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Drafting a method for verifying new devices for #XMPP end to end encrypted chats.

This is a very early draft/brain dump, once a few people validates, it can be submitted to official review process.

#Matrix already implements cross signing and this makes encryption experience very smooth, but in XMPP using multiple devices in encrypted rooms is really a mess.

XMPP already have a concept of master key per identity defined in OpenPGP for XMPP. We can combine these two.…

in reply to Pirate Praveen

Very IMHO, but I think this is a bad idea. Both for practical and security reasons.

For the practical reasons: The issue people have with device based keys in OMEMO are largely a result of power users with many changing devices/clients, and regular users with primary one or maximum two devices don't have much problems with it. In Matrix the reverse is somewhat true... if you are a power user in Matrix and know how to add new devices and such, you don't see the extreme pain this convoluted key-sharing system causes casual webclient users that only sometimes use Element to check some public channels.

As for security: That the other side of a conversation can tell when you add additional devices and that you have to explicitly trust them is a huge security plus for OMEMO. Sure, that can get a bit inconvenient sometimes, but convenience should never trump security (although all too often it does, case in point: Matrix).

in reply to Kris

@kris Practical consideration: Only if you use public devices like a library you will have a problem. If it is only your personal device, you keep the device logged in, so you have to verify only once. I agree it is a different way from non end to end encrypted systems where you freely login and logout. But getting end to end encryption working by default justifies that inconvenience.

Security: You have a choice to verify the master key of a user or not. (1/2)

in reply to Pirate Praveen

@kris If you want to verify each device (I'm fine with leaving that responsibility to each user) you still have that option by not verifying the master key. If there is no trust for master key, it won't trust any devices. You can even set the policy per contact. It is about trusting people to verify their own devices. (2/2)
in reply to Pirate Praveen

Encrypted groups are generally a mess. That's why MLS was created. Hopefully we won't have to wait another 10 years until we can use it:

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