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Running Springs, #California
Highway 330 is engulfed by flames

Photograph: David Swanson/AFP/Getty Images


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in reply to nadloriot

je n'ai plus de prunes mais je vais faire la recette de tarte avec des pêches et de la poudre d'amandes...

He’s not wrong 😑👇🏼#AusPol

Young people no longer see Labor as the party of protest - Pearls and Irritations…

in reply to Heather Evans

The idea that the Labor party is in any way anti-establishment is utterly laughable, they *are* the establishment. I have never once found a party worth preferencing between the Liberals and Labor. Yes, Labor is more representative of my ideals, but only just. The way I've described it in the past is that the Liberals is a bowl of rat poo cereal while Labor is a bowl of rat poo ice cream. One is very slightly more appealing than the other, but they're mostly the same thing.

in reply to Maria Chiara Pievatolo

pensiero personale su decisioni terra-terra: se ci saranno diversi ministri nei guai con la giustizia ordinaria, sarà sempre più probabile l'aumento del bellicismo governativo. Un governo che deve gestire uno stato di guerra esplicito non viene mai messo in discussione. Cfr. Mussolini.

🚀 #StirlingPDF: A powerful locally-hosted web-based #PDF manipulation tool

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I draw a different conclusion from Felix's analysis. Namely, that the current data mining exceptions are the culprit of the power imbalance in AI training that currently favors YOLO #AI companies over public interests. We should rather have stronger exceptions, that allows incorporating copyright protected works into #opendata datasets.

But it remains a very interesting read in support of the "compromise" position currently adopted in #OSAID drafts.


in reply to Emmanuel Florac

Puisque le peuple vote contre le Gouvernement, il faut dissoudre le peuple.
Bertolt Brecht

Melenchon et autres gauchistes n'aiment pas les francais, ils votent mal puisqu'ils votent pas pour eux. Alors ils les grands remplacent et les insultent de racistes pour ne pas accepter cette dissolution en silence.

in reply to Emmanuel Florac

c'est rigolo, il n'y en a presque que pour Mélenchon.
Certes il a des défauts mais enfin, réfléchissez : qui sont nos ? Toutes ces gueguerres entre personnes presque d'accord ( je parle des gens qui se disent de gauche ) font le jeu des capitalistes et des profiteurs et profiteuses ( les milliardaires par exemple ) !
Nous avons un Macron et sa clique qui vont détruire tout ce que nos anciennes et anciens ont obtenu par la lutte.
Les prochaines semaines, mois et années vont être très difficiles pour nous surtout si nous nous battons entre nous.
alors stop ! arrêtons ces polémiques stupides !

“Jury defies judge and refuses to convict #Palestine #Action activists:
Defendants represented themselves to communicate directly with jurors about their legal right to acquit”

by Skwawkbox

“A jury at #Bradford Crown Court has defied a judge’s attempts to rule out any legal argument about the imperative of disrupting Israel’s genocide in Gaza”…

#Jury #Right #Acquit #Gaza #Genocide #JuryEquity #FreeSpeech #Suppression #Labour #Starmer #Authoritarian #Fascism

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Yesterday the Nextcloud community launched the biggest and best release of Nextcloud so far. Nextcloud Hub 9. Check out all the improvements.… What do you think?

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