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new blog post: expansion, contraction, the internet…

IN WHICH i go on about how i think this moment in internet history is not that different than broad macrolevel historical movements of humans

#blog #internet

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Five stars: Flyte by Angie Sage and Mark Zug (Illustrator) (2006) is the second book in the Septimus Heap series. Septimus and Jenna have settled into their new lives: him as apprentice to ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand and she as Princess of the castle. And then out of nowhere Simon rides in and kidnaps Jenna which cascades into a series of remarkable events.…


bookstodon group reshared this.

"The first labour union of game developers in Ontario was formed by staff at Joydrop, only for the majority of employees that voted to reportedly be fired two working days after the victory."

#unions #unionbusting #Ontario #Canada #labour #labor #workersrights #onpoli #OntarioPolitics #CanadianPolitics #cdnpoli #GamingNews #Gaming…

In the old days of 360|Conferences my business partner and I would travel and text each other when we landed, “White or brown eagle, has landed.” I assume you know which one I was.

It was our gag for years. Then we made MVP shirts for special guests we made shirts for each other “White Eagle” and “Brown Eagle”

Given the times now, I’ve been self conscious wearing mine. So….

Few minutes with my sewing kit and now I’m a sales rep for Weyland Yutani.

If you’ve forgotten the scummy behavior of Accuweather, let me remind you how they recruited Rick Santorum to try and destroy the National Weather Service to enhance their profits.…
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No matter how right you think you are sometimes humility is the only way to prove your worth.



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SH2-308 Dolphin Head Nebula, by Xin Feng and Miao Gong

SH2-308, or the Dolphin Head nebula, is at a low angle and can only be shot for five hours a day. This image comprises a total of 10 days of shooting and post-processing with PixInsight. The main body of the nebula and the background stellar wind are both prominent.


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Antares Region, by Bence Tóth

This image shows the dust and gas formations around the star Antares. A telephoto lens was used to achieve the huge field of view but a five-panel mosaic – three panels RGB and two panels of H-alpha – was needed to show this huge region in one picture.


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SNR G107.5-5.2, Unexpected Discovery (The Nereides Nebula in Cassiopeia), by Marcel Drechsler, Bray Falls, Yann Sainty, Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli

This photograph is the result of 3,559 frames, 260 hours of exposure time and telescopes on three continents. The team worked to explore and photograph a previously unknown gigantic supernova remnant in the centre of the constellation #Cassiopeia.


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Giant Panda discovery debunked, I never believed in them anyway. 🐼​…


Tasman Gems, by Tom Rae

This photograph shows the rugged peaks of the Tasman valley reaching up to the impressive features of the southern hemisphere summer night sky. It includes the hydrogen clouds of the Gum nebula – the central red region – and various other regions of active star formation stretching throughout the fainter arms of the Milky Way.


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Jenny Graves has spent her life mapping genes and comparing genomes. Now she’s created a musical opus about evolution of life on this planet — bringing the same drive and experimentalism she brought to the study of marsupial chromosomes.…


Which 2D animation software do you think is better overall on Linux?

#Linux #2D #animation #Glaxnimate #Pencil2D #Synfig #Friction

  • Glaxnimate (0 votes)
  • Pencil2D (0 votes)
  • Synfig Studio (0 votes)
  • Friction (0 votes)
Poll end: 4 months ago

in reply to Kevin Karhan

@kkarhan Years ago, Moho was available for Linux. That was in fact how I first used it, circa 2007 or 2008 maybe? But I think Linux support got dropped when the software was sold to Smith Micro (or whoever it was that rebranded it to Anime Studio). Now that the (more or less) original owners have reclaimed Moho, it might be possible to get Linux support again if they see that part of the market is big enough. Not sure it is though.
in reply to Matt Jordan

@muhkayoh I really wish for more #CreativeSoftware to support #Linux as #finalcutOS aka. #macOS becomes more and more #enshittified like #Windows and I'd rather bite the bullet and pay for #RHEL / #SLED / #UbuntuPro #subscriptions instead of having to deal with #Apple's "my way or the highway" attitude towards Hardware (regardless of all the valid criticism towards #nvidia just to name the elephant in the room)...
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Kevin Karhan

@barrysampson given the #licensing costs for #ToonBoom, it's good to see their #TechSupport actually invested time and effort.

Most "Professional Software" on #Linux is sometimes really nit easy to procure:

  • #Autodesk literally won't even offer me a #license for #Maya unless I sent them a Serial # of an eligible Workstation (i.e. #HP #Z600 - spec'd to compatibility from the factory) existing & valid #RHEL subscription and would only support that combo with the license...

So it's no wounder those that can't afford it stick to #blender & #Moho like @fuchsiii ...