Yeah this definitely won't make people think he's even more of a badass. Stellar optics work, agents of capital
I am heartened by this. Not by the crisis we face, obviously, but by reading stories of people putting on their oxygen masks in preparation and doing the work of survival and perseverance in concrete ways. Survival is resistance. We need to remember that.
At least one person is noting that their local office has told them they will continue to process gender marker changes even during a shutdown. It would still be prudent to get your gender marker changed as soon as possible given an impending Trump admin.
Weird, it's almost as if we live in a world so deeply in denial about a continuing and unaddressed respiratory symptom-linked pandemic that we will latch on to just about anything we can to explain the symptoms
I also want to pull this out. I do this on my CV as well. Especially when you get above department-level reviews, every discipline has different assumptions about what authorship placement means (or doesn't), what multi-authored pubs count for, etc. Make it easier by explicitly stating what you did.
Excellent thread. Still so much we don't know about these viruses when it comes to human infections. (& a lot we don't know in animals as well). π¦ π§ͺ#episky public health
Remember when he drowned the sister of Trump's transportation secretary with one of his cars and everybody shrugged
I don't think incarceration is a humane way to practice accountability. I do think there are folks who do not belong in society with the rest of us and that shunning and exile has its place, but the vast majority of people imprisoned do not fall under that category.
I am a prison abolitionist and also I believe all of these men should be sent to an uninhabited island that is in imminent danger of getting swallowed by the sea
I would guess they're more than happy to see generics become inaccessible if they can extract promises that newer proprietary drugs are left untouched.
Gwen Snyder is uncivil
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