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I just Uploaded AMD Radeon wallpaper

check it here

#radeon #amd #wallpaper #red
#darkeye_style #linux #windows #os

I disabled plymouth by removing 'splash' from the grub boot options. Means I get an ugly text prompt to unlock my harddrive, that WORKS. Rather than a semi-groovy graphical box that ALWAYS, ALWAYS, FUUUUUCKS UPPPPPPPPPP.


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I'm sure there's a better way to do a lot of the stuff my Flask app template does, but at least it works with Bootstrap 5 now.
I'd like to add some kind of Keycloak auth backend (possibly OIDC or SAML) but that's a job for later.

Comments and suggestions for improvement welcome.…

#python #flask #flasksqlalchemy

Today's #Review is Better Left Dead by Catherine Lea…

"...a good character ... Up to her elbows in work, battling the mess that became her personal life, harassed, vaguely pissed off, peddling hard. "



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#retrogaming #classicgaming #linux #VANGUARDPRINCESS #steam #steamos #proton

I just Uploaded AMD Radeon wallpaper

check it here

#radeon #amd #wallpaper #red
#darkeye_style #linux #windows #os

SpaceX’s Starship explodes in second failure for Musk’s Mars program | US news #GreatBritain #UnitedKingdom

France has a nuclear umbrella. Could its European allies fit under it? #France

After decades of being involved in tech freedom movements, it's really bizarre to hear people still talking about tech as if it's separate from politics;

Even with the merger of state and tech-corporate power going on ... well ... all around in the world, and even with the acquisition and asset stripping of the news media. These professionals still think it makes sense to talk about tech as if it's just another business. Like installing kitchens or selling linen.


in reply to Strypey

"... companies like Uber typically want to grab and hold as much data as they can. When, in 1975, [Stafford] Beer argued that 'information is a national resource', he was ahead of his time in treating the question of ownership—just who gets to own the means of data production, not to mention the data?—as a political issue that cannot be reduced to its technological dimensions."

#EvegenyMorozov, 2014…

#data #TheNewOil #TechIsPolitical

“Poems Won’t Buy Beer”

Al Purdy is the patron saint of County Fence Bi-Annual and it could be said it was his poetry that inspired County Fence in the first place. Of course Al’s not alone, I also talk about Jules’ longest standing crush: Margaret Atwood. Ms. Atwood, if you’re listening, Jules would love it if you returned his calls.

#MargaretAtwood #AlPurdy #CanadianPoetry #CanLit #Canada #Ontario #Books #Poetry #Writers #Reading #FridayReads #YGK…

Lede: Given recent history and the state of the world now, perhaps the thing that makes older people happiest is not being under 45

Crap jobs, fewer homes, less money, toxic politics. And peak happiness eludes the young: who knew?…

Panama President Mulino says Trump ‘lying’ about reclaiming the canal

Panamanian leader says sale of a Chinese company’s port operation to a US firm does not amount to retaking the waterway.

“Once again, President Trump is lying,” Mulino wrote on X.

“I reject, on behalf of Panama and all Panamanians, this new affront to the truth and to our dignity as a nation,” Mulino added.…

Bitcoin's price plunges up to 5.7% after #Trump signs executive order to establish a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve" without planning any public purchases of the cryptocurrency — AFP