Donald Trump was so eager to have Vladimir Putin attend the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow that he wrote a personal letter to the Russian president inviting him to the event, according to multiple people familiar with the document.
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DATE: October 09, 2024 at 09:56AM
SOURCE: NYU Information for Practice
TITLE: In the Shadow of King Coal
The post In the Shadow of King Coal was curated by information for practice.
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🐍📰 Build a Contact Book App With Python, Textual, and SQLite
In this tutorial, you'll be guided step by step through the process of building a basic contact book application. You'll use Python and Textual to build the application's text-based user interface (TUI), and then use SQLite to manage the database
Via @emptywheel:
Reupping: The news that #Trump keeps chatting with #Putin should raise new questions abt why Putin's errand boy, Viktor Orbán, kept making house calls earlier this year, something ignored bc everyone was doing their 100th Joe Biden Old story.
Glyn Moody reshared this.
An ode to the trash panda: Raccoon Park officially opens in midtown Toronto
Posted into Canada @canada-cbcnews
Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro review: light ’em up
The company’s latest flagship earbuds might lack originality, but they nail sound quality, transparency mode, and voice call performance.
Himmler a sauvé des Juifs,
par Lotfi Hadjiat
Saviez-vous que Heinrich Himmler est née le 7 octobre 1900 ? Non ? Je ne le savais pas non plus. Le petit Heinrich était le « deuxième fils de Joseph, professeur au Lycée Humaniste de Landshut et au réputé Wilhelmsgymnasium de Munich, et d’Anna Maria Heyderde. Joseph fut également le précepteur du prince Henri de Bavière, petit-fils du prince-régent, Luitpold de Bavière, qui accepta d’être le parrain du petit Heinrich. La famille était issue de la moyenne bourgeoisie catholique bavaroise et le père un homme cultivé, nationaliste et conservateur, sans être antisémite. En patriote convaincu, il enseigna à ses fils Gebhard (1898–1982), Heinrich et Ernst (1905-1945) le respect de la patrie allemande. Gebhard et Ernst entreront dans un groupe militaire, mais sans y tenir un rôle prééminent.
Le petit Heinrich effectua sa scolarité dans un établissement de Landshut, puis au Wilhelmsgymnasium de Munich, là où son père était enseignant. C’était un élève modèle. Petit, peu sportif et myope, il se révèle faible en gymnastique et ses fréquentes absences scolaires sont la marque d’une santé fragile. De 1911 à 1924, il tient un journal intime ; y transparaît le portrait d’un jeune homme bien intégré à son milieu et à la société, capable de gentillesse et de générosité. Pendant des vacances de Noël, il fait la lecture à un aveugle ; à un autre moment, il organise une manifestation de bienfaisance pour les orphelins et regrette les mauvais traitements infligés aux prisonniers français, dont il est le témoin en 1914. En août 1914, quand éclate la première guerre mondiale, le jeune Heinrich est enthousiaste.
Comme son frère, Gebhard, il souhaite s’engager dans la Reichsmarine en 1917, où il n’est pas accepté à cause de sa myopie et surtout de son jeune âge. Frustré de ne pouvoir rejoindre une école d’officiers, il obtient grâce à l’intervention de son père, une dispense d’âge en juin 1917 et est incorporé au IIe régiment d’infanterie bavarois Von der Tann. Après six mois de formation en tant qu’élève officier, il est transféré à Ratisbonne, puis à Freising du 15 juin au 15 septembre 1918, et enfin à Bayreuth du 15 septembre au 1er octobre 1918. Aspirant, il envoie à ses parents une lettre qu’il signe Miles Heinrich : « Soldat Heinrich ». À sa grande déception, il est démobilisé deux mois plus tard sans jamais avoir vu le front et rentre chez ses parents pour Noël 1918. Après la guerre il fait partie, avec son frère Gebhard, des cercles militants de Munich : Völkischen Rechten Münchens. Toujours avec son frère, il intègre, en novembre 1919, la 14e compagnie de la Brigade de protection de Munich, unité de réserve de l’armée, proche des Freikorps, unités non officielles chargées par le gouvernement légal social-démocrate d’écraser en Bavière la République des conseils, à tendance communiste, ceci avec l’accord tacite des Alliés. Au cours de cette période, il commence également à s’intéresser aux projets allemands concernant l’Est de l’Europe.
