Conocí el fediverso y la campaña de las compas de #vamonosjuntas
La verdad que no tengo aún del todo claro las dinámicas y las interacciones por aquí pero, ya seguir a las compas hace sentirme acompañada y esperanzada 🧡🧡🧡
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How To Convert Epub Ebooks To Audiobooks Using Audiblez And Kokoro In Linux
Tired of waiting for your favourite eBook to be narrated? Not anymore! You can use Audiblez, a Python program to convert your favorite Epub Ebooks to (OSTechNix)
Tech Cyborg reshared this.
I made my first (minuscule) contribution to the Debian Wiki!
I added the fingerprint reader configuration commands for the Framework Laptop 13 with the AMD processor.
#Debian #DebianWiki #Framework #DebianOn…
Info for "InstallingDebianOn/FrameWork/Laptop13/AMD_7040_Series" - Debian Wiki
How to install Debian/Linux on a generic
Dormir à la rue tue
Chaque année on se demande s’il n’y a pas encore plus de personnes sans abri que l’année précédente.
En 2023, il y en avait 330 000 en France selon la Fondation Abbé Pierre (1), soit l’équivalent du nombre d’habitants de la métropole de Nantes. Un record macabre a été battu cette même année ; 735 personnes sans domiciles fixes sont mortes dans la rue (2).
On ne voit pas souvent des personnes âgées dans la rue... puisqu’elles n’y survivent pas ! La moyenne d’âge des personnes décédées dans la rue est en effet de 49 ans !
Aux droitardés cruels et ignorants qui osent bien trop souvent blâmer ces victimes d’être à l’origine de leurs propres malheurs et qui penseraient que si ces personnes sont mortes, c’est du fait de leurs consommations de drogue, en réalité moins de 1 % seraient liés à la consommation d’alcool ou de stupéfiants. Il s’agit plutôt de la conséquence de la saturation du SAMU social, le 115, ou du manque de place en hébergement d’urgence.
Une fois n’est pas coutume, le gouvernement, et d’ailleurs tous les gouvernements néolibéraux depuis une quarantaine d’années, ne respectent pas leurs propres règles. Il est quand même écrit dans la loi que : « Toute personne sans abri en situation de détresse médicale, psychique ou sociale a accès, à tout moment, à un dispositif d’hébergement d’urgence » (3).
C’est sûr que c’est cher d’assurer une vie digne aux gens, surtout quand il faut baisser les dépenses publiques et enrichir les acteurs privés. Eh oui, même le mal-logement est une occasion de faire de l’argent quand le secteur public ne produit pas les structures suffisantes pour accueillir les personnes sans abri. La mission est donc confiée à des structures privées, comme la Maison des loges à Strasbourg, en partie subventionnée par l’État, et qui prend 5 520 euros par mois pour héberger une famille arménienne de huit personnes dans un trois-pièces de 80 mètres carrés. Mais bon, il ne faut pas être trop exigeant, au moins ils sont « dans les normes » comme ils disent, puisqu’ « il n’y a jamais moins de 9 mètres carrés par personne » (4). Et même lorsque des associations essaient de trouver des solutions par elles-mêmes, en proposant de réhabiliter des bâtiments vacants, les pouvoirs publics refusent et les gens sont mis dehors par la police, transformée en milice privée du capital, parce que ça ne rapporte rien (5). Il ne faut pas exagérer non plus, ces personnes ne sont pas « mises dehors », elles sont gentiment accompagnées vers un gymnase ou un hôtel, pendant une courte durée comme une semaine, puis sont livrées à elles-mêmes, contraintes de faire des campements de fortune (6).
Les personnes qui dorment dans la rue sont malheureusement parfois très jeunes... Toujours à Strasbourg, dans un campement du quartier de Meinau, il y aurait au moins 118 enfants et jeunes adolescents qui vivraient dehors (7). Il ne faut pas prendre en grippe la ville de Strasbourg, parce que ces situations sont présentes dans toutes les métropoles. À Lyon par exemple, un article de Médiapart (5) nous informait en août dernier que plusieurs femmes avec leurs bébés de quelques jours se retrouvaient à la rue après avoir accouché, sans solution d’hébergement. Toujours le même problème, il faut réduire les dépenses publiques et faire de l’argent pour le privé. Le président de la métropole de Lyon, Bruno Bernard, est dans la bonne logique en déclarant qu’« on reprend l’accueil, mais on n’accueillera pas tout le monde comme avant, insiste aussi Bruno Bernard. On hébergera les femmes isolées qui entrent dans les compétences de la métropole ». Forcément, ils demandent de l’aide financière à l’État qui ne leur en donne pas, donc que font-ils ? Ils laissent les mères et les nouveau-nés dormir dans la rue.
