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Hunter Biden goes on trial in Los Angeles over charges of tax evasion

The sordid details of one of the darkest periods of Hunter Biden's life could be dredged up in a trial over tax evasion that kicks off on Thursday.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Badirudi neutrala naizela 🟢 berdearen eta 🔵 urdinaren arteko gatazkan

(Minutu batzuk prokrastinatzeko beste modu bat.)

GoPro har presenterat HERO 13 Black.

Blir det en sådan istället för en HERO 12 Black när jag har betalat klart min nuvarande HERO 12 Black?

Introduktionsvideon om HERO 13 Black:…

in reply to Airikr

Hero 13 ska kosta $400 + skatt i USA. Jag ska till Pennsylvania i maj, så den hamnar nog på önskelistan. Där är skatten 6%.

Wenn Ihr in Medien lest oder hört:

„Jeder #siebte Arbeitsplatz in Deutschland steht direkt oder indirekt mit dem Automobil in Verbindung.“

Diese Zahl war, ist und bleibt #Falsch

In Wirklichkeit ist es nur jeder 35te

Hier eine Herleitung des #BUND:…

in reply to Ian

I'll also be selling ebook and ebook/print bundles at Plus B&N, Apple, Kobo, and other, lesser bookstores by the end of the month.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

A small pre-announcement.

I am currently working on a brand new sub-site I have dubbed "DarkXero's Bytes" which will eventually be replacing the current "Journal" site. It uses something simple called #MKDocs. Here's a preview. Still work in progress as I populate it with some content.. #Blog #Private #Thoughts #FOSS #Developer #Maintainer #Linux

Nexterm Server management

it's #opensource #server #management software for #SSH, #VNC & #RDP 💻
it's currently in development and is open for preview. 👀 ⚠️
it offers two-factor #authentication and session management. 🔐

#devops #security

getrandom() vDSO Coming To More Architectures With Linux 6.12

Linux 6.11 merged getrandom() in the vDSO Support for very fast yet secure user-space random number generation needs. That work was initially focused on x86_64 but beginning with Linux 6.12 and following on this getrandom() vDSO implementation will see expanded CPU architecture support...…

BREAKING: Household spending per person in Canada is falling at a pace only previously seen during recessions. After adjusting for inflation, the measure fell 1.3% in the second quarter from the year before.

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

in reply to unusual_whales

Since the 1960s, spending has declined faster just four times, bottoming out in 1982, 1991, 2009 and 2020. Those years were all marked by deep economic downturns.

Read more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Ars Mechanica - The Complete Collector Adventure

Publisher: PlanarInk EditionsWelcome to Ars Mechanica Collector's Edition, the definitive way of playing all six adventures in the Ars Mechanica Universe. From the busy streets of Astrohagen to the untamed Balmire Wilds, this adventure book will allow you…

Curriculum Vitae: A Guide to Obscure Disciplines (Final Death Ashcan Edition)

Publisher: White WolfLife is power in a dying world. The City withers. We grow stronger. We wield our stolen might in myriad and brutal ways. For the Kindred, all starts and ends in a pool of blood. Disciplines are a seductive gift: often a swift solution…

Ah, looks like we now have details about the autumn #covid19 booster campaign in the UK.

Available on the NHS only for those 65 and over, care home residents, those with specific health conditions, and front line health and social care staff.

Everyone else will have to pay. Looks like it costs about £100.

Which sucks.

It beggars belief that some amazing science gave us the tools to mitigate the threat of covid, and we choose not to use them.


Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Mike Taylor 🦕

@CppGuy "In this fantasy land, all that matters is whether the #NHS gets overwhelmed this coming winter."

Ah yes, of course — It hadn't occurred to me, but now you say it of course that's it.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Adam Jacobs 🇺🇦

@CppGuy @mike "Fantasy land" is an excellent description of their cost effectiveness analysis.

If they didn't want to think about a cost, such as long covid or sick leave from work, then they just pretended that cost was zero.