L’année suivante, il étudie l’agronomie au lycée technique agricole de Munich, tout en étant stagiaire dans une ferme-école près d’Ingolstadt jusqu’en 1922. Au cours de ses études, il s’affilie à de très nombreuses associations, notamment le cercle étudiant Burschenschaft Apollo, à propos duquel il obtient un certificat médical afin d’être dispensé de beuveries », puis il dirige une exploitation avicole, avant d’être nommé quelques années plus tard aux plus hautes responsabilités du pays. Telle fut la jeunesse de Heinrich Himmler, né à la fin du deuxième millénaire, le 7 octobre.
En 1939, le thérapeute Felix Kersten rencontre Himmler, souffrant. Kersten le soigne et le libère d’une douleur abdominale devenue insupportable, à l’aide d’une technique de massage thérapeutique tibétaine. « À partir de ce moment, profitant de la maladie d’Himmler », Kersten obtient de celui-ci la libération de milliers de prisonniers des camps, alors sous l’autorité d’Himmler. « Plus tard, lors d’une visite aux pays-Bas, il se confronte à Hanns Albin Rauter, le chef de la Gestapo aux Pays-Bas, pour qu’il libère l’un de ses amis. Rauter s’incline sur l’ordre d’Himmler.
En décembre 1944, un conjuré qui avait participé à un complot visant Hitler est pendu, malgré la promesse solennelle d’Himmler de l’épargner. Furieux, Kersten rappelle à Himmler qu’il avait promis. À la suite de cette confrontation et après un échange avec Brandt, il se rend compte que Hitler a ordonné et que Himmler a obéi. Il retourne auprès d’Himmler et obtient la libération de 50 étudiants norvégiens, de 50 policiers danois et de 3 000 femmes hollandaises, françaises, belges et polonaises. Cela était remarquable, mais Kersten voulait plus. Il se trouvait que la Suisse était prête à accueillir 20 000 internés juifs. Himmler refuse, mais estime que 3 000 est plus raisonnable. Deux mois plus tard, une cohorte de 2 700 Juifs est promise aux camps. Himmler y voit un signe du destin et fait dérouter le train vers la Suisse ».
En 1945, Hitler ordonne de faire sauter les camps si une armée ennemie s’en approche à moins de 8 kilomètres. Écoutant Kersten, Himmler refuse cet ordre et signe le 12 mars 1945 un document intitulé Contrat au nom de l’humanité. Celui-ci énonce en substance que :
« 1. Les camps ne seront pas dynamités ;
- Le drapeau blanc flottera à l’entrée de ceux-ci ;
- On n’exécutera plus un seul Juif ;
- La Suède pourra envoyer des colis individuels aux prisonniers juifs ».
Le non-dynamitage des camps par Himmler épargna donc la vie de dizaines de milliers de Juifs. Puis, « en signe de paix, Himmler fit libérer 5 000 Juifs supplémentaires ».
En conclusion, Himmler a donc sauvé des Juifs par milliers, par dizaines de milliers, et Netanyahu n’a pas sauvé de Palestiniens, pas un seul.
Republicans threaten to punish colleges that allow pro-Palestinian protests (Ed Pilkington/The Guardian)……
The measure would solidify parents’ right to send their kids to any public school, charter school, private school or homeschooling program. Opponents say it would pave the way to a state voucher program.…
Game: Inspector Gunner 2 With Critic (2018)
Song: Gadget's Labyrinth (Feat. HET and Grand Dad)
#music #videogames #gaming #gamemusic
Fun fact:
"Did you know that Hamish Marshall, former #Conservative leader Andrew Scheer's campaign manager, was director of public affairs at #AngusReid Public Opinion.
Mr. Marshall also a board member for The Rebel, the far-right propaganda outlet helmed by Ezra Levant. Mr. Levant & current Con leader Mr. #Poilievre have been friends for over 20 years.
Marshall was also involved in campaigns for Wildrose Party in #Alberta. Same party Tamara Lich belonged to.
Funny little connection eh?"
9 October 1941 | A Hungarian Jewish girl, Judit Erdos, was born in Miskolc.
In 1944 she was deported to Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber.
"Nobody can control the weather."
~ North Carolina Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
"This tweet format has become conspicuously popular on the redpilled internet. The formula is simple: 1) Post a screenshot of a supposedly genuine text message, 2) express outrage, 3) ask if it’s true without really caring whether it is, and 4) do no further investigation into the matter. It’s a newfangled incarnation of a classic, the chain email. Pass it along or else no one will know the 'truth.'”
