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in reply to Bilal Barakat 🍉

@EndIsraeliApartheid Perhaps next they are going to tell us that, like Saddam with his supposed WMDs, Hamas is hiding its tunnels on container ships offshore. 🤡
in reply to Bilal Barakat 🍉

The story that Iraq tried to buy 500 tons of yellowcake uranium powder from Niger has already been used by the US. Israel now has to come up with its own ideas, and they love “tunnels” and fictional “command centers”. 🤥

psychology group reshared this.

We werken gemiddeld zo'n 43 jaar van ons leven. Maar het werk dat we in die 43 jaar verzetten, leidt niet altijd tot een betere toekomst voor mens en planeet.

Tijdens Future Talks op 12 september gaat Tabo Goudswaard (Sociaal Creatieve Raad) in gesprek met Michiel Zonneveld (journalist ), Olga Mink (Future Of Work Foundation), Najah Aouaki (econoom en stedelijk strateeg), Denise Harleman (Collectief Kapitaal) en Alev Kutluer (De Vlammende Eend)…

Do you struggle to keep your experiments organized? We know the feeling! In this #Blogpost, @PeterKalverla describes how we used #Snakemake to organize workflows with the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Get better at organizing your workflow too!…

Okay, I want this dress just to wear in everyday life: running errands, going grocery shopping, checking the mail...

Seriously. Someone tell me how much it would cost to make this for me. 😈

#meme #Thursday #Witch #Crafty #Sewing #MotherSuspiriasMorningMeme @horror

in reply to Bill Seitz

@billseitz Haaaa I love this clip and watch it every Thanksgiving. "Do not trust the Pilgrims; especially Sarah Miller." 😂

Siemens Issues $330M Digital Bond on Private Blockchain with Major German Banks Including Deutsche Bank #Crypto #CryptoCurrency #Currency

#politik #8mai #geschichte #zeitenwende #militarismus #nationalismus

Der Tag der Befreiung, wie er auch in der alten Bundesrepublik seit 1985 benannt wurde, heißt in der Regierungsantwort übrigens »Jahrestag der Kapitulation der deutschen Wehrmacht und des Kriegsendes«.

Kein Wort von Befreiung und diejenigen die sich als Partisan:innen und Widerstandskämpfer:innen dem Widerstand gegen Nazi-Deutschland angeschlossen haben wird jede Ehrung verwehrt. Auch hier die zeitenwendenmäßige Rolle rückwärts. Die AfD grinst sich eins.

Les médias étrangers ne s'y trompent pas "Macron a choisit Barnier pour ses positions qui rassureront l'extrême-droite".


Barnier, who was an unsuccessful candidate in the primary to become the conservative presidential candidate in 2021, is also seen as having views on domestic politics that are more compatible with the far right than some of his peers.

The former European commissioner has in the past called for a moratorium on immigration.
He triggered a media firestorm when he said France should regain its “legal sovereignty” and not be subject to the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights.

#France #PrimeMinister #Barnier #RightWing #FarRightSoluble…

Success! The #Framework laptop seems to be fully functional with the new midplate. Now I can start my quadruple boot experiment in earnest! #Linux and #FreeBSD are already on there. #NetBSD is next, trying to figure out root disk encryption. Then #OpenBSD.