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“Versagen der israelischen Armee”: Generalstabs-Chef Halevi tritt zurück… Mehr als 15 Monate nach Beginn des Gaza-Kriegs hat der israelische Generalstabschef Herzi Halevi seinen Rücktritt erklärt. Der Schritt solle am 6. März in Kraft treten. #news #press

Moldova: Is Etapa Națională 2025 canceled? – Eurovision News | Music #Moldova

I just unsubscribed from #TheContrarian (, #JenniferRubin and #NormEisen's new anti-Trump endeavor, after subscribing the day it launched.
I gave it long enough to be certain that it's neoliberal garbage through and through. Just a bunch of status-quoniks who aspire for things to be how they were before Trump. As if that will solve anything. Clueless idiots, the lot of them. Or maybe just clickbait grifters. (Why not both?)
#journalism #neoliberalism

Greece completes transition to National Cadastre with closure of last land registry office #economy #Greece #property #RealEstate

Stell Dir vor, es ist Wahl und keiner geht hin… Derzeit planen 28 Prozent der Stimmberechtigten, am 23. Februar nicht an der Bundestagswahl teilzunehmen. Das hat eine Umfrage des Instituts Forsa ergeben. Anfang Dezember lag der Wert noch bei 22 Prozent. Ein Anstieg von über einem Viertel über die Feiertage. „Das ist untypisch und zeigt, wie verunsichert die Menschen sind, dass sie nicht mehr wissen,

If you don't have $ for a HEPA unit and/or you need something small you can take places as our society continues to be in denial about public health needs, you can build a Corsi-Rosenthal box small enough to take with you to a motel, the dentist office, etc.… #CovidIsNotOver #PublicHealth

‘Chicken For Linda’ Filmmakers Line Up ‘My Stupid Intentions’ #ChiaraMalta #ChickenForLinda! #Malta #MiyuProductions #SebastienLaudenbach #Wildside

Our View: Does anyone have political will to push Cyprus problem forward? #Cyprus

Vietnam, Belarus to waive visa requirements for citizens starting Jan 30 #Belarus #BelarusToWaiveVisaRequirementsForCitizensStartingJan30VnExpressInternational #Vietnam

Feuerinferno: Mindestens 66 Tote bei Hotelbrand in türkischem Skigebiet… Der Brand im Skigebiet Kartalkaya hat die Türkei in einen Schockzustand versetzt. Die Zahl der Toten stieg im Laufe des Tages von zehn auf mehr als 60 an. Mehr als 50 Menschen wurden verletzt. Die Ursache des Feuerinfernos in dem elfgeschossigen Hotel ist weiterhin unklar. #news #press

Donald Trump just pardoned and set free a man serving life, with no chance of parole!

Ross Ulbricht, aka Dread Pirate Roberts, sentenced to life in federal prison for creating, operating ‘Silk Road’ website

More than $200 million in illegal drugs and other illicit goods were bought and sold on the website

Ulbricht was a drug dealer and criminal profiteer who contributed to the deaths of at least six young people.

#AureFreePress #News #press #breaking #breakingnews…

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:coolapk_015: i got a serious question: What if this man starts another drug trafficking website? Can he receive such a verdict again?

Ukraine’s General Staff launches investigation into 156th Brigade #Ukraine

Science doesn't lie, unless it DOES

Research to Ruin: The Worsening Spectre of Academic Fraud

"Universities’ willingness to tolerate sloppy or phony research in order to protect their own reputations is largely to blame for the “replication crisis” currently undermining public confidence in science generally. Very briefly, replication is a cornerstone of the scientific method because it allows the validity of experiments to be independently confirmed, in turn strengthening the underlying hypothesis. But more and more reported results from experiments in the natural, medical and social sciences cannot be replicated by other scientists. The ongoing replication crisis, now well into its second decade, furnishes further indirect evidence that a shocking amount of scientific research is shoddy or outright bogus."…

Expert: If NIS doesn’t solve US sanctions, Bosnia will have trouble with oil #Bosnia #BosniaAndHerzegovina #BosniaHerzegovina #Herzegovina