~ Scott Nover
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #lies #disinformation
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
"The scale and speed of conspiracies about Hurricane Milton being orchestrated and controlled by the deep state is incredible to watch."
~ David Gilbert quoted by Brian Stelter
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
"Politicians and right-wing influencers have spread conspiracy theories online suggesting that Hurricane Milton has been geoengineered by nefarious forces, with the end goal of preventing Republicans from voting in the presidential election."
~ Tess Owen
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
"I do think there is something about religiosity that makes religious populations easier to manipulate. …
Reality-denial has been baked into conservatism for a very long time. It is certainly baked into conservative Christianity. Anecdotally, I’ve seen the most conspiracy-theorizing in other conservative religious societies, and certainly not just Christian ones."
~ Jill Filipovic
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
Looking at the AI "slop" circulated on social media — the little girl with her pup — Jason Koebler says,
"Something very disheartening is happening with this particular image, however. A specific segment of the people who have seen & understand that it is AI-generated simply do not care that it is not real & that it did not happen. To them, the image captures a vibe that is useful to them politically."
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation #AI
"The attacks, which include wild claims that Jewish officials are conspiring to orchestrate the disasters, sabotage the recovery or even seize victims’ property, are being fomented largely on Elon Musk’s X."
~ Will Oremus and Maxine Joselow
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation #ElonMusk #Twitter #X #antisemitism
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
"Antisemitic tropes have commingled on the site with false rumors and conspiracy theories amid the chaos of the recovery effort, according to a report released Tuesday by the nonprofit Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)."
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation #ElonMusk #Twitter #X #antisemitism
Writing from her perspective having grown up in rural Missouri, Susan Niemann says,
"Perhaps by better understanding them, we can reason with them? Nah. The vitriol has reached a fever pitch now. The cult mentality of Trump supporters is strong. VERY strong.
People have been told who to hate and that it’s ok to do so. No matter what facts are presented to them, they refuse to hear it."
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
"They’ve left normal life behind and are now lost. Gone.
There is no reasoning with these people.
The primitive way people are behaving may well be the undoing of America.
The Republican Party has worked diligently over the years to create this anger and division."
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ reshared this.
In Oliver Willis' view, what Americans are now dealing with is "disinformation terrorism" on the part of the Republican party, and the Democratic response so far has been weak tea.
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
Historically the Democrats have been super bad at playing offense. Their defense is hard to even judge since you can't win a game on defense alone.
It's part of why we all freak out over Republican advances even if they're small, we see the ball get past our defense and we know the Democrats aren't up to evening the score.
"A wave of antisemitic rhetoric and online threats has been leveled at state and federal officials in North Carolina in recent days as they respond to the destructive aftermath of Hurricane Helene, according to a report released on Tuesday by a nonprofit research group that studies online platforms."
~ Eduardo Medina
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation #ElonMusk #Twitter #X #antisemitism
Jonathan V. Last says one reason normalization of the unthinkable happens is that we're not wired to live with constant abnormality:
"If you create a constant stream of abnormalities, then eventually people accept them as normal.
Which is why authoritarians, like Trump, provoke. They seek to accelerate the neurological process, thus normalizing the authoritarian project and creating pathways to power."
#Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation #authoritarianism
"For decades, it has been a GOP mantra to deny and denigrate reality—whether it’s calling climate change a hoax, claiming Obamacare has death panels, arguing that tax cuts for the wealthy trickle down, insisting that immigrants hurt the economy, or denying gun violence as a public health crisis.
In recent years, these lies have clearly escalated."
~ Elliot Kirschner
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
"[Meterologist Matthew] Cappucci says that he’s noticed an enormous change on social media in the last three months: 'Seemingly overnight, ideas that once would have been ridiculed as very fringe, outlandish viewpoints are suddenly becoming mainstream and it’s making my job much more difficult.'"
~ Lorena O'Neil
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
"'I’ve been doing this for 46 years and it’s never been like this,' says Alabama meteorologist James Spann. He says he’s been 'inundated' with misinformation and threatening messages like 'Stop lying about the government controlling the weather or else.'”
#hurricane #Milton #Trump #Republicans #lies #disinformation
That's crazy. Spann is a legend and hugely respected in Alabama. He knows the state like the back of his hand. If there's a tornado in the area he's known to warn specific neighborhoods off the top of his head without looking at a map. Absolute insanity.
