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in reply to Andrew Pam

oh shit... that's more or less the client list for my former employer 😳…
I have wondered if converting the Linux kernel into the more cumborsome but memory-safe RUST programming language is a good thing. Here is an article about the culture change #linux #kernel #rust

Tip for Linux shell beginners: Execute a second command only if the first one failed.

`command_1 || command 2`

Background: This compound command uses the result code returned by `command_1` with the "shortcircuit" behaviour of the "logical OR" `||` operator.

#Linux #Shell #Terminal

Mictlantecuhtli, dios de la muerte para el mes patrio ❤

Did this one as an entry for a little local for fun giveaway of horror books from a local author :3

#digitalart #art #mictlantecuhtli #azteca #illustration

Rough draft of a working definition for #QuakerPunk. Boosts, comments, and discussion are welcome!

"Quakerpunk is a spiritual humanist Solarpunk sub-ethos which embraces Universal Liberation Theology & challenges the uncritical acceptance of social norms (in the secular & spiritual worlds around us).

"Our Testimonies are sometimes called the 'Quaker Spices': Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship of the Earth."

#Quaker #Punk #SolarPunk

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to RamenCatholic 🐢🌈

hey there 👋 if you end up with a manifesto or something, can you try to remember to ping me about it; or if you want to discuss guest posting on my blog with it if you want a space. Sounds spiffy.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Hermetic Library
@SrRochardBunson yep! I’d asked to be pinged previously, but thanks for keeping me in mind when you see things that might be of interest cc @RamenCatholic

Russia's Nuclear Doctrine: Calls for Tougher Stance Amid Escalating Global Tensions… Sergei Karaganov, an honorary chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and academic supervisor of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at the Higher School of Economics, voiced strong concerns about the current state of Russia’s

Climate debate: Reasons for optimism… After discovering so many massive, high-profile lies in recent years, large numbers of people are asking themselves "What else are they lying about?", and the answer is "just about everything".

Elites tried for the Great Reset but they got a Great Awakening. #news #press

Finally, someone was so racist that the @nytimes actually called it "racist" in a news headline: "Donald Trump Jr. Piles On With Racist Comments About Haitians"…

reshared this

Nach Abmahnungen wegen Rufschädigung: Bayrischer Verfassungsschutz rudert zurück… Mit seinem Versuch, die Pressefreiheit anzugreifen, indem er deutsche Medien der alternativen Gegenöffentlichkeit beschuldigte, russische Propaganda zu verbreiten – nur weil sie sich kritisch zur deutschen Unterstützung der Ukraine geäußert haben –, hat der Bayerische Verfassungsschutz einstweilen krachend

Russland und Ukraine tauschen Kriegsgefangene aus… Russland und die Ukraine haben am Samstag erneut Kriegsgefangene ausgetauscht. 103 bei Kursk gefangene russische Soldaten kehrten nach Russland zurück. Die gleiche Zahl Soldaten erhielt im Gegenzug die Ukraine. #news #press

Concern over how – and how much – their children are using media is a common source of parental guilt.

Some of this comes from the fact that parents themselves break their own rules.

Remember: Screen guilt can help guide you in creating a more balanced diet of media, and reflect on your own rules or choices.…
#parenting #parent #technology #socialmedia

in reply to It's Going Down

You know, there's quite a resemblance between Loomer and "judge" Aileen Cannon. Just sayin'.


USGS: New USGS map shows where landslides are most likely to occur in U.S.. “The U.S. Geological Survey has released a new nationwide landslide susceptibility map that indicates nearly 44% of the U.S. could potentially experience landslide activity. The new assessment provides a highly detailed, county-by-county picture of where these damaging, disruptive and potentially […]…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

So you are telling me that it is possible to have a chat plugin for Peertube that uses the XMPP protocol, but Mastodon users can only direct message each other?…

#mastodon #peertube #xmpp #chat #protocol

in reply to TOV

Thanks to XMPP, this chat plugin does a lot more than just chat!
Check the full documentation table of contents:…

(It is even possible to create polls!)

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to John Livingston

@gajim Mastodon needs a chat plugin like this, where users can communicate with each other using XMPP. Mastodon should have a frontend client built-in, but also allow users to use a third party application like Gajim.

#mastodon #peertube #chat #xmpp #gajim

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

"Hacer pintadas es una acción colectiva que precisamente construye #comunidad debido a su componente de #clandestinidad", escribe Tatiana Romero en este texto precioso sobre pintadas #feministas: "Las intervenciones callejeras, hoy más feministas que nunca, ya sean pintadas, esténciles, o pegas de carteles, son una apropiación del espacio público, una transgresión a las normas de urbanidad y una declaración de principios: tenemos cosas que decir y no nos vamos a callar"…

in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

I wish they could test for microplastics. That's one of the most expensive lab tests
in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

Testing for microplastics is easy. Assume that they're in whatever your testing and you'll be right.