Que ferions-nous à leur place ? On ne négocie pas avec les politiciens au pouvoir qui font des promesses en l’air, mais qui ne changent jamais rien à l’enrichissement perpétuel de la grande bourgeoisie française. Nous refusons de discuter budget pour gaver les milliardaires et ôter la vie des gens en les laissant dormir dans la rue et dans le froid. Au total, en 2023, ce sont 14 823 000 personnes qui sont mal logées ou en situation de fragilité par rapport au logement, soit presque un quart de la population française. Dans l’immédiat, il faut développer des hébergements d’urgence le plus vite possible, notamment en récupérant les logements vacants qui existent déjà largement dans les grandes villes. Mais à long terme, nous devons mettre en place des stratégies politiques pour ne plus avoir besoin de ces hébergements, qui ne traitent que de l’urgence. Toute personne devrait avoir accès à un logement décent, entretenu et adapté à ses besoins.
- REML2023_CAHIER4_Les chiffresdumallogement.pdf [Internet]. [cité 18 déc 2024]. Disponible sur :…
- En 2023, 735 personnes sans domicile fixe sont mortes, selon le collectif Les Morts de la rue [Internet]. [cité 18 déc 2024]. Disponible sur :…
- Article L345-2-2 – Code de l’action sociale et des familles – Légifrance [Internet]. [cité 18 déc 2024]. Disponible sur :…
- Strasbourg) TV (Rue89. Mediapart. 2024 [cité 18 déc 2024]. À Strasbourg, le business de l’hébergement des SDF aux frais de l’État. Disponible sur :…
- Lyon) MP (Médiacités. Mediapart. 2024 [cité 18 déc 2024]. Bébés à la rue à Lyon : à qui la faute ? Disponible sur :…
- Strasbourg) CB (Rue89. Mediapart. 2024 [cité 18 déc 2024]. De la rue à la rue, que deviennent les sans-abri évacués ? Disponible sur :…
- Vetter T. Au moins 118 enfants et jeunes ados au camp de Krimmeri [Internet]. Rue89 Strasbourg. 2024 [cité 18 déc 2024]. Disponible sur :…
Dormir à la rue tue - JRCF
Chaque année on se demande s’il n’y a pas encore plus de personnes sans abri que l’année précédente. En 2023, il y en avait 330 000 en France selon la Fondation Abbé Pierre, soit l’équivalent du nombre d’habitants de la métropole de Nantes.Joanna (Jeunes pour la Renaissance Communiste en France)
Bua txabal, goxo jartzen ari da gauza #Etxebarri n udaltzain 'faltsuaren' gaiarekin.…
Geuria (
Iker Lopez eta Loren Oliva Etxebarriko alkateak ikertuko dituzte, ‘udaltzain faltsuaren kasuan’ 👉 #GeuriaTKM, toki komunikabideen Mastodon instantzia
ORCs In The Rear
(ORC = Ordinary Russian Citizen)
Anastasia from Krasnodar found her future husband through the group "acquaintance with the military" on Vkontakte.
When she wrote to the man she liked, he was already at war. After ten days of correspondence, the man confessed his undying love to Anastasia, and she went to meet him in occupied Luhansk.
Now she shows in her blog a car and bouquets of flowers that her warring husband gave her.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline
The All-Female Teams Rebuilding Homes in Ukraine
In April 2022, a little over one month after Russia launched its large-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian forces finally retreated from the northern Chernihiv region, leaving behind thousands of destroyed homes and lives. Realizing that their attempt to capture the area had failed, Russians tried to flatten it to the ground, shelling and bombing civilian homes from Russia’s territory.That’s when the initiative Repair Together was born. Today, it has brought together over 4,000 volunteers who help clear the destruction debris and rebuild homes for those affected in the Chernihiv region.
Volunteers came from across Ukraine and worldwide because an active position in helping others transcends gender, race, nationality or other factors. However, what surprised many women volunteers was that some people still judged them based on outdated stereotypes.
“We were doing repairs, providing targeted aid, grabbing onto any work we could,” says Daria Kosiakova, co-founder of the initiative. “In our community, there was always 50/50 between men and women at the cleanup events, and at some point, there were even more women. But when it came to construction, men — the professional foremen we had to hire since there were no professional builders among us — ended up dominating the space.”
