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Woher kommt der Strom? 4. Analysewoche 2025… #Inland,Klima-Debatte,Wirtschaft,Wissen,

Members of Mexico's National Guard board a plane bound for the northern border after Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum agreed with U.S. President Donald Trump to bolster border enforcement efforts in response to Trump's demand to crack down on immigration and drug smuggling, at the Cancun International Airport, in the metropolitan area of Cancun, Mexico, Feb. 4, 2025.…


in reply to Voice of America

but weren't they already committed to the border, under a deal with Biden? My understanding is that there was nothing new that Sheinbaum offered to trump.
in reply to Voice of America

The top photo of the troops in single file boarding the stairs at the rear of the white plane: the step's lights glowing red/orange at first appear to be on fire and the clouds in the sky look like smoke coming out of the nose of the plane.

The main problem of the #links2 browser is:


  • It doesn't support javascript (5%, 12 votes)
  • It can't play animated gifs (8%, 18 votes)
  • It's not yet ported to 9front (17%, 36 votes)
  • It doesn't have an animal mascot (68%, 141 votes)
207 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

#GureArbasoak bigarren atala dagoeneko ikusgai, Cro-Magnonei buruz. Ea gustatzen zaizuen (ni pozik nago emaitzarekin):

in reply to Galder Gonzalez

oso txinatuta egon naiz audioarekin, konturatu naizen arte literalki pantailan zetorrela XD
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸

@txerren duda izan genuen: guztia audio txarrarekin, "hemen ez da ezer gertatzen" jarrera, edo pantailan mezu handi bat jartzea. Eta agian berdin zioen zer erabaki.

Apple Invites is another foundational component of the #AppleSocialNetwork. It's like they're building Facebook but at 1/8 speed.

This is what it looks like when your hardware stops selling as well and you have to lean on services and ads.

At least Facebook doesn't charge for their events product.

Curious if Luma and Partiful will integrate via CloudKit... 🤔


"Elon Musk has an uncanny ability to sort out which of America’s rules are real. It turns out punishment from the National Labor Relations Board isn’t real, punishment from NASA isn’t real, and punishment from the FAA isn’t real. The Delaware Chancery Court is EXTREMELY real. Based on the past two weeks, the Delaware Chancery Court may be the only real thing in the entire American government."…


in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

A pretty good indicator for which departments are serious is to look at how often they have been the impetus for sending armed goons to destroy someone's front door in the middle of the night. NASA? Maybe once or twice (to recover moon rocks). FAA? Probably never. IRS? Every single day.
We need to sic the tax accountants on him.

MATEMATICA – Lezione 52: Rappresentazioni proiettive e teoria dei gruppi

Il contenuto di questo volume mostra ancora una volta come la matematica, per quanto possa sembrare astratta a prima vista, possa tornare utile ai fisici, un po' come il calcolo tensoriale è servito per la relatività generale.

#bookreleaseday : This sequel to Bitsy Bat, School Star is told from an #autistic perspective and celebrates how our differences make each of us shine brightly on our own and as part of a team. #gifted by #simonkids #kidlit #littlefreelibrary #booksky #autism #bookstodon @bookstodon @kidlit

bookstodon group reshared this.

Police release photos of Aurora restaurant shooting suspect. Ask for help in finding him

“The investigation to date has determined the suspect entered through a side door, pulled a handgun from his coat and fired at the victim”…

#AuroraCO #GUNviolence #NoPaywall

It's been over 20 years since I used a system that required three-letter file extensions, but I still prefer "jpg" over "jpeg". 🤷‍♂️
in reply to Space Catitude 🚀

I'm actually fine with newer filetypes that are longer, though I do feel a twinge of shame every time I use ".kdenlive" or worse, ".kdenlivetitle". Like I'm doing something sinfully indulgent! 😅
in reply to Space Catitude 🚀

Hehe, I litteraly once made a mass rename of all .JPG and .jpeg on my disk to .jpg because it didn't felt clean. 🤣 So, I know the feeling.

57% of the US economy is staying in the Paris Agreement

The U.S. Climate Alliance is a bipartisan coalition of 24 governors securing America’s net-zero future by advancing state-led, high-impact climate action.

Trump signs executive order withdrawing U.S. from the U.N. Human Rights Council

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

'Come and find me': Fed leaker aims profane taunt at Trump and Musk - Raw Story…