(edit: I'm a weather nerd, not from AL, but that's the impression I get of him)
I tend to take a few risks that people will know that I'm either open, snarky, tongue-in-cheek, playful, or just damned pissed off.
But it's always OK to ask/ check, and if you need me to make fewer presumptions, I can do that, too! 🤭
I'm honored to be connected to you. You need to change nothing as far as I'm concerned! And as Yom Kippur arrives, I want also to wish you Yom Tov.
P.S. If you haven't seen Benjamin Wittes on Yom Kippur and atonement, you may find his essay worth a read. I like him a lot, both his courage in constantly needling the Russians about Ukraine, and also his wry sense of humor.
And thank you for a kind but undeserved "honor". I feel I'm the one who should be honored to be noticed - there are some very brilliantly noteworthy folks here, and you're a bright light. Yom Tov! (I'm more likely to try to repent accidentally stepping on the dog's toes, or absently brushing away a dragonfly). 🫢
"No matter what facts are presented to them, they refuse to hear it."
Gammons just don't do facts.
They don't consider things like "facts", "truth", "logic" as relevant to their lives. They don't use such things as inputs to their decision making processes.
And this with AI as it is now. The pace of development and investment is such that in not too long a time it will be very hard for anyone without the technical knowledge to tell the difference.
Deep fakes, AI and bad actors will result in an alternative reality in which the truth will be whatever anyone wishes it to be.
I genuinely fear the future.
non-paywalled link to article
"Hurricane Helene and the ‘Fuck It’ Era of AI-Generated Slop"
by Jason Koebler
Oct 8, 2024 at 9:56 AM
@the5thColumnist Yet as Karen Armstrong, an astute scholar of world religions, says, the word "belief" is etymologically rooted in the word "love" — and properly understood, religious belief is not about doing something with one's head, but setting one's foot in a path towards love.
The fundamental frame to understand belief in the Abrahamic religions is Abraham's willingness to walk into the desert — to journey. Not to do something with his head.
Beliefs require no evidence. In fact beliefs hold fast in the presence of evidence to the contrary when sustained by higher authority.
Christian evangelism in some quarters is transfixed by the literal truth of the Bible, that the Earth is only 6000 yrs old, the Flood was 4000 years ago, the world is flat, and space is fake as the world is enclosed by a firmament. You can’t debate it as their “evidence” is the Bible.
I grow tired of people describing claims as "conspiracies".
These claims could generously be described as "conspiracy theories", which are "theories" about the existence of "conspiracies".
But these claims are often so outlandish that there's no science to back them up, so they're not even so much "theories" as they are just "claims".
So let's call out the whack-a-doodle claims as what they are. If the term must be shortened, then let's call them whack-a-doodles.
@Tooden I'd be hard-pressed to vote for her. Only yesterday, I quoted to someone words that ring in my ears from hearing my mother and her sisters say them over and over: "Pretty is as pretty does."
I really don't mean to criticize someone's appearance. But I do think how we behave ends up shining out in our faces, and how Ms. Taylor Greene behaves is not pretty to me.
Trump’s abortion stance is killing women and dreams. Your daughters, your sisters. “It Couldn’t Happen Here”, examines reproductive rights and how recent legislation has destroyed hopes and dreams of women.…
#HarrisWalz2024 #VoteBlueToSaveWomen #KamalaBringsUsJoy #Abortion #WomensRights #NeverAgainTrump #VoteBlue #TrumpWillLose2024 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #USPol
On June 18, 2013, Donald Trump had some exciting news: He would soon be whisking dozens of the world’s most beautiful women to Russia.
“The Miss Universe Pageant will be broadcast live from MOSCOW, RUSSIA on November 9th,” Trump tweeted that day
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Trump #BreakingNews #Breaking…
Des milliers de féministes étaient dans les rues de Paris ce 8 octobre, à l'initiative de plusieurs organisations féministes, pour rappeler qu'armer Israël, c'est soutenir le génocide. Cela ne doit pas se faire en notre nom au nom d'un féminisme d'état soutenant le colonialisme.
Les luttes féministes doivent être anti-colonialistes.
🎥 Relève féministe
in reply to Laffy • • •Danetteb 🕊️🐦🔥⚓️🕯️🪷
in reply to Laffy • • •Laffy
in reply to Danetteb 🕊️🐦🔥⚓️🕯️🪷 • • •Danetteb 🕊️🐦🔥⚓️🕯️🪷
in reply to Laffy • • •