Daria says that’s when the discrimination incidents began: “They didn’t teach the women any tasks besides plastering holes. On top of that, they’d make remarks like, ‘Women at a construction site are like women on a ship — not needed,’ or make jokes about women belonging in the kitchen.”
Women, seen as more delicate, were often shielded from tasks or treated protectively: “You’ll get hurt here,” “This will be too hard for you,” or “You don’t need to do that.”
“In situations like these, a woman either faces aggression, as if she’s unwanted there, or she feels like a child,” Daria explains.
Incidents like these slow down the work because instead of everyone moving forward, time is wasted on debates about who belongs on the construction site and who doesn’t. When, in fact, everyone should and can contribute to Ukraine’s defense and recovery.
The All-Female Teams Rebuilding Homes in Ukraine
In a country at war, women of all ages and professions are learning construction skills and defying stereotypes.Alina Drevnytska (Reasons to be Cheerful)
fraterchaos likes this.
What is happening in Los Angeles is our future
When I send anxious texts to friends in Los Angeles – friends who have been evacuated or who are waiting to leave , friends escaping a fire zone, wondering if their life’s work has been destroyed, worrying about the smoke’s effect on an asthmatic child – I always begin with the same three words:are you OK?But a continent away, watching photos and videos of a city I love being incinerated, overcome by waves of terror, grief and mourning, I have other questions.
For example: when are we going to universally acknowledge that climate change is a current crisis and not (as even Elon Musk admits) a future possibility? When are we going to admit that the fires in California are not just “what happens in California”. We’ve read our Joan Didion and Raymond Chandler, so we know that the Santa Ana winds are a thing. But when are we going to understand that this isn’t just local – or normal?
When are people going to agree that the fires (not just this fire, but a plague of recent conflagrations) have been fueled, in speed and intensity, by our warming environment? When are we going to notice that climate disasters are happening not just in California but in Hawaii, North Carolina, Greece and Sudan? For how long can we continue to think that we are – that anywhere is – immune? How are we not horrified when politicians deploy the misery and loss as ammunition aimed at the other team, blaming someone or something for a global disaster, much of it caused by carbon emissions?
It’s not as if people haven’t been saying this for a while. Thinking about Al Gore makes you realize how unfortunate it is that being concerned about our planet’s future, about our children and grandchildren’s future, suggests that we are all Debbie Downers, wimpy crybaby snowflakes.
Days ago, in the New York Times, a climate scientist explained his decision to leave Los Angeles, two years ago. The city had become frightening, unlivable. Its future was all too clear. The damage to the climate, and its accelerating pace, he noted, has been obvious to the petrochemical industry for decades, but its executives have used their influence to block legislation that might have controlled it.
There’s plenty of information out there about how dire our situation has already gotten. The (largely older) people who watch network evening news will surely have noticed how many broadcasts lead with houses swept away by a flood, with pans along the wreckage left by a tornado. To reporters and producers, the Los Angeles fires must seem like a godsend from hell.
But the media know that the public has a short attention span. During the early days of the fire, Los Angeles was briefly displaced in the news by speculation about the supreme court’s ruling on the TikTok ban. Much of the press coverage focuses on what the city needs to do in order to be prepared for future disasters, with only a passing mention of the fact that they’re part of a larger problem. It’s a little like having a long, impassioned argument about how best to insulate the attic when the roof is caving in.
Maybe the widespread inability to focus on the root cause of the problem is part of the problem. Maybe our brains have been so effectively rewired by screens and scrolling that we’ve lost the ability to connect the dots. We view the fire and floods and mudslides as separate events, when the fact is that they’re connected. And part of the population is so busy trying to keep food on the table that they don’t have the time or energy to think about the planet. The struggle for survival enables those who aren’t struggling to do pretty much what they want.
What is happening in Los Angeles is our future
The news from California is clear, but we don’t want to see it. It’s too confounding, big, complex. But we can sense the dangerFrancine Prose (The Guardian)
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N. E. Felibata 👽 reshared this.
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Jacob Urlich 🌍, Torsten and Tio like this.
