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In Jurassic Park (the book) they talk about the Cray X-MP supercomputer, so of course I looked it up.

It was released in 1982, featured among other things 128 MB RAM, up to 38 GB of storage and 4 CPUs running at about 100 MHz.

It was the most powerful computer in the world up until 1985 and cost about 15 million dollars.

Of course nowadays your phone is more capable than this beast.

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Latest #Pacman R7.0 changes a few files after upgrade that require manual intervention, here's how to apply them. #FOSS #Linux #OpenSource #ArchLinux…

@IceCubesApp Thank you for the quick update after iceCubes crashed since the last release.


This entry was edited (5 months ago)

A few birds from near home, Grant Park, NY., yesterday late afternoon... Please see alt-text for captions

We need your help. Like many organizations right now, the FSF is suffering from inflation. Gift an FSF associate membership:

Capitalism is the best system possible according to every billionaire we surveyed.
in reply to Aral Balkan

one of the problems is that we have crony capitalism vs theoretically perfectly free flowing capitalism. I'm not convinced that alternatives to capitalism are any better, though. People kinda suck when they get in positions of power, no matter what the system is.
in reply to Aral Balkan

@Aral Balkan We’ve seen an increase in them here in New Zealand recently. They certainly aren’t all driven by tradies who need them for tools and materials at construction sites. And you can’t see past them at intersections, which I’m sure increases the number of accidents. Totally unnecessary for most people.

In case you missed it, last month on #iNaturalistNZ we had the second confirmed record of a fruit bat in NZ.

An Australian Little Red Flying-Fox was seen alive, then later recovered dead, in Blenheim in NZ's South Island, about 2,000 km from home.

The previous sighting was an unfortunate bat that crossed the Tasman only to get electrocuted on a power line in Hamilton, around 1928.…

#iNaturalist #bats #LongDistanceDispersal #RareSpecies #nature

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Eastern mantis orchids - Caladenia tentaculata - starting to unfurl in Croajingalong NP, Victoria. These coastal plants in eastern VIC generally have smaller, more upright flowers (with more rigid sepals) than typical forms and can resemble the northern species C. atrovespa which is found further inland at higher altitudes.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #EastGippsland #InTheField #Nature #Caladenias #SpiderOrchids

I occasionally walk past a grove of "devil's walking stick" (Aralia spinosa). This is the only place I've ever seen this plant, although it's supposed to be native to this area. The grove covers a very steep slope with its tall, straight, spiky trunks topped with umbrellas of huge compound leaves. Right now, the shiny black fruit is ripe, hanging in cascades of hemispherical clusters.

It's hard to take pictures because of the steep slope and spiky hand-holds!

#plants #trees #photography

Female velvet ants are wingless. Males of some species are wingless also, but most are winged. This one is Myrmilloides grandiceps, and is the first one of this species that I've seen.
#VelvetAnts #Insects #MacroPhotography
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Wenn ich mich nicht irre, müsste es sich bei diesen beiden neugierigen Hübschen aus Slowenien und Italien um Mauereidechsen (Podarcis muralis) handeln.

#natur #artenvielfalt #nature #reptilien #Squamata #Lacertidae #Eidechse #Slowenien #slovenija #reptils #eidechsen

in reply to Digit

& yeah

;3 okay okay. ;p

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