standard secondo il quale le violazioni sono solo quelle commesse da terzi."
in reply to giuseppep

vabbè, diciamo la verità: questo "articolo" è una valanga di monnezza... 😁 😄 🤣

in reply to sag

Are you the developer? Because with the fact that you're hawking for this program everywhere on Lemmy (5 different communities) is making me think so

Which if that is the case, I can understand you wanting to get your work out there but you need to be transparent

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to DoucheBagMcSwag

No, I am not dev. I just wanted to share this because so many Firefox users don't know about this extension. I don't even know the developer. Actually, a chrome user asked in other post if they could theme the Mozilla Addon page, so I just suggested it to them.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to sag

Interesting; I wonder how this compares to Dark Reader.

Threads deepens its ties to the open social web, aka the ‘fediverse’

"Threads is deepening its ties to the fediverse, also known as the open social web, which powers services like X alternative Mastodon, Pixelfed, PeerTube, Flipboard and other apps. On Wednesday, Meta announced that users on Threads will be able to see fediverse replies on other posts besides their own. In addition, posts that originated through the Threads API, like those created via third-party apps and scheduling services, will now be syndicated to the fediverse. The latter had previously been announced via an in-app message informing users that API posts would be shared to the fediverse starting on August 28."
in reply to xelar

Unpopular opinion: Threads deepening ties to the fediverse is actually a really good thing for the fediverse as a whole.

I feel like realistically the fediverse will never gain mainstream adoption on its own. People like to believe in this beautiful future where the fediverse "wins out" and beats all the major social media networks, but I just don't see this happening. This is why I think Threads is actually really important for the growth of the fediverse and realistically one of the only paths to broad adoption.

Beyond this, I also separately really like the idea of being able to use a platform like Threads with my irl friends while still having access to open source clients etc. (ie. preventing situations like the Twitter API debacle which fucked over 3rd party clients)

in reply to __matthew__

"on its own" is an empty qualifier. Nothing is on its own.
in reply to orcrist

Sure, to be pedantic, I could clarify: "I think the fediverse will realistically never gain mainstream adoption without a large organization with either a massive existing userbase or the ability to invest in large organized marketing efforts."

This could be technically through some Fediverse collective that receives a large amount of donations, but I don't see this as very likely to happen and even with organized marketing efforts there's no guarantee of effectively converting this into adoption.

in reply to xelar

It's awesome that Threads federate with Mastodon. I follow several accounts on Threads I otherwise wouldn't be able to, just as I bridge with Bluesky.

Me federating with Threads makes absolutely no difference whatsoever to what they could or could not do with my data.

in reply to troed

Theres no balance when one instance floods the whole network with millions of users. Soon people will mean that "threads" is whole "fediverse" .
in reply to xelar

ActivityPub is pull, not push. Threads isn't pushing anything into my feeds.
in reply to troed

Guess who wrote Lemmy?
in reply to troed

Well, that convinced me. Thanks for your insight on the matter, I now know how to value the rest of your comments.
in reply to just another dev


It's problematic when people conflate their gut feelings for facts.

Also troed:
I understand activitypub better than creator of Lemmy

in reply to just another dev

What has argument from authority to do with facts?

You only get posts from those you subscribe to. That's the "pull" part.

in reply to troed

No. Threads federation should be treated the same way as a wolf joining a "sheep's right to not be eaten" meeting. Deeply unsettling, highly suspicious, and troubling. Facebook does NOT want the fediverse to succeed, and any claim to the contrary is fucking sus.
in reply to Kraiden

in reply to oxjox

The basic idea is that a huge company with infinite money creates software that supports an open standard, such as Threads. Next they spend significant amounts of money driving users to their software, rather than an open software equivalent. Once they've captured a huge percent of all users of the open standard, they abandon the open standard, going with a proprietary one instead. They'll make up some new feature to justify this and sell it as a positive. Because they control almost all of the users at this point, many of the users they don't control will decide to switch over to their software, otherwise the value of the open standard drops significantly overnight for them. What's left is a "dead" open standard that still technically exists but is no longer used. You can find plenty of past examples of this pattern, such as Google and XMPP.
in reply to a1studmuffin

Sorry, but that makes no sense at all. Why go through all that trouble when they’ve already accomplished the end goal you’ve outlined?
in reply to oxjox

You are right, it's easy to imagine the open source standard being a small financial threat. But a similar situation could potentially still happen, just without the malice the previous poster is imagining. Overall, large orgs make the biggest ripples in software development, so their choices of what to support affect what's most available to users.