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Daniel Supernault, Open Science Community Twente, Jacob Urlich 🌍, Kushal Das 🇵🇸, wakest ⁂, Elena Rossini ⁂, Peter Murray, Tommi 🤯, Paul E Cooley, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, stux⚡, petersuber, Samuel, Hans van Zijst, Sunshine, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Bruce Sigmon, TuxPhones,, Kiwix, mihira🍉, TheNovemberFella ✊🏳️🌈 🇺🇦☸️🛰️🚀, Tenacity Audio Editor, Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷, Bahnya, David Chartier, Dave Winer ☕️, nickapos, Rokosun, Tio, 𝕂𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚔ℙ𝚒𝚡𝚎𝚕, pixelfed, Yohan Yukiya Sese Cuneta 사요한🦣 and Tombe la pluie - Theespookje reshared this.
this reads like somebody with maturity issues wrote it. Also at least export the thing into a pdf first, the squiggly lines and text cursor are still visible
More importantly, Zuckerberg didn’t build Facebook because he believed in anything, at least not anything good - initially the project was to rate college girls on their appearances
This must be read in the same tone Kain used when addressing the elder god at the end of “Defiance”.
“Your words are heartening. For you would not fear us unless we could truly do you harm. False god. This is the end. The final turn of your wheel.”
Make Socials Social Again
Op 16 januari roepen we publieke organisaties op om samen de eerste stap te zetten door alternatieven te gaan gebruiken voor Big Tech sociale media
No surveillance capitalism*
*but it still owns everything that gets posted there in every way, shape, and form to use however Dan sees fit, forever.
Please work on that terms of service
I know it's fun and games right now trolling him, but is Pixelfed really ready for when Zuck throws the lawyers at Pixelfed to snuff it out?
Do we think it *wont* happen?
Torsten likes this.
@paul_e_cooley unfortunately, intentionally or accidentally. Dan is following Elon's 'move fast and break things' mentality.
He's doing great things for fediverse visibility... but being a one man show leads to getting your ego involved or missing things (like Loops' egregious rights over-reach in its TOS).
Dan's done a lot of good... I just hope he can avoid an Icarus-style crash and burn that could undo a lot of that good.
Torsten likes this.
this "open letter" is embarassing... to Pixelfed.
"connecting people"? Facebook was created to predate on women and use their data without their consent!!! it was NEVER about connecting people, it was always about misogyny, ego and money.
Maybe someone should tell the lawyers who drafted the Loops TOS that :)… - phil@bajsicki:~$
Been a while. I’ve mostly been posting on the Fedi, but I feel like this is a rather important topic that requires attention. Recently @dansup has been posting a bunch about, a federated alternative to Instagram/
Just kidding, he deserves every bit of criticism imaginable.
There is nothing you can expect from such an "inventor".
»You've confirmed what we've been saying all along - that big tech is more interested in protecting their walled gardens than fostering genuine innovation.«
All along? Here's what you said, last September:
»Meta approached the fediverse in the proper way
They didn't acquire Mastodon
Instead they worked with fedi projects big and small regarding interop
Meta isn't the enemy«…
Daniel Supernault (
w.r.t the Social Web Foundation, I'm glad we have some formal organization to help steward the protocol See, it's easy to get caught up on Meta's participation while forgetting the impact just a few people made on the social network landscape Meta …Mastodon
this letter was small and unhelpful.
I would love to find a platform without a "front-man" with an inflated sense of self.
Torsten likes this.
That aside the open letter of course is nice.
Zuck has always been a misogynistic arsehole.
Honoured to participate in the community building human tools for humans. Great letter.
Keep building, we're going all the way.
#humans #freedom #fedi # Mastodon #pixelfed #humanTools #HumanCommunity #humanTools
much too generous... Facebook began as a frat boy's hot or not rating game to objectify and demean women.
Zuck has been a schmuck from the get go.
Hello dear happy new year 2025 will be your best💯🥳 year connect with Mrs William Sarah 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
You'll definitely* thank me later .
Bei Facebook anmelden
Melde dich bei Facebook an, um dich mit deinen Freunden, deiner Familie und Personen, die du kennst, zu verbinden und Inhalte zu teilen.Facebook
How unhappy happens when you must down the knees to your enemy ?
Play your game!
Do your best !
The Big Brother watches everything.He do not known do other thing.
Do not be romantic !
Be smart !
"It was about connecting people, not maximizing engagement metrics."
No. It was exactly NOT about connecting people. It never was. It was about making money. Ever since.
Am I really one of the last people left on planet earth remembering Mark Z. having written "I don't know why. They 'trust me'. Dumb fucks." about facebook users? I cannot believe this...…
Please send to your Spanish-speaking friends this Spanish translation made with open source tools…
Internauta de Antes (
Carta abierta a Mark Zuckerberg
But if I saw correctly the alt description is missing the last part of the letter.
Now Instagram is blocking hashtag #democrats ? 🤔
your nice post was adjacent to this other nice, topical item…
Jack Scott (
Attached: 1 image My coworking space seems to be getting into the vibe of 2025.Aus.Social
You weren't born with the creative gene.
