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Donald Trump has tapped Elon Musk, who wrecked Twitter in the name of cost-cutting, to run a task force aimed at cutting federal overspending.…

Ich glaube dieses Jahr krame ich noch ein paar Caspar David Fliegrich Werke aus dem Archiv.
in reply to Kplx

Ich hatte zu Schulzeiten "Das Eismeer" in meinem Zimmer hängen. Neulich habe ich es in Hamburg im Original gesehen.

Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty in federal tax case, NBC News reports (Jackie Luna/Reuters)……

" #Linus #Torvalds Speaks on the #Hype around #AI / #LLM and what the future of AI looks like on Linux. Will things like ChatGPT and other AI bots help the Linux Kernel get developed? We'll listen to the Creator of #Linux.… ".

Google is making it easier to visualize yourself in different dress styles.

After launching its AI-powered try-on tool for shirts and blouses in Search last year, Google is expanding it to dresses. That means you can use the “try on” button to see how dresses might realistically look on models with different body types, ranging from XXS-XXXL.

Essentially there is a type of music that gives me a feeling as if I am in a vast, dark space, hanging from an unseen ceiling by long, swaying wires…

It will not surprise that Pamela Paul, whose day job is building a case against trans people based on discredited studies about gender-affirming care, is also a fan of the discredited broken windows theory of policing.…

WARNING! This image may trigger PINSecurity. From an analysis of 3.4m PIN code leaked from several data breaches…

After 100 Days of 100°F, Sanders Says 'Climate Emergency Demands a Massive-Scale Mobilization'
"This is a moral imperative," said the senator as historic heat continued in Phoenix, Arizona.…

Families Split Apart: Families Fleeing Anti-Trans Laws File Amicus In Supreme Court Case

The amicus brief of families who have been impacted by anti-trans legislation and forced to split apart was one of many filed on Tuesday in the L.W. v. Skrmetti case challenging TN's trans care ban.

It's not an occupation, it's not an apartheid system, it's the only democracy in the region fighting to defend western values. It's their right to defend themselves.

Shut up and don't be an anti-Semite.

#WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

For the record, the 6 influencers accused of accepting Ru$$ian money to spread propaganda in the USA also regularly trashed Canadian Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and promoted Canadian Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre.

Will there be election interference consequences in Canada as well as the USA?