2023 lanserades ett tillägg som gjorde det möjligt för publiceringsverktyget WordPress att kommunicera med hjälp av ActivityPub-protokollet. Det innebär att en WordPress-sajt kan bli en instans i Fediversum på samma sätt som en exempelvis Mastodoninstans eller en Pixelfedinstans.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Åklagare har väckt åtal mot koranbrännaren Salwan Momika och hans kompanjon Salwan Najem för hets mot folkgrupp efter fyra koranbränningar på olika platser i Stockholm under sommaren 2023.…

AlternativeTo: a resource I wish I would have had when I started using Linux

AlternativeTo is a site I use quite a bit. Personally I use it when I get fed up with an Android app having too many ads / creepy network behavior or want to find a self-hostable version of a freemium service.

It has filters for free, open source, platform type, etc. From my understanding it's all crowd sourced, so if you disagree with a rating put in a vote! Sharing this in hopes that others find it as useful as I do.

If you know of similar or better resources I would love to hear about them.

Edit: many people are noting that the comments and reviews are out of date. I agree! Despite that I still find it to he useful. It would be great if this little bit of visibility gets more folks engaged over there to improve it.

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in reply to Damage

I figured OSalt would have been near the top of the recommendations. I didn't realize how unpopular it was I guess. It's a little more selective in it's recommendations (and perhaps a tad dated).
in reply to Damage

meta af. Kinda like how liberapay funds itself with its own model.
in reply to sunstoned

I really appreciate Open Source Alternative To for this (although their theme seems a little broken atm).

Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:

End-of-life (EOL) and support information is often hard to track, or very badly presented. documents EOL dates and support lifecycles for various products. aggregates data from various sources and presents it in an understandable and succinct manner. It also makes the data available using an easily accessible API and has iCalendar support. currently tracks 328 products.


More here:…

TROM reshared this.

Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements

Remember, for every paid SaaS, there is a free open-source self-hosted alternative. Let's take a look at 10 FOSS tools designed to replace popular tools like MS Office, Notion, Heroku, Vercel, Zoom, Adobe, and more.


⭐ Repos mentioned

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Only if they're willing and able to fork it and compile their own version on all platforms they run.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Paying for software is okay, except when it keeps trying to milk you even after paying for it, especially if it's a subscription. This can come in the form of ads, the sale of personal information, or some other crap (such as binding arbitration).
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

in reply to Socialist Mormon Satanist

I had to go to the study to find it, but their levels were above 750 mg/dl. For comparison a human would be 80-100 typically.

The problems and shortcomings of Cosmic (According to Hyprland Dev, Vaxry)

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

…he knows it’s an alpha, right? Right?

Can someone tell him that the main reason hyprland sucks is that there’s no metaphor for hiding a window, but leaving the app running? And tossing it to a not-currently-visible workspace isn’t a solution and is pretty damn asinine.

Also, create a settings GUI. This isn’t the 1960s.

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Oh wow, in the opening paragraph they say that there's a huge conspiracy covering up the "truth" behind Cosmic's reception. And that they are the one voice of reason to enlighten people about The Truth...

Fedora KDE suddenly wont boot properly

I am running Fedora KDE 40 alongside Windows 11 23H2, (the PC in question is also sometimes used by a few other family members, which is the reason I still have Windows) When I tried restarting into Fedora today, everything appeared fine, I selected the normal boot fedora option in GRUB, and the normal loading screen showed up. to be then followed by the cursor appearing for a while before it simply disappears, the screen goes black & turns back on stuck on a screen which is completely black with a terminal-like cursor in the very top left, It will then stay stuck thet way until you forcibly turn off the power. This hasn't happened before. I tried a live boot and checked the partition... It dosen't seem any different than normal. One thing I did notice is that yesterday on the login screen the sleep and restart option where bugged out, but I wouldn't think that's relevant? Can anyone help. I'm not sure what could be happening.

EDIT: here are some pics of the logs, I still dont know why this happened or really what to do, I'm still fairly new to this

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Ezek

Are you using the rpm-fusion mesa drivers or Fedora's (assuming you use Intel / AMD card)?

You can connect to wifi via tty using nmcli command: nmcli --ask dev wifi connect CoolNetwork123

in reply to Leaflet

there should always be default decorations glares at gnome

Tumbleweed Faces Regression with Wicked as Network Stack

in reply to Petter1

Honestly, why can we not configure that in the device tree (fwnode)?
This entry was edited (6 months ago)