Neither was Picasso, or Jobs, or Mozart. They weren't handed a special card at birth that said "permission to create granted."
What happened instead was simpler, and more profound: They kept their switch flipped to "on." 🧵
✨🏳️⚧️Timelordiroh 🇵🇸 reshared this.
✨🏳️⚧️Timelordiroh 🇵🇸 reshared this.
The difference isn't in who got the switch. The difference is in who decided to keep it on when others suggested they turn it off.
"Be practical," they say.
"That's not how it's done," they insist.
"Stay in line," they demand.
✨🏳️⚧️Timelordiroh 🇵🇸 reshared this.
✨🏳️⚧️Timelordiroh 🇵🇸 reshared this.
The myth of the creative genius serves those who benefit from others staying in line. It's a story that keeps the switch turned off.
Your job? Find your switch. Flip it on. Keep it there.
Even when it's hard.
Especially when it's hard.
That's the work.
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Open Science Community Twente and ✨🏳️⚧️Timelordiroh 🇵🇸 reshared this.
I live perilously.
Very true. And some find it easier to turn - or keep - that switch flicked to 'on'.
In my experience, often when a person feel that someone else 'naturally' has that creative stamp and they don't, they are overlooking the advantages of gender, class, educational background, cultural capital, etc. that the someone else enjoys.
"They forgot"?
this is generally very, very true, but #Mozart is not a good example - he's an example of the extremely rare cases in which someone IS born with a capacity well beyond normal people. He started composing at 5. He wrote his first symphony at 8.
He was lucky (?) to be born into a musical family with a father who drove him to make the most of his talent, but if I had turned up in the Mozarts' crib, I would still never have composed Don Giovanni.
Pet peeve about the #RedNote thing (besides the fact it's not really it's name)
For goodness sakes 小红书’s name is not in reference to Mao's little red book. Just because Westerners call that "little red book", doesnt mean the Chinese called it that. It's not a direct translation la. (For one, calling anything 小 “small” diminishes it's importance so why would the Chinese do that wei? In Chinese Mao's book is called 红宝书 (Hong Bao Shu) "The Red Treasure Book" or formally, 《毛主席语录》 (Mao Zhuxi Yulu) Quotations from Chairman Mao.
Chinese people just like to label everything red, ok? It's our most auspicious colour. It's lucky. Our hong paos are red. Our wedding dresses are red. Red is everywhere during Chinese New Year. This had been like this for thousands of years before the CPC. Alrighty?
Nah you guys won't believe me anyway why do I bother typing this 😆
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Head·word /ˈhedˌwɜː(ɹ)d/ n. reshared this.
Thirty years ago, the United States persuaded Ukraine that it does not need nuclear weapons and gave Ukraine “security assurances.” Today, the United States is persuading Ukraine that it needs to give up territories, forget about NATO membership, and lowe
Thirty years ago, the United States persuaded Ukraine that it does not need nuclear weapons and gave Ukraine 'security assurances.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Russian Thievery
On New Year's Eve, 22-year-old Vika shared with her Instagram followers the unboxing of the new iPhone 16. The stolen phone was a gift from her husband, one of the soldiers invading Ukraine.
"As he said, 'Only the best for my wife,'" reported Vika proudly about the gift, which costs hundreds of dollars more in Russia than in the US.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war
They can't buy them.
All they can do is steal them.
They're savages.
« Il était sympa le bar des amis, mais il a été repris par un patron facho, la bière est passée à 10€ et il finance ouvertement des ratonnades.
Mais bon je vais rester, parce que les hommes politiques sont restés et comme l'information c'est mon métier…
Et puis c'est important d'écouter les opinions divergentes, sinon on s'enferme dans une bulle informative et c'est mal. »
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John Livingston reshared this.
Pour moi, non. Notez également que je suis ici, et par sur X.
J'espère que vous avez bien compris qu'il s'agissait d'un post au second degré : reprendre les discours tenus par ceux qui refusent de quitter X et les décaler pour que leur inanité soit plus évidente encore.
J'ai déjà lu ce discours ici même alors ça m'as interpellé.
Le texte est entre guillemets, ça peut aider à comprendre qu’il s’agit d’une citation… 😉
Je lis toujours les fils entiers avant d’y intervenir (ou pas). En l’occurrence, je n’avais pas vu que le pouet initial (découvert il y a quelques minutes) avait fait l’objet d’une mise à jour.
glauber ribeiro 🇵🇸🏳️🌈🎶
in reply to Comics Outta Context • • •No, it's a plane!